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Bingen garat

Character Name: Bingen Garat

Age: 50

Race: Lycanthrope

Physical Description:

Human form:

Height: 6'3. Hair: black, greying. Unkempt, bushy beard. Usually wears brown corduroy trousers, a white shirt, braces and a flat cap. Several scars on forearms, bullet scars on chest.

Lupine form: 6'7, black fur, greying.


Bingen is understandably paranoid, living in fear of being caught. He is a dour, homourless man, who rarely smiles. He is fiecely protective of his family, and worries about his children in the AoA. Strong sense of honour. Hates vampires with a passion.


Bingen's family lived for generations in the Basque Mountains. They were originally the slaves of vampires living in the region, and gained their freedom the same way as the rest of their kind- bloody fighting. Although hostilities have died down between the two races in most parts of the world, grudges live on for generations in Basque country and Bingen's family continued the fight, wanting revenge for the countless years they had suffered under the vampires. Shortly after it started taking military action in 1966, Bingen and his brothers joined the Euzkadi Ta Askatasuna in order to receive modern equipment and training. They formed a semi-independent cell dedicated to eliminating the vampires in the area, many of whom were in the French and Spanish governments. Of course, they didn't tell this to the rest of the organisation, instead using the vampire's positions as excuses for their attacks. The last known vampire in Basque territory was killed in 1981, and the cell retired. 14 years later, his family was forced to move away by pressure from the ETA and Spanish and French governments. The ETA wanted the cell to continue fighting for their cause, and the governments were dangerously close to discovering the identities of several wanted basque terrorists, including the lycanthropic cell. They settled in America.

Skills and Abilities:

When in normal form: Heightened senses, brilliant at tracking in non-urban environments, quadrilingual (Speaks Basque, Spanish, French, English), skilled sniper, demolitions expert, paramilitary training.

When in lupine form: Heightened senses, increased strength and speed, large claws and fangs, howl can cause momentary paralysis in those weak in the mind.

Weapons: Always armed with a pistol, Mac-10 submachine gun in his car, his house contains enough weapons to fight a small war.

Other Items: Unknown

Koldo Garat

Character Name: Koldo Garat

Age: 28

Race: Lycanthrope

Physical Description:

Human form:

Height: 6'2 Hair: Dark brown, length- middle of back. Goatee type beard and mustache, impressive body hair. Usually wears Army boots, black jeans, green Tshirt.

Lupine form: 6'5, dark brown fur.


Usually cheerful and optimistic. Is rather violent, often picking fights just for the fun of it. Is rather horny, and can usually be found trying to impress a female, regardless of species. Strong sense of honour. Fiercely loyal to Otsanda, and slightly less loyal to his squad (Although still very much so)


See Otsanda's bio. It's pretty much identical, except for the fact that Koldo wasn't posted to Vale City, instead being posted to Los Angeles. He visits Otsanda in Vale whenever he can.

Skills and Abilities:

When in human form: Heightened senses, good at tracking in non-urban environments, decent wrestler, quadrilingual (Speaks Basque, Spanish, French, English)

When in lupine form: Heightened senses, increased strength and speed, large claws and fangs, howl can cause momentary paralysis in those weak in the mind.

Weapons: Pistol, combat knife

Other Items: Unknown.

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