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From Code Aelita

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Code: Lyoko is a TV show about three kids who enter a cyber world where they have to save a virtual humanoid named Aelita. When entering Lyoko, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi gain powers and attacks that help them defeat their enemy, an artificial intelligence named Xana. In Lyoko there are over forty towers which can be activated by Xana (glow red), Aelita (glow blue), Jeremie (glow green), or Franz Hopper (glow white). These towers allow different things to happen in the real world.

Xana uses the towers to possess humans and electric things to try to kill Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, and Jeremie. However he never does prevail. Xana has come close to killing them a few times though, and often they are only saved by a quick return to the past by Jeremie.

Code: Lyoko was sponsored by Antefilms in the first season, and Moonscoop in the second season.

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