Monday: June 25th
From Clisala
Revision as of 02:55, 19 June 2007 by (Talk)
8 AM: Raising Readers: Engaging Adolescent Boys - AASL (Grand Hyatt - Room: Constitution A-B) - Jeff DiScala
9 AM:
10 AM:
10:30 AM: Wiking the Blog and Walking the Dog - Social Software, Virtual Reality, and Authority Everywhere - PLA (Washington Convention Center - Room 147) - Jeff DiScala
11 AM:
12 PM:
1 PM:
2 PM:
3 PM:
4 PM: CLIS-ALA Happy Hour at Old Dominion Brewhouse (Shannon Simmons, Julian Clark)
5 PM:
6 PM:
7 PM:
8 PM:
9 PM:
10 PM: