Faculty Submission Template
From Clairbourn
Making a new Faculty Profile page is easy! We've set up a template for you! This is basically the same as making a student page, but with some slightly different fields of interest. In order to make a page for your character, first go to the location bar in your browser. Highlight the word/s that show after "clairbourn/" and then type your character's name--this will take you to a new edit field for a brand new page that doesn't exist yet. Once you've done that, copy the text below (code text doesn't wrap, so the don't be alarmed by the parts that go outside the box; they're all part of the template) and paste it into the edit field for your new page. Then have fun! Please don't remove any of the < br > tags; we wanna keep everything as uniform as possible. If you have a field that is not yet filled out, please either write TBD in the field if you intend to fill it out later, or delete the line completely.
If you would like to insert an image, that takes a few extra steps, so please contact Mia or Zappa for help on that. Other than that, have fun! Note: If you write multiple paragraphs anywhere in one section, please put < br > (remove the spaces of course) tags after the period of the last sentence in each paragraph, a < br > by itself on the next line down, and then begin your next paragraph. This server does not autoformat the way LJ does, so your paragraphs will end up all smashed together otherwise. Just account for every line break with a < br > and it'll look fine. ^_^
<div align=justify><font face=Georgia><i>Info page for:</i><br> <br> <br> <font size=5>Character Name</font><br> <font size=3><b>Basic Info</b></font><br> <br> <b>Age:</b> <br> <b>Birthplace:</b> <br> <b>Family:</b> <br> <b>Height/Weight:</b> <br> <b>Birthday:</b> <br> <b>Hobbies:</b> <br> <b>Likes:</b> <br> <b>Dislikes:</b> <br> <b>Theme Song:</b> [http://link to lyrics or youtube or something.url: Band Name - Title]<br> <br> <b>Subject[s] Taught:</b> <br> <br> <br> <font size=3><b>Personality</b></font><br> <br> TELL US ALL ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER HERE <br> <br> <br> <br> <font size=3><b>In-Game History</b></font><br> <br> LET US KNOW WHAT HAS GONE DOWN SO FAR IN-GAME HERE; SOME OF THE HISTORY FROM YOUR INITIAL APP WOULD BE USEFUL AS WELL SO WE KNOW WHERE YOUR CHARACTER IS COMING FROM! <br> <br> <br> <br> <font size=3><b>Relationships At a Glance</b></font><br> <br> INTERACTIONS YOU HAVE HAD WITH OTHER CHARACTERS. TO LINK TO ANOTHER CHARACTER'S PAGE, PUT THEIR NAME IN [[DOUBLE BRACKETS]]--BUT MAKE SURE YOU'VE SPELLED IT THE WAY THEIR LINK IS SPELLED OR IT WON'T WORK <br> <br> <br> <br> <font size=3><b>Player Info</b></font><br> <br> <b>Played By:</b> <br> <b>email:</b> <br> <b>AIM:</b> <br> <b>Additional Info: (optional)</b><br> <br> <font size=3><b>[http://link to your fandom's wiki.url: Fandom Name Wiki]</b></font>