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the most prominent problem

&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;this article published in the 2012 first China information world magazine China Internet of things is the first issue ,reprinted ,with readers .To serve the harmonious quality inspection interpretation service type government construction -- the study director Zhi Shuping in the national quality inspection information of the speech on working conference experience - &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Cheng Jie - often green &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Abstract  :quality inspection information construction is Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine of career development planning in the the important contents of quality inspection quality inspection ,information is not only promotes the scientific development of the power source, but also the realization of quality inspection contingency normalized deployment means .
Following the networking data aggregation sense the direction of industrial development, draw lessons from the cloud computing service oriented mode ,service oriented to plan quality inspection supervision system development direction ,service type regulatory intervention primary ,expand the supervision ,,reach strengthen the tube .
For the community to unite ,one-stop service to promote supervision information sharing ,regulate and promote supervision block positive quality supervision behavior .In the implementation of quality inspection Twelfth Five-Year Plan in the process, highlight the services to strengthening the management ,in order to deepen service supervision ,service to refine regulatory particle ,achieve normal regulatory mechanisms of the mode of management innovation .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp ,abercrombie;&gt  ;&nbsp  ;key words: &gt  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;service type government quality supervision service supervision and fusion of &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;Internet application cloud computing service &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;not long ago ,National Quality Inspection Bureau Information Center Leader introduces us to the quality inspection system of informatization development .
At the same time ,we also study the director Zhi Shuping in the national quality inspection of the text of the speech on conference of job of informatization ,information and quality inspection work are inextricably intertwined with the essential ,learning a lot of quality inspection information construction theory and scientific connotation .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;the following is our learning administration leader speech experience ,attract ,offer everybody discussion .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;focus on &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;news in the final analysis is a kind of information obtaining and transmission .
The image of the government ,the people the garment ,feed, live ,row ... ... Almost all quality concerns ,are inseparable from the dissemination of information .The speed of information dissemination ,people on the government policy correct ,doudoune moncler pas cher,quick understanding and the understanding ,which determines the social harmony and the government image .
The leadership of the State Council said in a speech to emphasize  :quality inspection job is to represent the image of the government .So the State Quality Inspection Administration Zhi Shuping a quality inspection information about speech deeply its significance and prospective .
Quality and information affect the social stability ,quality and information relating to the image of the government .The theoretical understanding of director Zhi Shuping this article on quality inspection information is discussed deeply ,can from the specific work in the perception of a behavior ,a kind of emotion  :as the state quality inspection administration director branch Shu-ping ,why office soon had their eyes on the concerns of the most current information of 12365 quality hotline  ?The reason why he was so firmly and quality requirements in working plan ,make as soon as possible 12365 hotline as quality inspection work  ?Yang Gang deputy director general in specific work, put forward even to complete the work .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp &nbsp  ;&nbsp macro requirement  ;;August 25, 2011, branch of director of national quality inspection information in Shu-ping points out on conference of work of quality inspection advance informatization construction ,fundamental purpose is to improve the effectiveness of services ,through service quality inspection ,through service to meet the public needs .
General Administration of quality inspection in the implementation of the report of the 17th Party Congress about accelerate the reform of the administrative system ,building a service-oriented government mental process, understand the carry out electronic government affairs ,strengthen social management and public service ,its essence is to promote e-government strategy from improve administrative efficiency tool , way level, to promote the construction of service oriented government is an important part of .
Service orientation has become a new period of the development of E-government in China the basic starting point ,service oriented E government is not in accordance with the instruction of the government sector to provide services ,but for the needs of users and compartmentalized information belonging to provide the one-stop service and integration .
From this perspective we create for the national quality inspection service supervision platform ,which is based on service and strengthening supervision at the same time ,prominent service to strengthen organization management ,service to increase superintendency strength ,service to refine regulatory particle ,achieve normal regulatory mechanisms of management innovation mode ,moncler pas cher.
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;branch long sincere words and earnest wishes to warn us to raise the level of social service .The current focus is on the 12365 conductor disposed to build shared system ,doudoune moncler.
12365 is the most direct expression of quality demands ,the most effective channel ,is to combat illegal behavior the most efficient quality ,the strong grasper .The 12365 system to build shared work ,according to the plan to implement ,and strive to the end of 2012 with more than half of the local network operation tests ,at the end of 2012 the full realization of whole network system .
This is pair of people attitude problem ,must be a hard task to catch .If not in the face of the ordinary people of the complaint ,what to talk about people quality inspection  ?What about the quality inspection for the people  ?Masses of information to find ,you don the mass information ,light with your supervision ,it is absolutely impossible .
Must let the people have a problem to look for quality inspection ,the question of quality inspection can find .A year and 12 months and 365 days ,quality inspection every day at your side .
