
From Clairbourn

Revision as of 06:03, 21 May 2008 by (Talk)
Info page for:

May Sfondi
Basic Info

Current Age: 15
Current Grade: Sophomore
Birthplace: Unknown- Assumed Clairbourn
Family: No known blood relatives; Johnny Sfondi ( former adoptive guardian), April ('sister' and partner in crime since childhood), Dizzy Undersn (like a sister to her), Tess Undersn (like a big brother to her)
Height/Weight: 5'2"/104 lbs
Blood Type: B
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Dark brown
Race: Apparently Asian of unknown origin; assumed at least partially Japanese
Birthday: Unknown- "Officially" taken as May 5th (the day adopted by Johnny), 1993
Hobbies: Learning about sealife, making mischief, daydreaming about Duo.
Likes: Johnny, Duo, pirates, sweets, friends.
Dislikes: Mean people, bald people, holding back, Nina.
Important Things: Johnny, Duo, her crew.
Theme Songs:

Voice Actress: Satomi Koorogi

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May is generally happy-go-lucky, energetic, and brightly smiling most of the time. She has a habit of trying to make smile anyone around her that isn't- something that can be a bit tricky when dealing with particularly stoic peers, but she's also incredibly stubborn and won't give up so easily on brightening others' days or much of anything else. She is very playful and a bit of a trickster at times- something that has especially been fostered since her time with Duo. She also sometimes tends to act less than her age, throwing tantrums or generally being too cute (read: loli) for a high school girl.

But make her angry, and it'll be sorely regretted- she has a more violent, fierce side that's been developed from her years on the streets, and she can be rash to take offense to personal attacks on herself or friends- it takes alot to push her to physical violence, but she is certainly rumored to be up to the task along with her gang. She is utterly devoted to those she cares about, and would do anything for them.

In-Game History

An orphan who is unaware of her past or heritage that was taken in by Johnny at a fairly young age, having once been a street kid along with a fellow girl named April- they stuck together as if blood sisters from an age before they could recall. She is asian in decent but she never knew her parents or where she came from. She met her caretaker, Johnny, when she was rescued in the slums in the midst of a food-snatch, and was adopted by him, living with the older boy since- because the day of rescue was Cinco de mayo, Johnny named the girl 'May', and her sister, 'April' in turn. Johnny and May have managed for years to survive on a near-bare minimum, stealing and dealing in less than illicit activities to get by. Part of these dealings are through their gang.
May, her 'sister' April and Johnny started a gang of orphaned girls in Clairbourn, which May named the Jellyfish Pirates. The gang consisted originally of Johnny, 10 girls, one older woman, and a cat. Recently, Dizzy also became a member of the Jellyfish as well. There are other girls that follow the Jellyfish gang, but are not explicitly 'crewmembers'- The Jellyfish are: Janice (May's cat), Febe, March, April, May, June, July, Augus, Sephy, Octy, Novel, Dizzy, and Mrs. Leap. The group's names all correspond with months of the year- whether this is intentional or if they are codenames is unknown to all but the group itself. However, May herself is known to other gangs in Clairbourn as the 'Pirate Princess'. Unsurprisingly, her dream is to be a pirate- or, (if she must, for the sake of legality) a marine biologist- even though she has never actually been to the sea herself.

2007-2008 (so far)

Starting her freshman year at Clairbourn High, May had never actually been to school before this- Johnny had taught her all she knew. Upon starting, she had much trouble keeping up with her studies; but with much help from Johnny, she slowly began to get her footing in her classes. Upon discovering the developing relationship between Johnny and Trevor, however, May became jealous. Running away for a small amount of time and staying with her new friend, Bridget, she eventually ran into Johnny again. After a long talk, she returned home, discovering the truth of Johnny's feelings for her. But this appeared to be the trigger for the events that followed- as Johnny's nights of searching and waiting for her to come home caused a headcold that would last him 4 months. This also led to May's bitter resentment and grudge towards Trevor.

