Getting Started

From Compsci1


Showing the Full menus and organizing the Toolbars

In case you're using a computer in a lab or some computer other than your own, you should set the options to Always show full menus, Show the Standard and formatting toolbars on two rows, List font names in their own font, and Show ScreenTips on toolbars. You may recall doing this at the beginning of all the previous lessons. If the computer you're using doesn't already have these settings, here's what you do.

Open Microsoft Excel if you have not already done so (it's probably in your Start menu > All Programs > Spreadsheets), then in the Tools menu, select Customize…, and in the dialog box that pops up, select the Options tab (Fig. 5.1) Make sure there is a check mark next to the item to Always show full menus While you're at it, check the box next to Show Standard and Formatting toolbars on two rows, List font names in their font, and Show ScreenTips on toolbars Click the Close button when you're ready

You're going to work with a Gradebook very similar to the one you created in Lesson 4. But for the sake of uniformity, and to avoid confusion, you're going to use documents specially prepared for use with this lesson. As an exercise at the end of the tutorial you will have the opportunity to incorporate these changes into your own gradebook documents (Grade4 2002 and Grades Template) which you created when you completed Lesson 4.

You are going to make some improvements to the layout of the Gradebook, after which you will learn about the LOOKUP function as an introduction to the logic capability of Excel. At the end of the lesson you will learn how to create and modify charts of various kinds.

Open Microsoft Excel then put your Work Disk in the disk drive Have your Data and Data Backup disks handy, of course, so that you won't forget to make a backup copy of all your work when you're done. You are going to update two documents:

  • a gradebook template (called Grades Template, and stored in the Templates folder on your Work Disk);
  • and an actual gradebook filled with data (this document has the name Gradebook and is stored in the Other folder also on your Work Disk).

You will work on the Gradebook document first.

By now you should know the steps to open a document, so go ahead and Open the document Gradebook from the Other folder on your Work Disk

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