Secret Agent Headquarters/Missions/The Case of the Missing Puffles
From Club Penguin
4RK7fs Uh, well, explain me a please, I am not quite in the subject, how can it be?!...
---Mission Start--- You are in Aunt Arctic's igloo. Talk to her and ask her questions to learn what happened to her puffles and her camera. When you are done, you can have a look around or you can leave. Click the Map and go to the Ice Rink.
---Ice Rink--- Turn to the right (blue goal) and pick up the Puffle Pictures. Click the Map and go back to Aunt Arctic's igloo.
---Aunt Arctic's Igloo--- Click on the pictures in your Inventory and give them to Aunt Arctic. She will praise you on your efforts thus far! Click the map and go to the Iceberg now.
---Iceberg--- This is what happens when you try and tip the iceberg!!! Click on the stranded penguins to hear their story, and now you have to find a way to help them out to get a hint. Click on the Map and go to the Pet Shop.
---Pet Shop--- Turn to the left and read the note on the Puffle House. This will be in the scret agent code! Use the Code menu to decipher it. There will be a number in this code, but it is different for everyone. Decode the code and remember this number! Click the Map and go to the Sport Shop.
---Sport Shop--- Talk to the penguin behind the counter and say you need some items. Ask if he has any SECRET items and he will ask you how many pairs of socks he has. Remember the number?? Put it in the box! If you got it right he will show you some secret items! Take the Life Preserver Shooter (on the bottom) and let's go back to the Iceberg and save those penguins!
---Iceberg: Part 2--- Click on the Shooter in your Inventory and then click on the stranded penguins. Be careful, when you shoot the wind will blow your life rafts! You can tell which direction, and how strong this wind is blowing by the indicator on the bottom left of your screen. When you save all of the penguins talk to the one on the far left, he should be green. He tells you he saw the puffles!! But, he said they went flying and if you were higher up, maybe you could see. Click the map and go to the Ski Mountain.
---Ski Mountain--- Here you will come accross a poor penguin who's telescope has broken apart. Talk to him, and tell him you can fix it! But how you ask? You have nothing in your inventory except the Spy Phone! Remember the silly tools on your phone? Click on the red dot and get out the Wrench and click on his telescore to fix it! Click the telescope to look through it, and turn all the way around. You will see the green puffle flying with the propellor cap! Click the map and go back to the Sport Shop, we have some mountain climbing to do!
---Sport Shop: Part 2--- This time we need the Grappling Hook. It's on the top shelf, so grab it and head to Tallest Mountain! (It's big.)
---Tallest Mountain--- When you're here, you're greeted with the sound of wind! Very high up! Look allllllllll the way up, and throw your hook at the peak of the mountain.
---Tallest Mountain (Peak)--- Here's the green puffle! But where's the other one? Ask him! Then you find out that he was just taking some pictures from atop the Tallest Mountain! Take them back to Aunt Arctic's igloo. You find out that Aunt Arctic found the purple puffle while taking pictures for the Penguin Times.
---The End--- For returning her puffles you get the Medal Of Excellence! If you gave Aunt Arctic her pictures, then you also get a letter! Enclosed on the letter is the picture that the purple puffle took from atop the mountain. The medal has no use but to look at it up close when clicked on.