We must give people a window ,so that people can feel the presence of quality inspection . &nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;12365 quality inspection portal &nbsp  ;&nbsp ,;&nbsp  ;through the establishment of quality inspection of unification ,in the service of aggrandizement inspect traceability tube ,guarantee the real-time and effective .
The Internet real-name system to form non speech ,group behavior can be very sensitively dependent on individual behavior; typical examples are some time ago ,an online consumer complaint quietly into a serious corporate public relations crisis ,make a world famous enterprise CEO apology, has door to the enterprise brought bad influence is far from over .
This may make the enterprise be startled at slow response .A company after years of arduous to build up the public and industry trust ,may be destroyed overnight .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;in the quality inspection through aggrandizement tracing ability ,can be found in time and study the quality ,because the efficiency of complaint and other issues triggered related events ,the overall problem of regionalization ,regional problem localization ,local problem detail possible ,real-time detection and digestion of social contradictions in the individual ,and do the digestion of complex problems in the invisible .
This is the urgent need of information technology means ,bridging social contradictory effective method to solve the problem ,,the specific entity of new ideas ,to social management to complete the construction of is the embodiment of the scientific outlook on development .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;2011 February, General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out  : China is in the development period of important strategic opportunities ,but also in the social contradiction is highlighted period ,doudoune moncler,social management problems also many .
From look on the whole ,China problems ,is China development level and the stage characteristics of the concentrated reflection . In the social transformation period there will be expanding unstable groups .
Then ,the inclusive mentality replaced prevent social contradiction property stability has become important factors .Quality control is an important work in the prevention of Internet public opinion public mentality was sharpened .
Quality inspection portal was built by service process for obtaining individual manufacturers and interactive statistical data, as well as when sparse to clear and found that regulation of specific target, at the same time from quality supervision service process in practice, reach and improve the quality inspection of the compartmentalized between internal gradually formed the information sharing and coordination .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp &nbsp  ;practice  ;&nbsp  ;director emphasizes in the speech  : to grasp the administration emergency command center planning and construction ,built covering administration ,province ,city ,moncler,County Bureau of inspection and quarantine and branches of the emergency command system ,improve the response to emergencies disposal capacity .
The construction of service oriented government ,to be most effective in promoting the reform of administrative management system and optimization . The quality is the eternal theme of also means the quality inspection contingency must complete the normalized deployment .
We rely on the networking industry development environment based on the telecom operators ,infrastructure construction ,integration of resources ,from optimize business service cost point of completion of quality inspection class society emergency physical deployment .
Comprehensive cost advantage to guide quality inspection within the scope of enterprise emergency system and emergency disposal system of ceaseless aggrandizement and perfect service ,to promote the regulatory mechanisms of the normalized deployment .
At the same time, quality inspection contingency normalized deployment from the combined perspective ,to the wide deployment of large-scale ,standardized management system ,for the state of other departments to provide combined cooperative combat system .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;director of quality inspection for construction of informatization of the enormity of the task clearly pointed out  : the information is a huge system ,top design is very important, so to carry out quality inspection information 十二五planning and implementation of major national informatization planning closely ,information technology and the quality inspection business depth of fusion ,high starting point to do a good job of informatization construction of planning ,such as the gold medal project ( phase two ) planning project ,further improve the electronic inspection and quarantine trunk system plan and construction .
Director emphasizes in the speech quality inspection information of the basic requirement is to condition ,accurate ,fast processing of data ming . And many references to quality inspection information of Internet of things to pay attention to ubiquitous computing and other emerging technologies industry achievement on quality inspection information construction support .
Networking industry is based on the Chinese in the world collection of communication network ,and the extension of related technology and its typical application ,to the social total cost of ownership of the intensive ,large-scale ,low cost to the community to provide advanced productivity  ;strengthen the government culture ,economic life tracing ability ,optimizing the mode of social management ,promote social management of foresight ,plan and the transaction level of wisdom .
The cloud computing this software industry service oriented innovation business model ,the information fusion depth ,wide spread data aggregation of Internet application ,the realization of the generalized supervision and service effective interaction ,should be our quality inspection system construction should absorb the positive elements .
Planning in the clear in a gold engineering on the basis of speeding up the construction of two ,building a unified, sharing ,joint quality inspection system of e-government system platform ,through the integration of standardized quality inspection system service supervision .
In the enterprise in the form of service continued to strengthen supervision service system construction, and gradually establish and perfect the organization code as the basis for the real name system information sharing platform ,strengthening quality inspection information traceability ,air jordan.
From quality inspection management service object oriented unified service angle to further improve the quality inspection departments compartmentalization between business collaboration and information sharing ,in order to quality inspection government intranet ,extranet and public service portal interaction development ,and comprehensively improve the electronic government support e-government business ability ,for the national e-government and e-commerce application system provides a wealth of information application technical support .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp  ;safeguard measures  ;;director of clear in his speech  : we should strengthen information infrastructure construction ,popularize informatization basic equipment ,speeds up the information source ,information transmission network ,information application system development and application ,doudoune moncler,focusing on the macro quality analysis database ,enterprise database ,basic quality credit database database construction quality inspection group ,set up the information gathering and feedback of the fast channel ,digital construction and promote information level .
