Epic and Win

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To be epic is to be so awesome that being called awesome isnt good enough, usually when something is EPIC, its put in caps, or atleast when i say it it is. a few examples of EPIC things is paper mario:the thousand year door(its very, VERY EPIC), myself(i am a very EPIC person), and this wiki.

To be Win is similar to epic in alot of ways, but it is used in different ways(but sometimes used along with epic)and yeah, most of the time i also use it in CAPS, but i use CAPS alot so :) but ANYWAYS yea few examples would be the same ones ^_^

to be epic AND win is to be even more awesome to be called awesome and more epic to be called epic and more win to be called win so they call it epic AND win because combined there power is greater(reminds me of captain planet lol)

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