From Conworld
//Just a little comment. Why must it be that there is primal energies included here such that it is a little difficult for us to develop? Remember, ultimately there is supposed to be human contact and wars would be imbalanced. If you want these magic oriented stuff, keep it scientific and limited. Don't make it so dominating. maybe keep the powers a little more limited. coz i can't fathom the idea of time and space magic that is included in battles like that. please. thnx. Arkyonite 10:20, 30 March 2008 (EST) // Added ConPlanet: Eternia to category ConPlanets. Edit by Arkyonite 07:10, 25 March 2008 (EST)
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Humanoid races of Eternia
The Menars
The main and most common species that have a humanoid form and thinking. About 70% to 75% of the humanoid population on Eternia is made up of Menars.They speak Neroleain, a language derived from the sounds made by energies of the planet Eternia itself. Using a Energy-Gathering system called "The garden of Eden" in the core of their huge metropolian city, an endless amount of power is being channeled into their daily lives. At the expense of draining the very life of their planet. Overexposure to the Primal Energies of the planet can cause them to be heavily reliant on the power, forming a sort of addiction. A prolonged lack of the energies cause them to degenerate into a more primitive lifeform.
The Raid
A small tribe of Meanars that further evolved, speak a "voice on the wind" similar to telaphay. They are a very calm and quiet nature, but can rise up to fight when threatened. Their reliance on the Primal Energies of the planet is diminished due to the one crystal shard that grow on their bodies, forming a sort of "rechargeable-and-portable-energy-source". With the one small crystal shard growing on their body,varying per Raid,(and also the reason for their exile), they have access to their powers through the use of these shards and their link to the Primal Energies,commonly through manifestation of the elements, or in rare cases of the elements on the self.Although the best users of the Primal Energies,when a Raid's shard is shattered, their form basically reverts to that of a Menar.
The Venolians
A cat-like variation of the Menars, they make up about 20% of the humanoid population. Communicating through use of body gestures and a myraid of snarls, hisses and growls, they surprisingly share information very well. Venolians form clans among themselves, similar to a wolf pack. Highly instinctive and full of wanderlust, they have a nomadic from of life and live on hunting wild species for food. A lack of a connection to the Primal Energies of Eternia prevent them from working any form of the energy.
The Primal Energies
The Primal Energies of Eternia are split into six basic elements, namely Fire,Water,Wind,Earth,Celestial and Cosmic. Constantly created through an unknown means at the core of the planet, these energies are scattered and spread over the planet in natural currents of power.The energies, when first created, its pure and dangerously consuming.They can be used in conjunction with another,alone or with different combinations,depending on the skills of the chanter. Living and non-living beings may store these energies in personal reservoirs of power, easily manipulated and transferred. Some beings may have bigger reservoirs than others, race nor lineage do not affect the chances.
Seen as the energies of life, fire-users tend to be very active,passionate,optimistic and bubbly, but at times impulsive and tempermental.They also tend to have more willpower than other users of the magic arts. Common skills in the art of fire include but are not limited to: Light,Combustion and Explosion,Heat gain/loss.
Seen as the energies of form and shape, water users tend to be fluent,intutive and adaptive, at the expense of being repetitive and relentless.Common skills in the art of water include but are not limited to: Shapeshifting,Cellular Regeneration,Transformation.
Seen as the energies of reconnaissance, wind users tend to be nimble,light-hearted and care-free.However being aloof and daydreaming often tend to cut them off from others.Winds users tend to be swift and agile, either mentally, physically, or both.Common skills in the art of wind include but are not limited to:Conjuration,Windwhispering,Blinking
Seen as the energies of preservation, earth users tend to be protective and serene,ancient,even naive.while being stubborn and resistant.Common skills in the art of earth include but are not limited to:Healing,Translation,Protection
Seen as the energies of solar and lunar happenings, celestial users tend to be prophetical and all-knowing, which may sometimes annoy others.Common skills include but are not limited to:Day/Night alteration,Gravity,Beguiling.
Seen as the energies of the universe, cosmic force users tend to be vast and deep.Very little is know about this element, although time and space is commonly altered by cosmic users.
Languages of Eternia
There are three languages used by the humanoid lifeforms of Eternia, Nerolain of the Menars, "Voice of the wind" of the Raid and the animalish-actions of the Venolians. Each of them hold similarities and differences, due to the passage of time and the culture. However due to all of them descending from an ancient,universal language, they hold strangely similar quirks.