In the quality supervision and inspection and Quarantine Twelfth Five-Year Plan development for quality inspection of e-government system, put forward clearly also to perfect eight database ,with six major functions of application systems ,optimization of big five network ,the construction of four major security system .
Especially for the society through the unified service platform ,will be one of the monitoring service system ,macroscopical and decision-making service system ,12365 administrative enforcement system ,making government affairs public service system ,community emergency response service system ,internal management business system ,the six application system in the service process optimization information sharing mode ,strengthen information sharing degree ,in sharing information at the same time to harvest information value-added assets and management model to optimize the social achievements .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;director emphasizes repeatedly in the speech of 12365 role ,our understanding of the emotional reflects the national quality inspection quality inspection is the people ideas ,are technically in strengthening quality inspection portal build, quality inspection management system for the specific needs of the public ,to achieve product quality issues access quality inspection portal quality inspection ,portal localization related responsible persons .
give people a window ,so that people can feel the presence of quality inspection .The other is that the two are together, avoid to repeat construction ,because the main platform is bureau of quality and technical supervision ,inspection and quarantine you develop a terminal ,doudoune moncler pas cher,then you and bureau of quality and technical supervision of existing things combined hauling ,now very convenient ,information is not hard to solve ,moncler pas cher,and a connecting passage ,and then some of inspection and quarantine things to the inspection and quarantine ,with everyone sharing .
In fact, this also with the construction of our harmonious quality inspection ,quality inspection ,our two integration ,cooperation ,a lot of things is the significance ,must put it on .
Through the supervision and service integration service innovation supervision ,to further expand the golden quality project ,.&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;director points out clearly: the national quality and technical supervision gold engineering business contact ,electronic inspection and quarantine system to the inspection and quarantine operations together, with 12365 systems of national quality inspection system to report complaints ,advisory services and emergency command link .
Through the construction of the network, the administration and the Provincial Bureau ,directly under the board ,and then to the counties Bureau and Branch Bureau ,as well as the main enterprise regulation ,moncler pas cher,regulatory sites together ,will quality inspection system and local information systems connected to the network construction ,promote interoperability ,resource sharing .
Learning the speech ,people quality inspection and people is closely related to fully reflected .&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp ,air jordan pas cher;&nbsp target realization  ;&nbsp  ;in December 3, 2011 the Central Political Bureau Standing Committee Zhou Yongkang in the strengthening and the innovation of social management points out on working informal discussion  : strengthen the innovation of social management is a complex systematic project ,not managing to catch management ,must make overall planning and design .
To coordinate economic development ,,improving people ,social stability ,moncler pas cher,for the people most concerned about ,the most direct ,most practical problems affecting social harmony and stability ,the most prominent problem ,to strengthen the innovation of social management system ,overall planning ,year by year ,next session to advance .
Should pay attention to the change of concept, elements of the integration ,doudoune moncler pas cher,the integration of resources ,improvement ,and strive to solve all kinds of system sex obstacle ,mechanism of restraint ,security problems, make social management be strengthened in innovation ,to strengthen innovation .
&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;&nbsp  ;a director in his speech pointed out explicitly: work from the government level, the government information on how to play a better condition ,macroscopical adjusting control ,market supervision ,,social management and public service functions ,the development of e-government is also facing new challenges .
Government informatization is not the government as the main investor ,to maximize the value of the community for the orientation of the information system engineering is the government informatization project ,wherein commercial agencies concerned to achieve business value ,guarantee project of sustainable development, the government is social value organization ,must pay close attention to social value ,quality inspection of public services platform is a typical government informatization engineering ,we should actively absorb the Internet application and cloud computing service development model ,relying on China service system ,through the ICT quality inspection technology deployment of network application ,the Internet category in a systematic ,large-scale ,intensive development form ,to the community to provide quality inspection supervision service supporting platform .
Comprehensively implement the Wang Qishan Vice Prime Minister in 2011 September quality month presented the quality is the basis ,safety is the bottom line ,the quality is the eternal theme .
According to the requirements of the scientific outlook on development ,adhere to the people-oriented ,quality road to a powerful nation ,strive to improve the quality of management level ,hold no systemic ,regional ,industry quality safety risk bottom line important directive ,according to China Internet development overall planning ,to a communication service quality inspection supervision form extension services, through the supervision and service alternating deepen ,solve quality inspection supervision system exists in many government time ,enterprises can not related issues, in quality inspection field interpretation of the Party Central Committee to, establish harmonious society the ruling idea, service to implement the quality inspection powers overall objective .
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