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Aelita pointing to one of XANA's surprises.

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Aelita is a half-human, half-virtual being. She is now living at Kadic. She is the daughter of Franz Hopper and an unnamed pink-haired woman. Her hair, unlike most of the members of Team Lyoko, is one of the two members that have a natural hair color, the other one being Odd. She is seen as the technical ruler of Lyoko as she takes command when Jeremy is gone and is also considered the Lyoko Princess. XANA is her worst nightmare and enemy, and he is coming after her.

Aelita's first arrival on Earth.


[edit] Life So Far with Aelita

This is how life is with Aelita.

[edit] A decade (10 years) ago

A decade ago, whilst Aelita was still human, the men in black were after Franz. One day, the Men in Black told Franz to come out of the house. He did, but left the Men in Black in the dust. He and Aelita escaped to Lyoko. Aelita was surprised when she first went there. However, Monsters started shooting at her, and she ran back into the tower. Franz said he had to make contact with XANA to see if they can live in peace alongside him. However, XANA disagreed, and Franz was forced to shut down the supercomputer.

Aelita deactivating a tower.

[edit] Now

Aelita and her friends are now fighting XANA, and Aelita has been materialized and her link has been freed from XANA. XANA, however, is also free. Aelita and Jeremy have been hinted to be in love with each other. See the JeremyxAelita relationship.

[edit] Links

Aelita Fan Club

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