From Compsci1
Post any Questions or problems here and someone should be able to help
- A good download client is [uTorrent]
- When u have that installed a few good places to try and download from are and in no particular order.
[mininova],[torrentspy][Torrent-Damage],[TorrentPortal] and [RevolutionTT] The last one u need to register and until your ratio is good u will have to wait after a torrent is posted before u can download.
- a good place to learn all about bitTorrents is [here]
- HELP!!!!!!!! Can anyone help me i cant seem to be able to edit my page source on any of my web pages my heads wrecked it just wont work anyone have a clue.....Michelle email address is michelleherron3@hotmail.com feel free to tell!!!!!!!
- some [advice] on codecs which u might need to play video files.
Forums on sites are very good for getting help so think about joining one, "Boards.ie" [1] is Ireland's largest Message board, (75,000 active users) and have tons and tons of info about anything and everything computer!