Sana Meirusant
From Charnosdnd
Name: Sana Meirusant
Race: Aasimar
Class: Cleric
Level: 3
Alignment: Good
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Story Hooks:
Strength: 11
Dexterity: 13 +1
Constitution: 12 +1
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 20 +5
Charisma: 16 +3
Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Supernal
Skill Bonuses: +2 Perception, +2 Religion
Astral Presence: +1 to all defenses unless bloodied
Astral Resistance: Resist 5 Radiant
Astral Wings: You can use astral wings as an encounter power.
Channel Divinity: Use a Channel Divinity power once per encounter
Healer’s Lore: +5 to healing done by Cleric powers
Healing Word: Gain the Healing Word power
Ritual Casting: Gain a ritual book, Gentle Repose, and one other ritual
Diplomacy (+9), Heal (+11), Insight (+11), Religion (+8)
Acrobatics (+1), Arcana (+1), Athletics (+0), Bluff (+4), Dungeoneering (+6), Endurance (+2), History (+1), Intimidate (+4), Nature (+6), Perception (+8), Stealth (+1), Streetwise (+4), Thievery (+1)
Astral Resonance: +1 to attack and damage rolls with the radiant or thunder keywords
Astral Fire: +1 to damage rolls with the radiant or fire keyword
Gentle Repose, Make Whole, Endure Elements, Water Walk
At Will
Lance of Faith: Standard, Implement Ranged 6, +8 vs Ref, Hit 1d8+8 radiant damage, and one ally I can see gains a +2 power bonus to their next attack against my target
Sacred Flame: Standard, Implement Ranged 6, +8 vs Ref, hit 1d6+8 radiant damage, and one ally I can see chooses to either gain 4 temporary hit points or to make a saving throw
Divine Glow: Standard Implement Close Blast 3, +8 vs Ref, Hit 1d8+8 radiant damage, Effect Allies in the blast gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of my next turn
Daunting Light: Standard Implement Ranged 11, +8 vs Ref, Hit 2d10+8 radiant damage, Effect One ally I can see gains combat advantage against the target until my next turn
Channel Divinity - Divine Fortune: Free Self, Effect +1 to my next attack roll or saving throw before the end of my next turn
Channel Divinity - Turn Undead: Standard Implement Close Burst 2, Undead +8 vs Will, Hit 1d10+8 radiant damage and push the target 6 squares and the target is immobilized until the end of my next turn, Miss half damage and no push or immobilize
Healing Word x2: Minor Close Burst 5, Self or Ally, Effect Target can spend a healing surge and gain an additional 1d6+5 hit points
Astral Wings: Move Self, Fly 7 squares
Cascade of Light: Standard Implement Ranged 11, +8 vs Will, Hit 3d8+8 radiant damage and the target gains vulnerability 5 to all of my attacks, Miss half damage and no vulnerability
Bless: Standard Close Burst 20, Self and All Allies in Burst, Effect +1 power bonus to all attack rolls until the end of the encounter
+1 Shimmering Chain
+1 Symbol of Divine Reach
+1 Cloak of Resistance
20 GP of Mystic Salves
20 GP of Alchemical Reagents
60 GP of Rare Herbs
Belt Pouch
Spare Clothing x2
Fine Clothing x1
Everburning Torch
Silk Rope (50')
Journeybread (10 days)
Flint and Steel
Polished Steel Mirror
Ebony and Ivory Comb (ordination gift)
Gold locket with an ivory carving of her mother(?)
Lavender-scented soap
Hit Points: 34 (Bloodied: 17 Surge Value: 8)
Healing Surges: 8
AC: 18
Fortitude: 13
Reflex: 13
Will: 19
Initiative: +1