MediaWiki talk:Badfilename

From Cellbe

Hi! I am about to start my own website and was wrioednng if you know where the best place to acquire a website url is? I am not even sure if that's what its known as? (I'm new to this) I'm referring to . How do I go about obtaining one of these for the website I'm creating? Thank you


Well, there hasn't been an update to the Wiki since December 8, nhtoing substantive was ever added, and a lot of the point of the Wiki has been superseded by the MediaSpace site, which benefits from official MCDM sponsorship. Unless someone objects, I'll be taking it down sometime in the near future.This was an interesting experience for me. I very successfully introduced a Wiki at REI, where it filled a huge need that the outmoded and locked-down Intranet was not filling. While on the surface, it seems that MCDM also has a similar need and people initially expressed interest in the Wiki, there seems to have been a disconnect somewhere between need, learning curve, and possibly attention span. I'm trying out a Wiki on a side project I'm working on, where I hope it will serve dual needs of both supporting and marketing the project. The nice thing about the Internet is how with minimal effort you can try all kinds of stuff. If it doesn't stick, it's not a big deal.


Oh, Professor, BTW, I just shut down your miner, needed to plug it into a new surge strip. I'm just about ready to turn it back on But you know, acutllay my lips are feeling a bit parched. I think I need to go get a vagina frappachino coffee, then maybe go see a movie, then grab dinner, and then go out on the town. I'll try to remember to turn your miner back on when I sober up, tomorrow night.-Foreman

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