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~Ketsu: Scattering my comments over this article, because I'm lazy-ish. Will also make minor edits for readability/ my crap's in italics~

Forum Topic: (t=17)

ConPlanet: Tegos


Arkyonite 12:05, 3 August 2007 (EDT) Arkyonite 12:43, 19 August 2007 (EDT)

Tegos is the Homeworld to the Arkyonitan civilisation. The Arkyonitan civilisation comprises of enclaves of Exgetilians, with majority of the common people are of the Aesladic race. The Arkyonitans are, as they call it, "Fornory tes co Arkyonite", the people of the Arkyonite. They are a dominantly devout society that follow the organised religion of the Arkance, or the Way (of the Arkyonite).

Other than being a devout society, the Arkyonitans are renowned for being magnanimous and caring as a whole society in general. They are also known to be one of the brightest minds of the universe and thus, one of the most technologically advanced societies. This is uncommon for most devout races as usually, either the technological or the religious growth would be very much hindered due to the conflicting ideologies and values.

This problem of conflicting values has so far always been solved by the reason: "The Arkyonite (their god) gave us the power to change and the power to make our own choices! Why should we be constricted because a few of us think that it is wrong? If the Arkyonite granted us the power to be able to do so, we wouldn't be playing as the gods themselves! Even though we may have the power to sin, he also gave us the power to follow the Arkane Commandments. If we were to be denied of this growth and improvement, the Arkyonite should have stated it as one of the deadly sins."


Hierarchical Castes of the Arkyonitan

The Arkyonitans follow a rather rigid hierarchical caste system, mostly religious. However, everyone is allowed to mix with members of the other castes, regardless of superiority. There is one thing that is stringent though, is that if a member of a lower caste offends a member of higher caste, the latter has every right to punish the lower caste. Not obsessively though, because after all, everyone is a creation of the Arkyonite (their god). The mixing of social castes has only one exception, and that is with the exiles. However, this social hierarchy system is heavily dependent on the kind of position you hold and of what importance you have in the whole society, whcih ultimately reflects on how intelligent you are. Generally, higher caste Arkyonitans are much more intelligent than the lower castes.

  • Members of castes can mix freely with one another.
    • Exception: The Exile
  • A member of higher caste can punish a member of lower caste if the latter offends the former.
    • However, not obsessively, as everyone are creations of the Arkyonite.
  • Members of a higher caste are generally more intelligent than those of lower caste.
  • Caste heavily depends on:
    1. The position one holds
    2. Importance in the society
    3. And therefore to a lesser extent, intelligence.

~Ketsu: This is so that the reader can read the larger bullets and only read the smaller bullets if they want further information~

Inter-caste marriages are also seen within the society itself. Usually, when this happens, the person of the higher caste would drop down a caste (or a few, in some cases) to match their partners' caste. There would of course be exceptions too though. If the member lower caste proves his worth to be in a higher caste, showing that he is intelligent enough for example, that person might be able to ascend to the higher caste to match his partners' caste.

The reason why if a person would usually descend in caste when he marries one of a lower caste all boils down to the gene pool. Essentially, members of the higher caste have a more perfect gene pool than those of the lower castes. Hence, to prevent the risk of gene contamination of not-so-perfect genes in the higher castes' gene pool, the person has to descend to his partner's caste, because his offspring has a chance of having not so-perfect-genes, which belong to that caste. Thus, in order for the member of the higher caste to remain in his caste when he marries one of a lower caste, the lower caste member has to prove his worth, to show that he is suited to be in this caste. That is probably the only way that one has a chance of breaking the cycle of low caste relatives, to ascend to another higher caste.

  • Marriage to a member of lower caste demotes you to that caste
    • Exception: If he/she is able to prove his worth for the higher caste (example, via intelligence), there is a possibility of ascension.
    • Reasons for this:
      • Members of higher caste have a more perfect gene pool that those of lower castes.
      • Prevent risk of gene contamination due to aforementioned not-so-perfect genes.

