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From Chocopedia
Welcome to Chocopedia!
this is where chocolatekirby (the creator) will be posting all his miscellanious bits of info...
News of any kind
well i went to petco and did some service by petting the bunnies and stuff, its called bunny buddies, all you really do is just play with the bunnies for an hour...
got even further into digimon:dusk, i got past the palette amazon zone and now im doing side missions that can only be done after having finished the paletteamazon union mission...and on a side note trying to get enough species EXP to evolve one of my digimon...
chocopedia updates
too busy playing digimon:dusk to do any updates today
todays random bit of info
i had a really good random bit of info for today, but now i forgot it, so todays random bit of info is:
[insert overused internet pun here]
i couldnt decide on one so you can decide whichever one you want