Current events

From Club Penguin

Revision as of 22:57, 8 September 2006 by Its A Secret (Talk | contribs)

Current events:

This article or section contains information about scheduled or expected future events.
It may contain information of a speculative nature and the content may change dramatically as the event approaches and more information becomes available.

September Events

  • Sept. 8 - New Igloo Catalog, and New Greetings Catalog
  • Sept. 15 - New Furniture Catalog, and New Pin
  • Later - Lighthouse Restoration Project (LRP)

October Events

Oct. 6 - New Clothing Catalog, and New Pin

Events that have passed will be removed from now on

The current event right now: Open the newspaper, go to the Lighthouse Restoration Project page. Make a donation to the lighthouse, and you get a free, non member available red striped shirt.

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