Zack Fair

From Clairbourn

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Zack Fair
Basic Info

Age: 18
Year: Senior
Birthplace: Clairbourn, Colorado
Family: parents, James and Sarah; cousin Elliot Fair
Height/Weight: 6'1, 195
Birthday: May 2, 1990
Hobbies: Riding Elliot's motorcycle, playing sports (football & baseball), causing (harmless) mischief.
Likes: Elliot's motorcycle, good times with friends, helping people, video games
Dislikes: His job, physics, St. Luke's Catholic Academy
Theme Song: Wind-Up - Jethro Tull


Zack is gregarious and kind, friendly with everyone regardless of how they treat him. He enjoys other people's company and can usually be seen with one or two very good friends. He tends to make acquaintances all the time and is the kind of guy who will go and sit down with someone at lunch just because they were sitting alone, or who will invite someone into a conversation if it looks like they're interested, regardless of whether or not he knows them. The only way to get on his bad side is to harm one of his friends - Zack, like a rottweiler, is a harmless sweetheart until you hurt someone he cares about, and then you will find out what it feels like to have all 195 lbs of Zack Fair mad at you.

One thing that is interesting is that despite the fact that he has left St. Luke's Catholic Academy, he still attends St. Luke's Parish every Sunday. Zack is particularly strong in his faith, but contrary to most Catholic doctrine, he believes the teachings of Jesus outweigh the importance of the laws laid down in the Old Testament. As a result, he tries to live his life as close to Jesus's basic philosophies as possible, although he does acknowledge that everyone is human. This is what lead to his "love thy neighbor" policy regarding other people. Zack is quick to lend a helping hand without expecting anything in return and can be counted on in a crisis.

Zack's main problem is his complete lack of tact - he believes that words can be easily confused and that it's easier to come right out and say what you mean rather than trying to couch what you're saying in polite language. He is also incredibly stubborn - once he gets his mind set on something, good luck changing it. He tends toward "helping" people who don't want to be helped; one major failing is his inability to understand the "loner" type of person. He means well, but "go away" usually just does not compute, especially when he has gotten it into his head that the person in question needs a friend.

In-Game History

Zack has lived his whole life in Clairbourn with incredibly overprotective parents. When he was very young, he was smaller than most of the children his age, and his parents - concerned for their son's well-being - decided to wait and enroll him in Kindergarten when he was six, not five. As a result, he went from being the youngest kid in his class to the oldest. He has attended private schools for his entire school career, through the St. Luke's Catholic Academy system in Clairbourn.

His parents needn't have worried about how Zack would get on in school, despite his relatively small size; first, because he hit a growth spurt around the third grade that put him a few inches above the tallest boy in his class, and second because he was an incredibly friendly, incredibly likeable child. The few incidents of bullying he was victim to quickly convinced the bullies that he could take care of himself and was not an easy target, and he made a point to help other kids in trouble. One memorable incident in the fourth grade happened when he was suspended for starting a fight - because the other kid tripped a blind girl.

Zack began to feel stifled in the overprotective, restrictive atmosphere not long after he entered St. Luke's Junior High School. By the time he turned fourteen, he had his heart set on a plan that would get him out of Clairbourn and let him see the world - the military. His parents, strict pacifists, absolutely forbade it. But Zack, determined to see his dream through, wasn't about to be thwarted. He turned eighteen in May of his junior year and promptly left home, filing paperwork to enroll himself in Clairbourn High, which will make his senior year the first year he spends in the public school system.

He is currently living with his cousin Elliot Fair on the opposite side of town from his parents' house. Zack hasn't spoken to his parents at length since he left home, and there are some hard feelings between him and his father. His mother calls sometimes to see how he is doing, but other than that, he has struck out on his own, working full-time at a restaurant to help Elliot with the rent and intending to finish high school and join the Navy, hoping to become a Navy SEAL.

Relationships At a Glance

James Fair (father): Zack and his dad have never quite seen eye-to-eye. His father is concerned about keeping up appearances within the Catholic community and above all mixing in seamlessly with society, and so adopts the policies of the Catholic church without question. When Zack began to question his faith in junior high, the tension in the house rose dramatically; when Zack announced his desire to be a Navy SEAL, it came to a boiling point. Zack hasn't spoken to his father since he left the house.

Sarah Fair (mother): Zack's mother, while she plainly disapproves of her son's goals, hasn't gone so far as to cut off all ties to him. Zack usually treats his mother with loving disregard - he loves and respects her, but won't listen to a word she says on the subject of the Navy, St Luke's Academy or moving back home. While they keep in touch over the phone, their conversations are usually short and strained.

Elliot Fair (cousin): Elliot is Zack's cousin on his father's side. He is almost ten years older and has been estranged from the family since he left the Catholic church and became Buddhist five years prior. Zack is somewhat uncomfortable living with Elliot, although not because of his faith; Elliot doesn't let him help much with the rent, telling Zack that he should save his money, and Zack doesn't like living in his cousin's apartment without helping. Zack will occasionally invite Elliot to come back to the church, but Elliot always politely declines.

Player Info

Played By: Fara
AIM: Farasha S Sand


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