As May tried to care for Johnny through his sickness, outside forces began to pull at them. Eddie Moreno, involving himself in a trick of Nina Wisemail's where he impersonated Johnny in front of Trevor, tried to kidnap May, who had witnessed the trick and attempted to call him out on it. This may have been the first glance at May's more violent, rough streetkid nature- Eddie walked away from the fight with, among other things, a stabwound from the girl. One of May and Johnny's routine 'foodruns' was interrupted by Terry Bogard, who turned out to have once been in their situation. Offering his help, they gained a new friend. It was around this time, also, when May had her first encounter with Duo Maxwell. While she didn't know it, he was aware of her true identity as Jellyfish captain, and shared an old friend with Johnny. She became curious as to how he knew of her nickname, but never had the chance to ask.

Soon, Johnny, still sick, found himself in need of time on his own- needing to pull things back together, gain money, and have privacy. Thus, May was given to Dizzy and Tess Undersn to be cared for around the 5th of November, much to her dismay. She grew angry at Johnny, as to her it seemed he was only trying to get her away from him. Thus, when he approached her for a 'treat', she became angry and lashed out. Being reassured that he was only doing this to help them both, her anger subsided and things went more or less back to normal, with May remaining in Dizzy and Testament's care. Soon after, Dizzy and Testament's father passed on, and in order to attend his funeral May was sent to stay at the Maxwell Catholic Church. It was then that May and Duo's friendship began to blossom.

It wasn't long after that before Johnny's drunken posts on the network began, becoming more common as the weeks went on. May, blaming herself partly for this, always came home to help detox him. Unbeknowest to her, Johnny's talk with Ky Kiske (calling himself 'Kuro') had sent him into a cycle of self-destruction, and after many repeated nights of having to detox him, she herself began to wonder what was really going on with him. Duo, in an attempt to cheer May up from a fight she'd had with Johnny the previous night, took May out to the Winter Carnival- a trip that could have been considered the two's first unofficial date- and asked her out to the Winter Formal.

Johnny soon vanished, leaving May frantic to find him- things seemed hopeless, until he reappeared again, claiming he had gone to 'fix some things'. Reconciling with him, things seemed to be looking up. The Winter Formal came, and Duo and May's bond continued to grow closer- at this point, one may say, it was only awaiting the spark. The spark came a few days later, when Duo tricked May into standing under the mistletoe the two were hanging in the Church, stealing a kiss. Needless to say, May was flustered, but when Johnny found out about the incident, it sparked a heated argument between Duo and Johnny that ultimately resulted in Johnny 'giving up' May, and Duo getting a fist in the jaw. The discussion between May and Duo that followed all but sealed the deal, making them a couple. Again, Johnny reconciled, and has given the two his permission.

May's following escapades included a birthday/Christmas Eve dinner with Dizzy and her girlfriend Akiha (among others); an encounter with Dynamo on the network that resulted in an adventure in cookie making, as well as an unlikely chummyness between herself and the usually sour senior; and s'mores making with Duo and his friend Trowa Barton.
On New Year's Eve, Johnny made it known that he wished for May to return home; indeed, it seemed the very reason for his behavior (partly, at least) was loneliness due to her absence. May also finally got him to reveal more of his past to her, which she had never known before and had been too unsure to ask about. Not wanting to cause him any further grief, May moved back home with him on January 2nd, staying an extra day to help Duo care for the grieving Mashiro who had come to stay at the church after her father's death.

In mid January, gang activity in Clairbourn became turbulent. May was lured into a trap by a rival gang known as the Lacan, escaping with only minor injury, but this was to be the start of it. Just days after, Johnny was jumped by members of the gang, prompting an all-out invasion of Lacan territory by the Jellyfish to get him back. Duo was also involved, and would end up marked as an enemy as a result. Johnny was beaten severely, and May sustained heavy injuries of her own- both were hospitalized, and Johnny was put into a near-unconscious state for about a week. After this, he became more strict with her, keeping her from going out as she pleased for her own safety.

