Misuzu Kamino

From Clairbourn

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Info page for:

Misuzu Kamino
Basic Info

Age: 16
Year: junior
Birthplace: Japan
Family: Mother- Deceased, Father-Abandoned, Aunt- Currently Living with
Height/Weight: 4'8
Birthday: 19April
Hobbies: Playing any games, looking at the sky
Likes: Dinosaurs, peach juice, Sora (her pet crow), Her aunt, games
Dislikes: medicine


Misuzu is a very naive girl who always has a smile on her face. She hasn't made many friends at Clairbourn yet so shes still a bit shy when talking to people. Misuzu likes cheering people up and doesn't talk back very much.

In-Game History


Relationships At a Glance

Dyanmo: She considers him one of her best friends now. Believed he always was a nice guy at heart. Any deeper feelings no one really knows.
Anji: Admires his optimistic attitude (and very awesome drawings) She thinks hes very funny and caring.

Player Info

Played By: Tori
AIM: EgyptAngelMoonie

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