Gina Diggers

From Clairbourn

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Info page for:

Gina Diggers
Basic Info

Age: 14
Year: junior
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Family: Theodor Diggers (father): Unknown job, Julia Diggers (mother): Martial artist, Britanny Elin Diggers (adopted), Brianna Diggers (youngest sister)
Height/Weight: 5'4/115lbs
Birthday: 11/12
Hobbies: Anything nerdy, tinkering with electronics, programming, reading, you get the idea.
Likes: Technology, history, archeology, science, robotics, puzzles, Star Trek, Epic Fantasy, Doctor Who, anything SciFi
Dislikes: Being bored, stupid people, boys (they kinda scare her right now)


Gina is a very shy girl and really isn't good in social situations. But for what she lacks in confidence around others she makes up with in smarts. The girl might as well be a super genius, but no matter how smart she is she still lacks common sense at times. Y'know what they say, you can't have brains and common sense.

Though recently she has become a bit more confident in herself and has changed a bit.

In-Game History

For the longest time Gina had lived with just her two sisters and her father because her mother was away completing her training. Because of this she was only able to see her mother once a year (more if her mother could find the time). Due to the lack of feminine influence around the house all three girls tend to be tomboyish. And to top off their lack of maternal guidance Gina knows very little about trying to deal with the opposite sex (seeing as how her father is overprotective and refuses to talk about such nonsense.

They moved to Clairbourn a little after Christmas due to something that had to do with her father's job. The move didn't have too much of a negative affect on Gina because she lacked friends. The move also gave her a chance to try and start a new life and maybe attempt High School (since she was home schooled by tutors). She actually tested high enough to enter as a senior but she wanted to experience of a normal high schooler and chose to enter at the sophomore level.

Recently her mother has finished her training and joined her family at their new home. She plans to build her own dojo and take on students of her own (which includes all three of her daughters, much to Gina's dismay).

Relationships At a Glance

Dynamo Trooper: Her was favorite subject to stalk observe.

Kamina Kamino: Leader of the GGB, she looks up to him as a big brother (like most of the GGB does) but she does think someone needs to talk some sense into the boy.

Simon: She may have a crush on him, which is odd considering she has a weakness for muscular guys (which Simon most defiantly isn't). She loves nerding out with him.

Player Info

Played By: Arei
Additional Info: personal LJ

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