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The techie can be a mechanic, a pilot, a computer specialist, a demolitions expert, or any other profession that has an emphasis is on chemical, mechanical or electronical equipment and machinery.





Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom are the techie's most important abilities. The techie uses her Dexterity to manipulate sensitive equipment or to drive and pilot vehicles and aircrafts. Her high Dexterity also provide her with an invaluable bonus to her initiative and armor class. Techies with high Intelligence score gets additional skill points, although their high base number of skill points still provide techies with low or medium Intelligence scores a very reasonable amount. A great number of her skills are also based on that ability score. Some of the techies skills are also based on Wisdom, and having a high score in that ability should prove her with a additional bonus.

Game Rules

Hit Die


Class Skills

The techie’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Skill Points

  • First level: (10 + Int. modifier) x4.
  • Additional levels: 10 + Int. modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the techie.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

A techie has the following weapon and armor proficiency feats:


A techie gains ? as a bonus feat.


At 3rd level techies can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Techies can use the Disable device skill to disarm traps. A techie who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Table: The Techie:
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Defense Modifier
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Alertness, Stealthy +0
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Sneak Attack +1d6, Track +0
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Endurance, Run, Trapfinding +1
4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Trap Sense +1 +2
5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Evasion, Sneak Attack + 2d6 +2
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Uncanny Dodge +3
7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Fast Movement, Trap Sense +2 +4
8 +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 Sneak Attack +3d6 +4
9 +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 Swift Track +5
10 +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Trap Sense +3 +6
11 +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 Sneak Attack +4d6 +6
12 +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Camouflage +7
13 +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Trap Sense +4 +8
14 +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 Sneak attack +5d6 +8
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 Improved Uncanny Dodge +9
16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Trap Sense +5 +10
17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Sneak Attack +6d6 +10
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 Improved Evasion +11
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Hide in Plain Sight, Trap Sense +6 +12
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Sneak Attack +7d6 +12
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