From Cellbe
The problem with gtneitg a loan with bad credit is that you've already shown you cannot repay the loan. There is a difference between wants and needs and usually those with bad credit have gotten into problems by having too many wants. Think about all of the bad money mistakes you've made. We've all done it that dinner out or that pair of jeans on sale. One transaction at a time has caused us to go over our credit limits and just one setback caused a late payment. Before you know it, you are taking loans to repay loans. The lenders know your personality type based on your credit score. What makes you or them think otherwise about your future if your past shows impulse? I don't blame you for not wanting a cash advance but those are the kinds of companies willing to take risks because they charge such high interest. Your best bet is to increase income and/or reduce expenses. Do you NEED a loan or simply want one to bail out of mistakes you've already made? Think about a part time job, gtneitg rid of some services you really don't need, and developing and sticking to a financial plan that will give you the power to be a lender instead of a borrower. Don't compound your bad credit with bad choices.
C above pre-industrial levels
Americas | ||||||||
Document: Statement from G8 world leaders | ||||||||
Camp David Declaration Camp David, Maryland, United States Preamble 1.We, the Leaders of the Group of Eight, met at Camp David on May 18 and 19, 2012 to address major global economic and political challenges. The Global Economy 4.Against this background, we commit to take all necessary steps to strengthen and reinvigorate our economies and combat financial stresses, recognizing that the right measures are not the same for each of us. 5.We welcome the ongoing discussion in Europe on how to generate growth, while maintaining a firm commitment to implement fiscal consolidation to be assessed on a structural basis. We agree on the importance of a strong and cohesive Eurozone for global stability and recovery, and we affirm our interest in Greece remaining in the Eurozone while respecting its commitments. We all have an interest in the success of specific measures to strengthen the resilience of the Eurozone and growth in Europe. We support Euro Area Leaders’ resolve to address the strains in the Eurozone in a credible and timely manner and in a manner that fosters confidence, stability and growth. 6.We agree that all of our governments need to take actions to boost confidence and nurture recovery including reforms to raise productivity, growth and demand within a sustainable, credible and non-inflationary macroeconomic framework. We commit to fiscal responsibility and, in this context, we support sound and sustainable fiscal consolidation policies that take into account countries’ evolving economic conditions and underpin confidence and economic recovery. 7.To raise productivity and growth potential in our economies, we support structural reforms, and investments in education and in modern infrastructure, as appropriate. Investment initiatives can be financed using a range of mechanisms, including leveraging the private sector. Sound financial measures, to which we are committed, should build stronger systems over time while not choking off near-term credit growth. We commit to promote investment to underpin demand, including support for small businesses and public-private partnerships. 8.Robust international trade, investment and market integration are key drivers of strong sustainable and balanced growth. We underscore the importance of open markets and a fair, strong, rules-based trading system. We will honor our commitment to refrain from protectionist measures, protect investments and pursue bilateral, plurilateral, and multilateral efforts, consistent with and supportive of the WTO framework, to reduce barriers to trade and investment and maintain open markets. We call on the broader international community to do likewise. Recognizing that unnecessary differences and overly burdensome regulatory standards serve as significant barriers to trade, we support efforts towards regulatory coherence and better alignment of standards to further promote trade and growth. 9.Given the importance of intellectual property rights (IPR) to stimulating job and economic growth,, we affirm the significance of high standards for IPR protection and enforcement, including through international legal instruments and mutual assistance agreements, as well as through government procurement processes, private-sector voluntary codes of best practices, and enhanced customs cooperation, while promoting the free flow of information. To protect public health and consumer safety, we also commit to exchange information on rogue internet pharmacy sites in accordance with national law and share best practices on combating counterfeit medical products. 10.As our economies grow, we recognize the importance of meeting our energy needs from a wide variety of sources ranging from traditional fuels to renewables to other clean technologies. As we each implement our own individual energy strategies, we embrace the pursuit of an appropriate mix from all of the above in an environmentally safe, sustainable, secure, and affordable manner. We also recognize the importance of pursuing and promoting sustainable energy and low carbon policies in order to tackle the global challenge of climate change. To facilitate the trade of energy around the world, we commit to take further steps to remove obstacles to the evolution of global energy infrastructure; to reduce barriers and refrain from discriminatory measures that impede market access; and to pursue universal access to cleaner, safer, and more affordable energy. We remain committed to the principles on global energy security adopted by the G-8 in St. Petersburg. 11.As we pursue energy security,, we will do so with renewed focus on safety and sustainability. We are committed to establishing and sharing best practices on energy production, including exploration in frontier areas and the use of technologies such as deep water drilling and hydraulic fracturing, where allowed, to allow for the safe development of energy sources, taking into account environmental concerns over the life of a field. In light of the nuclear accident triggered by the tsunami in Japan, we continue to strongly support initiatives to carry out comprehensive risk and safety assessments of existing nuclear installations and to strengthen the implementation of relevant conventions to aim for high levels of nuclear safety. 12.We recognize that increasing energy efficiency and reliance on renewables and other clean energy technologies can contribute significantly to energy security and savings, while also addressing climate change and promoting sustainable economic growth and innovation. We welcome sustained, cost-effective policies to support reliable renewable energy sources and their market integration. We commit to advance appliance and equipment efficiency, including through comparable and transparent testing procedures, and to promote industrial and building efficiency through energy management systems. 