Unbeknowest to May for some time, Johnny had been developing a relationship with Nina- May somehow avoided learning of this for some time after other peers had, but when she did find out there was another fight between the two- May believing that he deserved better than Nina, who she sees only as a cruel and unforgivable monster of a girl. After another night of arguing, they cooled off again- and May has resolved to find someone deserving of Johnny.

They fight, AGAIN (serious domestic issues, anyone?), this time after Johnny tried to break May and Duo up as a couple, hearing of them getting a little too close for his liking- however, when May returns after the weekend, she finds Johnny in bad shape after being hit by a car while out searching for her. She can't help but forgive him, once again, and tends to him loyally.
After Johnny decides he is no longer able to care for her, he tells her to go live with Duo at the church, an order to which she complies, though reluctantly. She is bitter and more than distraught, but now living at the church, she is able to spend her days with Duo again...

Summer '08
(Coming soon~)

Relationships At a Glance

Johnny Sfondi: Her caretaker and fatherly/brotherly figure/love interest(?), although she was turned down by him. May is utterly devoted to him, and would do anything for him- even give her life, as she feels she owes him her own- However, after being abandoned by him, she no longer knows exactly how she feels towards him. Distraught when he vanished from Clairbourn.
Duo Maxwell: May's boyfriend. A fellow orphan who took her in at the church orphanage he lives in when Johnny was unable to care for her and the Undersn siblings were away in Switzerland. She sorta just.. stayed there, and friendship and more soon blossomed. Her feelings for him are incredibly strong. When Johnny abandoned her, she went to live at the church with him again. He's probably the most important person in her life right now.
Dizzy and Tess Undersn: May's 'honorary' sister and brother. Took her in when Johnny was unable to care for her. Dizzy is now a part of May's 'crew' as the December pirate and her best friend aside from April. She confides in Dizzy anything she can't talk to Johnny or Duo about (like them).
Mashiro: Friends with her, partly by proxy of Duo and especially after the incident with her father's death. May thinks she's awfully nice and admires the strength she showed when her father passed away.
Yachiru Kusajishi: One of May's good friends and on much of the same 'cute loli' wavelength. She may be taking an interest in this 'raving' thing Yachiru does... (CARAMELLDANSEN~) Misses her greatly. ;_;
Kenpachi Zaraki: Gave advice to May when she and Johnny were in the same position he and Yachiru had been in. She looks up to him and doesn't find him all that scary past the exterior, though she thinks he can be a bit overbearing sometimes.
Trevor Gilchrist: May has a grudge against him for getting too close to Johnny. She makes it a point to be a brat to him every opportunity she gets. Lately she's cooled off to simply ignoring his existance, even accepting speaking to him (barely). Because, as she put it, "he may be a stupid mop but at least he's a decent human being."
Nina Wisemail: Despises her /greatly/. Despises her even more for getting so close to Johnny. Still hasn't forgiven her.
Lelouch Lamperouge (Vi Britannia): Made it a point to ally himself with May and the Jellyfish. Apparently they share a common enemy, and he seems to understand May's sentiment concerning her loyalty to the Jellies. She's more wary of this alliance after a warning from Karen, but he's proven to be a good ally and even a good friend so far.
Dynamo Trooper: He gave her cookies! And still owes her some cookie-making. >: She seems to be one of the few people that sees him as anything more than a heartless jerk, no matter how much of a jerk he tries to be to her.
Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Wufei Chang: Duo's best friends. She thinks they're all cool and nice guys (if a little weird but hey, in this town..?) and some of them remind her of her own crewmates. Has been doing her best to make friends with them, too, even if some of them are big grumpypants sometimes! :D
Kula Diamond: Was friendly without her throughout the year, but became more friendly with just recently. Had no idea about her and Lulu's apparent relationship (or lack thereof), which made things pret-ty awkward when they ran into each other at her birthday party.. She also is a big fan of Kula's ice sculptures and a fellow lover of all things sweet.
Hol Horse: May at first mistook him as Johnny, but in fact discovered that he is Johnny's long-lost elder brother. In a way, this would make him something of a brother or uncle to her, as well. She's not sure what to think about him.

Player Info

Played By:Kitsoru
Additional Info: Mod

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