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Bill3000 is an active poster on CFCOT, though he is known moreso for his wacky antics on #Civfanatics and #fiftychat.

He is known for his made up religion, Soloralism, a relic of his days in micronations, as well as having the odd distinction of declaring himself an ethnic Apolytoner. Also known for his occasional yellings of "HARDCORE MODERATOR ACTION!"

Bill rarely posts in political topics, hating partisan hackery with a passion. He generally believes in Political Relativism, thinking that all sides are generally idiotic fanboys, and that politics is more of a matter of choosing a position through how you were raised than how "right" it is.

Politically, he describes himself as a Technocrat, though it's more of a matter of hating all times when politics interferes with the progress of science. Is a supporter of the technological singularity, though he does it moreso for the sake of godhood. Economically he is a centrist, and is socially liberal. Religiously, he's some sort of odd combination between an soft/hard atheist, agnostic, pantheist, and of his own religion, Soloralism. Probably better described as an apathist.

Bill hates stupidity with a passion, and as a result, hangs out with the Sex Pigs, though he is not one himself.

His majors are Biomedical Engineering and Physics, but he has never claimed to be an expert in either or science in general, though he'd like to be one someday. Having a light case of Aspergers, he has quite a few obsessions, most notably physics, though he also likes topics such as other areas in science, math, lingustics, and history.

He is mostly of South German (Alsatian) and South Italian (Neapolitan and Sicilian) descent, but being an American, is a mutt.

Flame Warriors

When posting, Bill3000 is best described as an Android.

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