CCCL Hexaware: February 11 session

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Date of the event/events: February 11, 2007 This is a first-person article (or section of an article) by Vipul

This article documents a session with CCCL Hexaware students that has already been completed


[edit] People

[edit] Students

The following students turned up for the session:

  • Telugu (old): Narayana Rao, Santosh, Durga, Rama, Sandhya
  • Telugu (new): Kalyani, Santu Bhavani, Ganga Raju
  • Bengali: Laboni, Sapun, Santosh, Shefali

[edit] Volunteers

The following went from CMI:

  • Telugu: Bhanukiran, Ravitej
  • Bengali: Bodhayan, Anupam
  • Other: Vipul

[edit] What happened

[edit] Stuff we took

Bodhayan, Anupam and I had already been planning to go. Ravitej and Bhanukiran had returned from out-of-station (Ravitej the night before last and Bhanukiran today morning) and they also volunteered to come.

We took the following:

  • I took a notebook to make notes and a list of possible things to teach in mathematics and other areas
  • Bodhayan took his pencil box, some slates and crayons and some chalks
  • Ravitej took some notebooks to be distributed to the kids who had failed to come last time

[edit] When we went there

At the gate we were greeted by Mr. Rajesh. He told us that a pulse polio programme was being organized for under-five children and that he was trying to collect young children to go for this programme. We said that we could teach the older kids while the younger kids went for the pulse polio. We went around with Mr. Rajesh collecting people for the teaching programme.

After this, we trooped to the teaching area, which was one of the spare rooms adjacent to the project office. This place was much more conducive to teaching than the shed area where we had taught in the January 28 session. The previous session (the one of February 4) had also been conducted in this area.

[edit] Everybody settled down

The kids seated themselves on the ground in two bunches: one for the Telugu kids and one for the Bengali kids. Bodhayan and Anupam sat along with the Bengali kids while Ravitej and Bhanukiran sat along with the Telugu kids. I hovered around.

After we did a count and attendance of all the kids who were around and noted down the names of the new people, Mr. Rajesh bade us good-bye and told us to call him if we needed any help from him.

This was around 10:25.

[edit] The teaching activity

[edit] I go with Narayana Rao

Ravitej introduced Narayana Rao to me and told Narayana Rao to study mathematics to me, explaining to him that I didn't know enough Telugu but could do the counting in Telugu and that he's be around to help. I started off with Narayana Rao, and by and large we were able to communicate well, though Narayana Rao later told Ravitej that he felt that our communication was not smooth enough due to my lack of knowledge of Telugu. However, he followed all my instructions (with a little help from Ravitej now and then).

Narayana Rao seemed to be tiring (and more importantly, I felt I had covered enough material with him) by around 11:30, and he also seemed keen to do some Telugu where I couldn't help him at all. So at 11:30, I stopped with him and handed him over to Ravitej to handle.

More details are available at CCCL Hexaware: Narayana Rao#Interactions on 11th February.

[edit] Ravitej handles some Telugu kids

Ravitej handled Santosh (Narayana Rao's younger brother), Satyanarayana (another young student who, it later turned out, had studied around as much mathematics as Narayana Rao) and some other younger people.

[edit] Bhanukiran handles some Telugu kids

Bhanukiran revised the Telugu alphabet with some of the Telugu kids.

[edit] Bodhayan and Anupam handle the Bengali kids

Bodhayan and Anupan used slates extensively to teach some Bengali kids .They covered both the Bengali language and some basic arithmetic in Bengali.

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