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where 2353 people

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Begin from November, 11 special inspection teams to 11 city 11 key produces coal county coal company and province key anatomy and key press.    &nbsp,; Shanxi coal fields in the anti-corruption struggle, smooth reporting channels,moncler, seriously dealt with a number of leading cadres of the party using the terms of accepting huge bribes serious illegal cases, use of "public rights" as "umbrella" "black on black" case,doudoune moncler pas cher, investigate and deal with cadre of Party member leader in coal production in the sales process, using the terms of embezzlement, bribery cases as well as in state-owned coal mine in the transfer of property rights of dereliction of duty,, causing huge loss of state-owned assets case.
  &nbsp,doudoune moncler;   this year 1 to in November,, Shanxi received a mass petition to report 759 (Times),moncler, initial coal field discipline of 718 clues, find 591 pieces of legislation; Disciplining Wrongdoing Party member cadre 906 people, among them 453 people,moncler pas cher, disciplinary punishment, disciplinary action 544 people,doudoune moncler; to hall level cadre 7 people, the county office at the beginning of 109 people of cadre; nuclear non coal mine field and discipline of 226 clues, disciplining wrongdoing party member cadre 229 people,.
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