Niieu Amaruva
From Charnosdnd
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Name:Niieu Amaruva
Weight:128 lb.
Appearance: Niieu, at a quick glance, would look like many other Aasimar. Unlike a good number, however, she possesses an unusually thin build, wiry arms hid underneath the loose-looking sleeves of her armor, and legs equally thin--thin enough that she appears as if she would not be able to lift a sword, much less a heavier weapon, to save her own life. Her hair--what one can see of it under the cloak's hood--is a pure white, in a strange complement to her pale skin--and contrasted by her slightly glowing turquoise eyes. A dark blue tattoo-like pattern can be seen running up both sides of her neck, extending ever somewhat to her cheeks. Out of place for Aasimar, however, are the patches of black feathers on her otherwise silvery wings...
Regardless, she can be seen typically wearing leather armor that had been bleached to whiteness--and then accented with silver in places. She carries a dark, yet plain, fully metal staff almost as tall as herself, and from the left side of her belt hangs a large book--presumably a spellbook, only with the appearance that it may have more pages than normal. The ensemble is topped off with a purple, white-trimmed cloak that she wears, hood raised up over her head, covering most of her appearance and blurring her image from afar--the wings still seem to phase through, however.
Niieu, like almost all Aasimar, had been born upon the theocracy-ruled continent of Nedeceus, and was brought up in a way most similar to all Aasimar. Raised upon the continent, it had shown early that she was particularly bright, and had an affinity for the arcane arts in particular. She indeed learned wizardry relatively quickly, and looked to be very promising amongst Nede's "holy army", come the time that she would join their ranks on the crusade to "purify the world"...
However, she proved to be a slight problem compared to the others insofar that she was particularly inquisitive. Despite the indoctrination, and everything else that went on, she continued to inquire. To question. At times, even to doubt the very teachings that had made this place what it was. She only dared not denounce any teachings for fear of death. Life progressively became worse, as they attempted to correct her thinking in varied manners; some tolerable, others not so, and on several occasions, she was nearly killed for her errant thinking, all in the name of adding to the Crusade another loyal, faithful member, converted from her. Such are the ways of a dominant theocracy, after all.
It was not too much later that she had taken up the idea of escaping. She knew not where to go, except away from her home city. Nay, away from Nedeceus. But with no boat and no land route, Niieu despaired. There was no way out except through the sea...and in she went, hating the thought of returning to what would likely not be a happy reunion. She had concluded that, should she return, she would eventually be killed, likely by those for her nature--if she had not already been labeled as a heretic, or maybe a "fallen"; an anomaly that should be purged from existence before it would potentially corrupt the rest of the Crusade against the wishes of its ruler. And in the end, she felt it would be better to at least attempt leaving directly...and indeed tried to leave by means of ocean. She had known about ships--perhaps she would encounter one on her way out--Niieu couldn't approach any port cities for fear of being caught and returned--to be executed or further "corrected".
And as such, she attempted to leave directly by ocean. Taking a board with her as an attempt to keep afloat easily, she made a valiant effort to go out...and perhaps find somewhere else to live. Somewhere where she could stay alive. Predictably, she didn't get far before simply becoming exhausted...and unable to carry on any further, she blacked out, succumbing to unconsciousness...
Miraculously, she had washed up on the continent of Electrum, somehow still alive. It felt almost as if she shouldn't have survived it...and indeed, a few things felt off, by comparison. She felt almost...cold, in a sense, as if a portion of her soul had died within her...and more peculiar was the thing that had washed up beside her. It was akin to a typical spellbook, but possessing some strange qualities. The black, sleek metal covering the tome's exterior, the seven-pointed star that adorned its cover, and its abnormally large size--it had more pages than usual for a spellbook...but a good number of those pages were written in a script that she had never seen before--it had no similarity to either the Common language, nor the Divine language that she had learned while on Nedeceus. And to her, something felt strange...yet slightly familiar...about it--as if it was hers. Adding this to the fact that there was nothing distinguishing an owner about it, and she felt that perhaps, just perhaps, she would take it for her own.