The Keyakh

This is essentially the prophetic and priest caste of the whole society. They are the most highly regarded of all castes as they hold the greatest religious value and are seen to be blessed by Arkyonite of all castes. Faith is key

The Sayokh Acadamies

Here are found the professors/teaching Arkyonitans. They are highly regarded as they pass on their knowledge, as well as help with research and various stuff. Intelligence is key

The Mezakh Balance

The hand of Justice forms another Hierarchial caste. Their Ability to Judge is key

The Arkhantine Legion

This is the soldier/warrior caste. Imbued with the power to change the tide of battles and political pressuring. To guard and protect the civilisation from unclean filth to the soul. Arkhantine is the Warrior Manifestation of Arkyonite.

An Arkyonitan from the Arkhantine Caste belongs to one of the Chapters of the Legion, where each has its own system of Hierarchy. Valiance is their key.

Warrior Templars

Crusaders, at the very least. Conquering lands (and seas) in the name of Arkyonite, "FOR THE ARKANCE!" as they cry out.

~Ketsu: Too many layers make reading difficult. Try to keep to a maximum of level 3 (four '='s) ~

  • Templar Knights: Elite and veteran warrior templars, who have proven worthy for the Templar Knighthood.


Guards and keepers of the law and civilization. They also act like the policemen of the race.

  • Arkhantine Honour Guard: Guards and keepers of the Temples of Arkyonite

Death Angels

A Specialized Chapter of the Arkhantine Legion. They deal death to those unworthy of the Arkance, enemies of the Arkance, and the like. The Death Angels had played a significant role in the Arkhantine crusade IV, after the Warrior Templars had failed the crusade which had turned on the crusaders themselves. They were the ones who dealt the hammerhand of Arkyonite on Sladaakh's Minions. They are the only chapter of the Arkhantine Legion that are exclusive only to the Exgetilians, for they forever bear the grudge against the Aesladae, the ones who had fallen from the Arkance and followed Sladaakh.

  • The Order of Hammerhand: Blessed by the hammerhand of Arkyonite, they are essentially the daemon hunters of the Legion
  • The Order of Culticure: They hunt down cultists and those who oppose the Arkance in every aspect of it.

~Ketsu: If you really need to expand on a section but have reaches level limits, this either means that you have to 1) reorganize the text, 2) break the rule, or 3) create a new article. You can create new articles are subpages of this article for convinence, if you want.~

Space Monkeys

A Chapter of the Arkhantine Legion who specialise in crafts and machines. They are by far the most technologically advanced chapter of the Legion. Basically, they are the heavy support of the Legion.

Being called space monkeys seem to be rather of a paradox. Monkeys are mammals, Exgetilians and Aesladae are birds. Their imfamous tactic is to fly above the ranks of ground troops and drop "coconut bombs" to the enemies' demise. The space monkeys are the most notable legends in creature flight. They possess immense agility in flight, and seem to be able to dodge even the nigh impossible speed of bullets.

  • Alpha Monkeys: Legions of machines are rampant in squads.
  • Omega Monkeys: These are the finishers of any conflict. If they must, they will use apocalypse class weapons just to deal the "ultimatum"

The Hesaakhram Architecture

Workers, Engineers and Architects of the Race. Resourcefulness is key

The Exiles and The Outcastes

These come from those who have:

  • disobeyed direct orders from the High Council of the Enclave itself;
  • broken one of the few fatal taboos/sins
  • been considered as 'unclean' or 'beyond remedy'
  • dabbled with the occult
  • chosen the path of self exile
  • done any combination of the above
  • been banished from the main society

~Ketsu: Capitalization is unnecessary =P try underlining if you want to make generalizations, or bolding for an important point, italics for additional information, and strikethrough for outdated but still relevant information.~

Being exiles of the race is key, who believe that they are a lost cause, or wrongly placed in this caste. Though most who are in this unfortunate caste strive to prove their worth in society and to be placed in one of the castes again. Contradictory actions carried out on them include experimentation, where any new technology may be tested on these outcastes before actually being used on the main population, like genetic experimentation; be sent as death vanguards, 1st to die, but those who survive may be inducted into the Arkhantine Legion.

Government of the Enclave

The High Council of the Enclave

This is the highest of any of the social hierarchies of the Arkyonitans.

The High Council of Enclaves consist of 3 popes from each of the 3 main branches of organization: Technology, Arkance and Law. They are: The Professor, The Prophet and the Prosecutor. The prophet is ranked the highest of the 3 because it is, after all, a devout society where it is only natural that the pope of the religion should be the head of the civilization.

The 3 popes are traditionally of only Exgetilian races. There are however, exceptions found within the archives of historical sources, where at least 1 Aeslada have actually risen to the power of a pope.

