From Center
Revision as of 11:05, 15 December 2011 by (Talk)
editthis-wiki-center: wiki-node
Our wiki-node links to wiki-nodes of neighboring wikis.
Welcome to the editthis-wiki-center. It's a wiki center for Everybody can create a new wiki on it easily. We use this wiki to organize the wiki-hive.
starting points
- main-page
- recent changes
- talk - for anything that likely won't be of importance anymore in two days
You got to push it-this essenital info that is!
editthis-wiki-center on center-wikis
real-time communication
- irc
- collab-editor
- VoIP
The wiki-node makes part of the wiki-net-concept.
Neighbors are to be talked about. Do it on the discussion-page, please.