Guindy programme

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Date of the event/events: February 3-4, 2007

This article describes an upcoming event. It provides whatever preliminary information is available for the event. Spark members can also use this page to indicate whether they are interested in attending the event and what constraints they individually face.


About the programme

Sundry details

In a discussion with Balaji Sampath, Padma learnt about an orientation programme offered by AID-India at Children's Park, Guindy. The details are as follows:

Date: February 3-4, 2007 Time: Not yet known Schedule: Not yet known Venue: Children's Park, Guindy (near the Snake Park)

Advantages of going to the programme

If some Spark members go for the programme, they can do the following:

  • Get an idea of the kind of work AID-India is involved with
  • Talk to the people from AID-India and develop a good relation with them and perhaps fix for some help from them (financial, technical, moral)
  • Get inputs on how Spark could conduct its activities

Thus, it is good if at least 2-3 Spark members, including those who have actually taught the kids, go to Children's Park.

Further details

Padma said she had already mailed Balaji Sampath asking for the details of the programme, and that if he did not respond by Friday, then she would call him up to find the details.

Attendance and constraints

Constraints identified at the meeting:

  • Vipul will be unable to attend since he is going home (Bengaluru) on the weekend.
  • Anirbit has a class on Saturday at IMSc, and may then go with Ravitej to buy the books/slates. On Sunday, he will be teaching the kids. Hence, he is unlikely to be able to go.
  • Ravitej has a class on Saturday at IMSc, and will then go to buy books/slates. On Sunday, he may be involved with teaching the kids
  • Bodhayan is scared to go there (scared of the unknown)
  • Nivedita is not interested (as usual)
  • Jayanth has a class on Saturday, and would like to come back after the class. He is unlikely to go on Sunday
  • Arnab has a class on Saturday, and would like to teach the kids on Sunday
  • Padma is likely to go, either on Saturday afternoon or on Sunday
  • Kshitij has not yet ruled out the possibility of going

Other constraints:

  • Bhanukiran: ?
  • Arpith: ?
  • Anupam: ?
  • Belliappa: ?
  • Shreevatsa: ?
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