Races of Arkyonitan

It is not known whether the Exgetilians or the even the Aesladae are distant cousins of dragons the same way Draconians - ones of dragon born - are to them, the dragons. For according to human sources, birds have been derived from reptiles. Since dragons are classified under reptiles, and Exgetilians and Aesladae are classified as birds, it is assumed that Exgetilians and Aesladae are long lost cousins of the dragons.

Even their personalities match dragons in a such striking way. They are also rapacious, arrogant and deadly, but are also majestic, awesome and manificent

The Exgetilians

They are essentially the brains of the race.

The Exgetilians play a mostly prophetic role in the Arkance. As a result, most of the Exgetilians are of the upper class of the social hierarchy.

The Exgetilians are a race of genetic purity. Because of that, Exgetilians, on an average, outlive at least 3 generations of the Aesladic population. The air of arrogance they carry around with them is thus, understandable. To see one live, bear children, die, and further see their children bear their own children and die, one would naturally feel a sense of superiority over the other race.

The Aesladae

The brawn of the race

The Aeslada play a mostly militant role in the Arkance. Their goal is to protect, preserve and uphold the Arkance's ideals, as well as the high council of the Enclave

The History of the Arkyonitans

The history of the Arkyonitans is marked by Ages that signify each stage of development of the civilization as a whole. However, the Arkyonitans have not always been united under one Conclave as it is now. It was only in the Age of Mystic that the Arkyonitan races had split, each following their own beliefs, one on the path of Sladaakh, the other on the path of Arkyonite. As the name of the civilization suggested, the path of the Arkyonite is the true path. Sladaakh is a Greater Daemon from the Outlands that was out to gain ultimate dominance over the Arkyonitan civilization. As a result of this split in the Age of Mystic, the belief in each deity triggered an evolutionary change in the core genus of the Arkyonitan race. Thus formed the Exgetilians, under the hand of Arkyonite, and the Aesladae, under the horns of Sladaakh.

The Prehistoric Age

The Age of Mystic

Achromatic Ascension

This is the time of great trials for the metallic Arkyonitans to rise up against their chromatic overlords. Chomatic Arkyonitans are what we know today as the Aesladae. Metallic Arkyonitans, on the other hand, are what we know today as the Exgetilians. It was once believed that metallic Arkyonitans were not the true and pure breed of Arkyonitans and thought to be evil.

In actual fact, it was the chromatic Arkyonitans who were scared of the metallic arkyonitans for they saw power greater than theirs in the metallic breed. Hence the oppression of the metallic breed.

Eventually, it was the sheer valiance and guile of the metallic breed that prevailed, though they were outnumbered nearly 500 to 1. In this seemingly impossible odds, it can thus be seen the greatness of power in metallic kind. Perhaps it was only partly because the metallic kind were stronger. There were many fatal flaws in the chromatic order that lead to the eventual defeat of the chromatic kind.

The metallic kind did not really fight the chromatics on huge, open-scaled battlefields, but rather act more as carefully disguised assassins blended with the general population, seeking loopholes in the chromatic order to kill key figures of the chromatic order. The defeat of the chromatics thus ensued.

The Dark Age I

This is where the once dominant Aesladae attempted to regain their fallen pride. This age is marked by countless battles of conquest by the Aesladae on the Exgetilian lands.

The Dark Age II

After the Aesladae finally cooled from the seemingly endless battles fought on Tegorian lands, it was now time for Exgetilians to exact their revenge in kind.

The Age of Reason

This was a time where peace seemed to thrive. Everybody seemed to be on peaceful terms with each other, with only minor conflicts occured. It was an age where order finally seemed to last. This was also where the roots of the Arkance seemed to be from. With the emergence of good also comes the emergence of evil. The emergence of Arkyonite also emerged the Daemons of Sladaakh.

It was the time where rational reasoning ruled the lands. Where each tried to prove that each religion was true by peaceful means too.

The Age of Doubt

The roots of the Arkyonitans was a rather grim battle between good an evil - an armageddon - to be exact.

It was the last battle signaling the end of the Age of Doubt, ushering in the Age of Truth, before Arkyonitans could colonise other planets, pretty much like how we are now, seeing colonising Mars as plausible, but yet still impossible for us.

