Policy:Standard documentation format

From Conworld

Revision as of 14:33, 18 July 2007 by Arkyonite (Talk | contribs)


Log 180707_W1

//To standardize the documents and ideas that would flow through this wiki. [Ketsu]


logs are required -180707 [Arkyonite]

Section under "Notes Header" added -180707 [Arkyonite]

"Departments" added -180707 [Arkyonite]Arkyonite 10:33, 18 July 2007 (EDT)





Titles should be in lowercase, unless it is a proper name. Titles should not contain the ':' or '/' characters, unless the meaning of these characters is known and the user wants do make use of the respective namespace or subpage features of MediaWiki.

Notes Header

Every document must contain a notes header, where each user adds on a comment when the page is created or edited (optional when previous edits were made by the same author). Each comment starts with //, and ends with the user's callsign in square brackets.

The ending of the notes header is marked by a single ~.

Just before the notes header comes the status header. This shows the current status of the document, and can be changed by anyone editing the document.

List of possible statuses:


Right after the status header comes the Log. The log is stated like so: Log [DATE]_[DEPARTMENT]

(refer to ==departments==)

Then any edits/additions to the articles under the "edit:" section. Every edit should be stated clearly, followed by the date of edition. eg "something under "title" was edited/added -[DATE] [Credit]"

Discussion Page

Every user shall make use of the discussion page for discussion, and the article may only be edited when an agreement has been come to. This is to prevent "edit-wars" that may ensue.

Each user will start a new topic on the discussion page at the very bottom of it, leaving some space from the previous topic. The topic will start with the following MediaWiki markup:

== Topic Title ==

where the title comes in between a pair of ==s.

Every user must sign his or her comment with ~~~~, also known as FourTildes. The MediaWiki software will automatically repace the FourTildes with your callsign and the current date and time.

Topics with no reply after 30 days will be either automatically archived by KetsuBot, or manually archived by Ketsu.


Any Log should include a department. Here is the list of departments:

W1 = Administrative

W2 = Developers of Plot

W3 = Design

W4 = Logistics

W5 = Programming

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