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Last year since September against the trend of newspaper reporter Wu Xintao due to hedge market sentiment, investors as a haven currency yen ,abercrombie,the U.S. dollar against the yen in 19 currencies in New York dropped to 75.
95 ,refresh the exchange rate in March 17 set the record in 76.25 after World War II the low level .Despite the recent Japanese government several times against the yen exchange rate frequently verbal intervention ,but difficult for yen strong rise and investors that the global economy more pessimistic about the prospects for .
Analytic personage says ,,the Japanese government intervention or has been difficult to maintain long-term ,on the financial market turmoil multilateral consultations is the solution .While the market at the moment is to pay close attention to the global Friday (26 days ) in the United States of America Wyoming city at the yearly meeting as well as the chairman .
Unilateral intervention difficult to reverse the Yen Yen rise since the mid of July unilateral appreciation trend ,the Japanese government and in the August 4th intervention in foreign exchange markets ,hollister,the use of funds up to 4.
5 trillion yen ($58500000000 ) .The move was made the Japanese yen popularity .But good times don ,since the international credit rating agency Standard & Poor in August 5th for the United States of America sovereign credit ratings are for the first time in history after the decline, the market panic rising ,the dollar started 10 consecutive trading days of decline ,and in eleventh trading days ,namely August 19th New York currencies ,the exchange rate on the exploration to 75.
95 after the Second World War the lowest record .According to Bloomberg ,as of 19 ,the dollar against the yen exchange rate in the past three months fell 5,air jordan pas cher.6% cumulative ,the yen rose in the world trading currencies after the Swiss Franc ( 12%) ,ranked No,abercrombie.
second .Japan Nikkei 20 comments ,as investors in the global economic recovery and financial market turmoil concerns continued to heat up ,the flow of relatively safe money -- yen capital increase .
In addition ,on the United States will further introduce the quantitative easing monetary policy is also expected to rise ,,also became the yen buying causes increased .Recently the United States of America and global financial markets experienced acuteness wave motion .
Among them, the United States of America stock market due to a series of bad economic data released last Thursday after two consecutive days of crash ,the S & P 500 index last week dropped a total of 4.
7% ,and gained a fourth successive decline ,the cumulative decline range reaches as high as 16.44% .At the same time ,a measure of market participants panic mentality volatility index from August 8th to 48 the past two years more than high,air jordan, will always maintain high in the near future ,from 19 to 43.
05 ,indicating that the market for the United States to prospects for economic recovery and European debt concerns have been high .Concerned about the market outlook of multilateral consultations in 19, finance minister Noda Kahiko said ,to intervene in the foreign exchange market operation requires by surprise ,the government has been ready for the necessary intervention currencies .
This is the Japanese government within a week second against the yen exchange rate to go strong warning .This month 14 days ,Noda Kahiko once said , the strong yen to take resolute measures .
But in Japan, most analysis personage thinks ,in view of the current global economic prospects of the weak and fed to the introduction of a new round of quantitative easing is expected in the heating ,the Japanese government once again unilateral intervention currencies effect is expected to be long ,but it cannot be ruled out Japan again .
At present, the focus of market attention focused on the 26 August in the United States of America global central Wyoming Jackson city held a regular meeting ,the Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke on the United States economy foreground and monetary policy statement .
In 2010 8 held at the end of the last routine annual meeting ,Bernanke said ,the Fed will take unconventional means the United States of America to avoid deflation ,and to stimulate economic growth and job creation ,mercurial vapor pas cher.
Subsequently, the Federal Reserve in November of that year until 2011 of June ,accumulated through the purchase of a $600000000000 American Treasury bonds to stimulate economic growth and employment in the United States ,,it is market called fed its second round of quantitative easing monetary policy ( QE2 ) .
In addition ,in the 9 Federal Reserve monetary policy meeting ,the Fed said , the United States economic growth is significantly lower than previously expected ,the Fed ready to take the series to stimulate economic growth ,and will maintain low interest rates for at least two years .
At present, the market for international multilateral consultations to resolve the financial market turmoil are expected to rise ,mercurial vapor.Noda Kahiko in 19 news conference said: the G7 ( G7 ) member country long and governor of the central bank in the next few weeks to maintain close cooperation,moncler, and to take all necessary measures to stabilize the financial market and economic growth .
disclaimer this article represents the views of the author, has nothing to do with .And the news website the statement ,abercrombie france,the neutral ,it contains the content the accuracy ,reliability or integrity of any express or implied warranty .
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