Niieu had quickly learned that, while she was at least able to communicate with the inhabitants of this unfamiliar land, she found that at best, their reactions varied, but in general, she was disliked, distrusted, and occasionally demonized. She was at least able to fend off hostile entities with her own magical prowess, but she had much trouble getting anywhere. Trust was alien to her life--she wished well, but wasn't given any trust. More notable seemed to be how she had even more difficulty talking with anyone of devout faith; something about her, and moreso about the grimoire she was carrying, seemed to unsettle and disturb them...almost as if there was something about her nature that was anathema.
It was only after some time on the continent that she had noticed that, unlike how her wings had been before, there were patches of black feathers upon her previously silver wings. She wondered once again why this happened--and underneath, feared that something might be very, very wrong, just like the emptiness. No answers seemed to be present about any of her current, most pressing questions. Too many questions which there were no answers for. More arcane knowledge, arcane power, existed out there. Perhaps it could provide an answer...
...It frustrated her, to say the least.
And as she continued her travels, she ultimately came upon the city of Ler Lereah, in search of answers. So very many answers. Though should she gain power along the way, she would not mind...
(Background is subject to change based on review, assuming it doesn't just plain suck.)
Story Hooks
- Heretic?: Niieu had left the Nedecian continent, escaping by a miraculous stroke of fate. However, she does not know the status of things back at her old home--as a single Aasimar, they had likely opted to not waste so much effort on a lower-ranking member of their theocratic nation. However, one could only imagine what would happen would she encounter them again...
- A Stroke of Fate: It was likely not just plain luck that Niieu had survived and beached on Electrum. But it also wasn't simply her own abilities. What being, natural, supernatural, or divine, would have enough vested interest in her that she would be saved like this?
- Enigma: The tome that Niieu carries as of current is nothing even close to common. Between the section in the back filled with text and patterns scrawled out in a completely indecipherable form, and the apparently unsettling "presence" it carries to some, it could not be a normal book--but she takes it with her anyway, for its practical use. It would be better than nothing as of now.
- Tainted: The unnatural feeling of coldness within herself...the gradual and piecemeal blackening of her wings. Niieu cannot understand why either would be happening, but it feels almost to her that a part of her soul has died within her. She searches for answers on this in particular, first and foremost, having little idea of why this is happening, much less how to stop it--if it could be stopped at all...
AC:20 (21 when not bloodied)
Fort:16 (17 when not bloodied)
Reflex:17 (18 when not bloodied)
Will:18 (19 when not bloodied)
Bloody: 17
Healing Surges:9
Healing Surge Value:8
Acrobatics (Dex):+1 +2 racial = +3
Arcana (Int): 6+4 Int = +10
Athletics (Str):+0
Bluff (Cha): 1+1 Cha = +2
Diplomacy (Cha): 1+1 Cha = +2
Dungeoneering (Wis): 1+3 Wis = +4
Endurance (Con): 1+3 Con = +4
Heal (Wis): 1+3 Wis = +4
History (Int): 6+4 Int = +10
Insight (Wis): 5+1+3 Wis = +9
Intimidate (Cha): 1+1 Cha = +2
Nature (Wis): 6+3 Wis = +9
Perception (Wis): 1+3 Wis = +4
Religion (Int): 1+4 Int + 2 racial = +7
Stealth (Dex): +1
Streetwise (Cha): 1+1 Cha = +2
Thievery (Dex): +1
- Armor Proficiency: Leather (can use leather armor without penalty)
- [Bonus]Ritual Caster (Able to use rituals)
- Burning Blizzard (+1 to damage on cold, acid spells)
- Low-Light Vision
- +2 Religion, Acrobatics
- Inner Light: +1 to all defenses while not bloodied
- Resist Radiance: Radiant Resistance 5
- Astral Glide racial power (see powers)
- Bonus Feat: Ritual Casting
- Implement Mastery: Staff of Defense (+1 to AC, 1/battle add Con mod to defense)
- Spellbook: Holds rituals, daily spells, encounter spells.
