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not with 3 of them at the upward well run

The doctor examined Wang Quanjie     July 13th morning, Guizhou province 96999 emergency center and expensive medical college composed of expert medical team arrived in Qinglong County in the town of Xinqiao Coal Mine, for being trapped for 604 hours after being rescued 3 miners consultation, and in that day will transport them to Guiyang rescue.
  on the same day, after twists and turns, the first time from the rescue of 3 miners rescue personnel office, knowing that 3 people in the mine in 25 days.  at the same time, reporters yesterday also connect to the 3 miners in Henan Ruyang County home family, that 3 people is the cousin relationship … …   Wang Quanjie, King Zhao Weixing Kuangwei, 3 miners were rescued, in the first time, to have more rescue workers said they in the mine in 25 days.
  according to the Quanjie said, in June 17th 16, he and Wang Kuangwei, Zhao Weixing 3 people in the underground 400 meters.At that time, there is a Fireboss and the 3 of them together to work,abercrombie france.Suddenly, they heard &ldquo ” detonation; with a bang,doudoune moncler pas cher, as he and Wang Kuangwei, Zhao Weixing had many years of experience working in the underground, heard the loud bang, and his own life also exists, immediately say is caused by accidents,, not a gas explosion accident,.
&nbsp,doudoune moncler; as it happened, the 4 people such as Wang Quanjie's Wells Road, next to a move above the shaft walking branch well, he and Wang Kuangwei, Zhao Weixing quickly towards the well ran.And then, the Fireboss because of lack of experience, not with 3 of them at the upward well run, but towards the well run, they call Fireboss when come unexpectedly, the flood rapidly consumed just work well, while the Fireboss no news.
  in this branch well, the 3 people such as Wang Quanjie feels no fear, they believe that someone would come to save them.They will head the 3 miner's lamp off, every other period of time have to take turns using the miner's lamp, in the flooded well crossing irradiation, a &ldquo,abercrombie france; &rdquo life information;.
Well there are many Branch Lane, complex environment, 3 of them have no random walk, in the sitting,franklin marshall, waiting for rescue.At the same time, the well ventilated condition is good.  Wang Quanjie said,, 25 days,, 3 of them are entirely on a drink from the surface penetration down the sewer to sustain life, at the same time to reduce the volume of activities, maintaining physical strength, between each other to talk is also speak in a mild tone,.
Rescue personnel introduces, June 17th flooding since the accident,moncler pas cher, the local has been raining, which also trapped underground for trapped personnel to provide adequate water.  July 12th morning 11 when, Wang Quanjie drowned after they heard the sound of someone even well, again with a miner's lamp irradiation, the results obtained in response to.
Rescuers say they face the first sentence is: “ would like to drink.” &nbsp,hollister; reportedly, three previous weight at 140 kilograms, and the weight is less than 70 kg.       
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(January 13th "people's Daily") Fudan University academic standards committee denied plagiarism finger doubts, and points out the problems, I recognized the investigation conclusion credibility, and that of Zhu Xueqin's doctoral dissertation.

due to market a new parity vegetable shop

  10:04 yesterday Mr,doudoune moncler pas cher. Ni calls: Xinhua Road farmers market, soybean is a piece of money a Jin, sweet corn is also a money a Jin, all the dishes are one yuan a kilo.Why, is because the vegetables in a grudge.
All stalls are the same price, many people buy.  journalist Shi Peng photography reports: 11 a.m., farmers market has been restored calm, not many people are buying vegetables.&nbsp,moncler; come to a vegetable stall asked,air jordan, corn to sell?The answer is 3 dollars.
  the owner surnamed Xu,abercrombie france, he said the morning was that — — merchants are put the dishes in the middle of the road, one yuan a kilo sell.&nbsp,doudoune moncler; due to market a new parity vegetable shop,abercrombie, opened in the corner of the stairs, about 40 square meters, up very clean, store wall reads “ price concessions, ” “ &rdquo,moncler pas cher; every day fresh; each vegetable prices are clearly the price, price also beside the painting a bird, the bird also beside write &ldquo,; if you want to buy a ”.
&nbsp,; parity vegetable shop boss Wu said: “ the bird is daughter to painting, to attract customers,doudoune moncler.The morning's events is on me.”   Wu boss previously operating in the market of fast food, then farmers market cannot sell fast, market management and Wu boss agreed to parity, vegetable store,.
  market office surname Yu's staff said: “ this market prices than the surrounding several market high,hollister, to attract customers, the market decides to establish a parity vegetable shop, also want to set an example for other businesses.
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(January 13th "people's Daily") Fudan University academic standards committee denied plagiarism finger doubts, and points out the problems, I recognized the investigation conclusion credibility, and that of Zhu Xueqin's doctoral dissertation. the data for reference only

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