Forum:Factions within the alien races discussion

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Original topic: (t=27)

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Click on the reference links to read up the background of that statement.
Out-of-story content is in italics.


Structure of the universe

Three factions exist in the universe, two of which are hostile to each other and the remaining one tries to be neutral. Faction members generally only agree to be friendly during war, unless other agreements are made individually by bilateral relations or otherwise. [1]

Humans are generally ignorant of other races until Stage Four: Armageddon. [1]

Basically I want a universe that we can basically make into a sandbox with some guidelines. [3]

Races can be either based on ancient lore (like lord of the rings), or be futuristic (like star wars/star trek era). This allows for Magic vs Technology. [4]

Hostile Faction: Serene

Hostile Faction: Chaos

Neutral Faction

Members neutral faction does not have to be peace loving, as all societies will have outcasts and rogues. [1]


A prophesy causes all factions to fight for a singular object,[1] this prophesy evolved individually on all involved planets,[2] but is not exactly the same on all said planets. [7]

The number of aforementioned prophetic races are up to whoever wants to create a spiritual race. [3]

Basic Generalized Version

The prophesy would say that on Earth, the true race who can find the special place or item will be able to ascend to the next stage of evolution, The Master Race. [3]

This special place or item shall be temporarily named Relic henceforth.


The Crusade

A crusade will occur due to this prophesy.

[QUOTE]The problem is that no one wants to let anyone become the Master Race cos they're all greedy bastards or have no faith that the Master Race will not wipe other races out. To actually find this special item or place, they need researchers, archaeologists, surveyors and other scientists to scour through the planet to find it. That would take days or weeks or even months. That's why most races want to grab the planet to see whether they hit jackpot and through discovering where it is and also as insurance that no one will get it.[/QUOTE] [3] Might want to wikify this quote


Pre-Exodus Period

Humanity developed into the late stages of the Fusion Age, progress level 7. Fusion engines are possible, by using magnetism (or similar) to contain the fusion reactions within the reactor, making a much more efficient power source. Solar energy systems also developed to a much advanced stage. Mars is colonized. The whole solar system is accessible to some, strictly in the industry business where mining of ores and minerals are involved. [8] However, we are not yet able to travel to a distant star within the lifespan of a human, and thus are generally ignorant of other races. [1]


So after successful trials for unmanned probe with that drive and finally reached alpha centauri, they begin building the exodus ship, the 1st colony ship ever built, with ready buildings and everything needed for a colony to be established. However, the cataclysm occurred, due to some STUPID HUMAN DOING which had something to do with the sun, and then humans rushed the production of the exodus with success, and they escaped successfully but resultant chaos and conflict for humans on earth from being "left behind to die and rot" caused them to hate the exodus humans, later used as an excuse for the "left to rot" humans to kill the exodus humans on their return to earth in the later segment. [8]

Post-Apocalyptic Period

Thus the 'portal' was opened, which paved the way to otherwordly beings like gods and stuff and the destruction of earth's surface left the people distraught, technological regression ensues, and mutation begins. Like the setting of fallout the game, where it is set in the post apocalyptic period, where 3 factions are present: Refer to #Earth Humans [8]

How ancient is ancient?

The technology on Earth is defined as "not so advanced". Examples of weapons or gadgets incude:

  • Guns (non-automatic)
  • Explosives
  • Early Helicopters (Goblin/Gnome-made)
  • Flash powder (used in flash bangs)

Try to imagine a time where it was an era where warcraft III took place. [6]

Dealing with enemy high-tech races

On Earth, High tech races can't use "weapons of mass destruction" because that would risk destroying precious information on the whereabouts of the location of the Relic. Magic wielders are also able to change Earth's atmosphere on a small scales so technologies such as energy-based plasma guns and lasers don't work correctly. However, this doesn't mean that these high-tech weapons are totally ineffective - some races resort to old fashioned ballistics while others continue to rely on their malfunctioning equipment. [5] [6]


Earth Humans

Humans left by the Exodus Humans to rot and die on the Earth. Earth Humans mutate over a period of few millenia due to their being blasted with gamma rays and evolved with magic. [8] [9] [13]

Think Orcs, Dwarves, Elves. [9]

These humans eventually become Ascended Humans.