The Arkhantine Crusade IV - The end of the Age of Doubt

~Ketsu: This is a case where large chunks of paragraphs are good, because points don't tell stories well. Points are more for information and facts.~

The fourth Arkhantine Crusade began during the 2nd millenia of the Age of Doubt, as recorded in the archives. The fourth Arkhantine Crusade had been the bloodiest one ever recorded in the long history of the Arkhantine, the militant wings of the Arkanis Servitt�© (Servants of the Arkance). Templars, you may call them. The fourth Arkhantine Crusade was so called the final phase the "Maximus Exsequor", a great execution, avenging and punishment of the followers of Sladaakh, (later appearing as one of the OWGs that appear in the main arc of the story) as the final phase of purification to be done, to rid the world of the Daemon, Sladaakh.

Originally, there were 2 distinct factions dominating the lands of Tegos - the Exgetilians and the Aesladae. Both of which were at extreme ends of their beliefs. For countless millenia, the 2 factions saw no end to their disagreements. For one, the Exgetilians believed, rather, knew that Arkyonite is a true god, from the celestial planes, and that Sladaakh was in fact a daemon from the Outlands, out to corrupt the entirety of the Tegorian world. On the other hand, the Aesladae believed that Sladaakh was the true god and Arkyonite was the false one. As a result, distinct differences grew into the two factions, evolving the original genus race of the Arkyonitans into 2 nearly separate races, though they still share the same base characteristics. As a result, Exgetilians generally outlive 3 generations of Aesladae. Subsequently, this gave Exgetilians an air of arrogance in the presence of Aesladae. To be able to see 3 generations pass, with each one being born and die with the passing of time, Exgetilians sure have reason to feel superior about.

The fourth Arkhantine Crusade was the most unique crusade ever recorded in the history. It is the key milestone in the entire history of the Arkyonitans. Sladaakh's minions and spawns were, at one point of the crusade, somehow summoned by the Aesladic clerics, and it turned the tide of battle, becoming not the fourth Arkhantine Crusade, but the Damnation Crusade of Sladaakh. At that point, the Aesladae knew they had fallen into the hands of Sladaakh, but it was too late. Corruption of the Aesladic population had set in so deeply that only few strong-willed could keep their sanity. Those who could all defected and went into exile. Sladaakh's legions pushed the Exgetilian forces past the final Arkhantine defense perimeter. It was then when the summoning of Sladaakh itself was initiated. Sladaakh's summoning required a thousand Aesladic sacrifices, which tragically came to be. A thousand sacrifices were thus made in preparation for the final phase of the summoning. It was thought that all hope was lost. Even if the Arkanis Servitt�© decided to call the Arkyonite into the world, a single mistake could result in an unstable rift within the space-time continuum. Celestial energies from the celestial plane would spill out and engulf the planet itself, destroying it, and even the entirety of the system itself.

Finally, when the Arkanis Servitt�© found out about the materialization of Sladaakh, they decided to take the chance. It was better that Sladaakh would be slain in the calling of the Arkyonite. At that time, the thought of the act of calling of a god down was unthinkable. (Just like how we would think if we were to summon gods. If you compare summoning demons, it seems more... plausible than the summoning of gods) By Arkyonite's grace, everything went smoothly without a hitch. The Hammerhand of Arkyonite came down upon Legions of Sladaakh's forces, and eventually stopping the final phase of Sladaakh's summoning. Alas, the war had been won. Sladaakh was believed to have been caught somewhere in the void in transit from the Outlands to the Material Plane, our world, and assumed to be destroyed. It was beyond the knowing of even the highest of the Arkanis Servitt�©.

Apart from the many tragedies that result from the Armegeddon, the conflict gave rise to a new order, united under one Conclave. The severing of Sladaakh's hold on the world and the damnation to the void marked the end of the Age of Doubt, and ushered in the new age, the Age of Truth. It was then that the Arkyonite's power was apparent, and witnessed for all to see. Even the Aesladae were moved by it. Eventually, the remnants of Sladaakh's followers were purged from the world.

Thus began the Age of Truth, a time of truth and reconciliation for Aesladae and the Arkanis Servitt�©, followers of the Arkance, the Exgetilians, as well as the eventual integration of Aesladae into the Exgetilian society as a whole, called the Arkyonitan, people of the Arkyonite.

The Age of Truth

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