- Rituals: 3 rituals known
- Ghost Sound (Ranged 10, create illusory sound)
- Light (Ranged 5, create bright light in a 4-square radius of the point selected for 5 minutes)
- Mage Hand(Ranged 5, 20lb. telekinesis, move up to 5 squares as move action, drop as free action)
- Prestidigitation (Ranged 2, varied not-quite-useful effects)
- Magic Missile (Ranged 10, Int vs. Reflex, 2d4+Int force damage, treat as ranged basic)
- Ray of Frost (Ranged 10, Int vs. Fort, 1d6+Int Cold damage, target is slowed)
- Crystal Lance[Chill Strike] (Ranged 10, Int vs. Fort, 2d8+Int cold damage, target is dazed)
- '[Icy Rays] (Ranged 10, 1 or 2 targets, Int vs. Reflex, 1d10+Int cold to each, immobilizes target)
- Astral Glide (Fly at Speed+2 for this action. If ended in midair, falling occurs)
- '[Acid Arrow] (Ranged 20, Int vs. Ref, primary 2d8+Int, Ongoing 5, acid damage. Secondary 1d8+Int, ongoing 5, acid damage. Miss does half+Ongoing 2 acid damage, no secondary)
- '[Freezing Cloud] (Burst 2, Range 10, Int vs. Fort, 1d8+Int cold damage (Half on miss). Lingers 1 round, creatures entering or starting turn in cloud take another attack. Dismissable as minor action)
- Feather Fall (Daily, Ranged 10, Free action: Target takes no damage from fall, does not fall prone at end)
- Shield (Encounter, Personal, Interrupt: +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defenses until end of next turn)
- Make Whole
- Arcane Mark
- Silence
Equipment and Gear
- Defensive Staff (+1 to hit and damage as implement bonus. +1 to Fort/Ref/Will defense, +1 to AC if using Staff of Defense)[Lv2] (4 lb)
- Stoneborn Leather (AC 3(includes +1 enhancement bonus), +10+Con Temp HP as daily; temp HP last until depleted or the next extended rest)[Lv3](15 lb)
- Cloak of Distortion (+1 to Fort/Ref/Will defenses, ranged attacks from more than 5 squares(25 feet) away take a -5 penalty to the attack roll.)[Lv4](2 lb)
- Adventurer's Pack (as standard)(33 lb)
- Dagger (1d4 damage, light thrown, off-hand. Completely useless outside of utility.)(1 lb)
- Acrobat Boots (+1 item bonus to Acrobatics checks, stand up from prone as a minor action)(4 lb)
- Potion of Healing x1 (drink, spend a healing surge, recover 10 HP) (2 lb?)
- 100 GP of ritual components
- 10 GP
Misc. Details
Current Load: 60 lb.
Normal Load: 80 lb.
Heavy Load: 160 lb.
Maximum Drag Load: 400 lb.
Quick Combat Reference
HP: 34 (Bloody 17)
Surges: 9
SV: 8
AC: 21 (20 bloodied)
Fort: 17 (16 bloodied)
Will: 19 (18 bloodied)
Reflex: 18 (17 bloodied)
Speed: 6
Initiative: +0
- Low-Light vision
- +2 to Religion and Acrobatics
- Inner Light: +1 to all defenses while not bloodied
- Resist Radiance: Resist Radiance 5
- Staff of Defense: +1 to AC, +3 to defense as encounter power
- Mage Hand: 25lb. telekinessis within 25'.
- Ghost Sound: Make varied sounds
- Prestidigitation: Create varied effects
- Magic Missile (Ranged 10, +6 vs. Reflex, 2d4+5 force damage, treat as ranged basic)
- Ray of Frost (Ranged 10, +6 vs. Fort, 1d6+6 Cold damage, target is slowed)
- Chill Strike (Ranged 10, +6 vs. Fort, 2d8+6 cold damage, target is dazed)
- Icy Rays (Ranged 10, 1 or 2 targets, +6 vs. Reflex, 1d10+6 cold to each, immobilizes target)
- Astral Glide (Fly 8 squares, move action. If ended in midair, falling occurs)
- Acid Arrow (Ranged 20, Int vs. Ref, primary 2d8+6, Ongoing 5, acid damage. Secondary 1d8+6, ongoing 5, acid damage. Miss does half+Ongoing 2 acid damage, no secondary)
- Freezing Cloud (Burst 2, Range 10, +6 vs. Fort, 1d8+6 cold damage (Half on miss). Lingers 1 round, creatures entering or starting turn in cloud take another attack. Dismissable as minor action)
- Stoneborn (Minor action. +13 temporary HP until deleted or extended rest taken)
- Feather Fall (Daily, Ranged 10, Free action: Target takes no damage from fall, does not fall prone at end)
- Shield (Encounter, Personal, Interrupt: +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex defenses until end of next turn)