Vault Humans / Technologists

People who built a vault to contain all the necessary technology, and they lived in there, safe from the cataclysm, and thus untouched by the mutation sequences. finally emerging as the most techno advanced NORMAL humans, but people generally became so afraid of technology that these tech advanced humans are killed off soon after, but some are still alive, so they are very rare, ultimately the world's technologies become "lost", locked in the vaults [8]


Actually scientists who make technology a religion and worship the "machine god". These people break into the lost vaults and steal those technology for their own use. However, they are also hard to find since they are the minority and also hiding from the technology fearing population. [8]

General Population

These are the people who had experienced mutation, so they possess magic. They can be those who have evolved into the various "races" we all know in ancient lore: elves who adore the woods, dwarves who live in impregnable fortresses under the mountains, orcs who have increased aggression and the bad side of humans intensify, etc. [8]

Unfinialized details:

  1. These humans stop evolving naturally as they are "perfect". Thus over a few generations, the fertility rate of these humans drop drastically, due to the lack of a need to evolve in the DNA through mating. [11] [Point requires discussion]

Ascended Humans

Earth humans find the Relic, thanks to an 'epic' battle against the Otherworldy Gods. After this Relic is found, all the humans on Earth make the final ascension of evolution, becoming the Perfect Race. [9]

These humans are able to roam the universe in their spiritual form. [9] However, still require their physical bodies in order to survive. [10]

Currently, no final decision has been made on the details of the Ascended. [Note by Ketsu: As far as I can see from the discussion.]

  1. Possibly, have it like 'The Golden Compass', where the souls are outside their bodies. One entity is unable to live without the other, unless the link between the two is completely severed, then the being begins to degrade and die. However, note that the golden compass also has beings who are semi-severed, such as the witches, whose daemons are able to travel long distances alway from their bodies. [10]
  1. The above 'Golden Compass' principal agrees somewhat with Gnaiza's 'split personality' thing with he exception of Gnaiza's 'Two Souls' thing. While the two 'Golden Compass' entities are able to think and act separately, they are essentially one being. [11]
  1. [QUOTE]We could have that the reason why they can become the perfect race is because they left their 'weaker' personalities and quirks and their physical bodies behind. They would also need to keep their physical bodies alive I guess though they would have thought of a way to keep their second 'soul' and body alive and well without it killing itself.[/QUOTE] [12]

Exodus Humans

The Exodus Humans are those humans who left Earth during the Exodus Segment.

The Exodus Humans did make contact with Earth Humans but because of their past actions. They weren't in the best of terms and even then only the Vault Humans actually ever made contact with the Exodus Humans. [9]

However, the Ascended Humans eventually forgive the Exodus Humans for their actions, the former being benevolent and all. [9]


Lost Hiirgardee technology.

Note: I'm not sure how this would go... but either the portal mutates them humans, or they don't, but instead draw power from the portal which channels energy through the moon, the sun, or something else like the other worldly beings being the "gods". [8]


  1. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Post by Shadowbreak: p=60 (Initial Post)
  2. ^ Post by Arkyonite: p=69 (Questions relating to Armageddon)
  3. ^ ^ ^ ^ Post by Shadowbreak: p=72 (RE: Questions relating to Armageddon)
  4. ^ Post by Arkyonite: p=100 (RE: "Sandbox" statement)
  5. ^ Post by Shadowbreak: p=114 (Reasons why Magic vs Technology is possible)
  6. ^ ^ Post by Arkyonite: p=133 (Earth: History and Present Day, Magic, Dragons)
  7. ^ Post by Ketsu: p=137 (Point of View)
  8. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Post by Arkyonite: p=139 (Summary of early segments)
  9. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Post by Shadowbreak: p=141 (RE: Summary of early segments)
  10. ^ ^ Post by Arkyonite: p=144 (Clarification on Ascended Humans)
  11. ^ ^ Post by Gnaizda: p=154 (RE: Clarification on Ascended Humans)
  12. ^ Post by Shadowbreak: p=156 (RE: RE: Clarification on Ascended Humans)
  13. ^ Post by Arkyonite: p=165 (RE: Ketsu's "Blabbering")
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