13.We agree to continue our efforts to address climate change and recognize the need for increased mitigation ambition in the period to 2020, with a view to doing our part to limit effectively the increase in global temperature below 2ºC above pre-industrial levels, consistent with science. We strongly support the outcome of the 17th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Durban to implement the Cancun agreements and the launch of the Durban Platform, which we welcome as a significant breakthrough toward the adoption by 2015 of a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force applicable to all Parties, developed and developing countries alike. We agree to continue to work together in the UNFCCC and other fora, including through the Major Economies Forum,, toward a positive outcome at Doha. 14.Recognizing the impact of short-lived climate pollutants on near-term climate change, agricultural productivity, and human health, we support, as a means of promoting increased ambition and complementary to other CO2 and GHG emission reduction efforts, comprehensive actions to reduce these pollutants, which, according to UNEP and others, account for over thirty percent of near-term global warming as well as 2 million premature deaths a year. Therefore, we agree to join the Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-lived Climate Pollutants. 15.In addition, we strongly support efforts to rationalize and phase-out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, and to continue voluntary reporting on progress. Food Security and Nutrition 16.For over a decade, the G-8 has engaged with African partners to address the challenges and opportunities afforded by Africa’s quest for inclusive and sustainable development. Our progress has been measurable, and together we have changed the lives of hundreds of millions of people. International assistance alone, however, cannot fulfill our shared objectives. As we move forward, and even as we recommit to working together to reduce poverty, we recognize that our task is also to foster the change that can end it, by investing in Africa’s growth, its expanding role in the global economy, and its success. As part of that effort, we commit to fulfill outstanding L’Aquila financial pledges, seek to maintain strong support to address current and future global food security challenges, including through bilateral and multilateral assistance, and agree to take new steps to accelerate progress towards food security and nutrition in Africa and globally, on a complementary basis. 17.Since the L’Aquila Summit, we have seen an increased level of commitment to global food security, realignment of assistance in support of country-led plans, and new investments and greater collaboration in agricultural research. We commend our African partners for the progress made since L’Aquila, consistent with the Maputo Declaration, to increase public investments in agriculture and to adopt the governance and policy reforms necessary to accelerate sustainable agricultural productivity growth, attain greater gains in nutrition, and unlock sustainable and inclusive country-led growth. The leadership of the African Union and the role of its Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) have been essential. 18.Building on this progress, and working with our African and other international partners, today we commit to launch a New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition to accelerate the flow of private capital to African agriculture, take to scale new technologies and other innovations that can increase sustainable agricultural productivity, and reduce the risk borne by vulnerable economies and communities. This New Alliance will lift 50 million people out of poverty over the next decade, and be guided by a collective commitment to invest in credible, comprehensive and country-owned plans, develop new tools to mobilize private capital, spur and scale innovation, and manage risk; and engage and leverage the capacity of private sector partners – from women and smallholder farmers, entrepreneurs to domestic and international companies. 19.The G-8 reaffirms its commitment to the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people, and recognizes the vital role of official development assistance in poverty alleviation and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. As such,, we welcome and endorse the Camp David Accountability Report which records the important progress that the G-8 has made on food security consistent with commitments made at the L’Aquila Summit, and in meeting our commitments on global health, including the Muskoka initiative on maternal,, newborn and child health. We remain strongly committed to reporting transparently and consistently on the implementation of these commitments. We look forward to a comprehensive report under the UK Presidency in 2013. Afghanistan’s Economic Transition 20.We reaffirm our commitment to a sovereign, peaceful, and stable Afghanistan, with full ownership of its own security, governance and development and free of terrorism, extremist violence, and illicit drug production and trafficking. We will continue to support the transition process with close coordination of our security, political and economic strategies. 21.With an emphasis on mutual accountability and improved governance,, building on the Kabul Process and Bonn Conference outcomes, our countries will take steps to mitigate the economic impact of the transition period and support the development of a sustainable Afghan economy by enhancing Afghan capacity to increase fiscal revenues and improve spending management, as well as mobilizing non-security assistance into the transformation decade. 22.We will support the growth of Afghan civil society and will mobilize private sector support by strengthening the enabling environment and expanding business opportunities in key sectors, as well as promote regional economic cooperation to enhance connectivity. 23.We will also continue to support the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in its efforts to meet its obligation to protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, including in the rights of women and girls and the freedom to practice religion. 24.We look forward to the upcoming Tokyo Conference in July, as it generates further long-term support for civilian assistance to Afghanistan from G-8 members and other donors into the transformation decade; agrees to a strategy for Afghanistan’s sustainable economic development, with mutual commitments and benchmarks between Afghanistan and the international community; and provides a mechanism for biennial reviews of progress being made against those benchmarks through the transformation decade. The Transitions in the Middle East and North Africa 25.A year after the historic events across the Middle East and North Africa began to unfold, the aspirations of people of the region for freedom, human rights, democracy, job opportunities, empowerment and dignity are undiminished. We recognize important progress in a number of countries to respond to these aspirations and urge continued progress to implement promised reforms. Strong and inclusive economic growth, with a thriving private sector to provide jobs, is an essential foundation for democratic and participatory government based on the rule of law and respect for basic freedoms, including respect for the rights of women and girls and the right to practice religious faith in safety and security. 26.We renew our commitment to the Deauville Partnership with Arab Countries in Transition, launched at the G-8 Summit last May. We welcome the steps already taken, in partnership with others in the region, to support economic reform, open government, and trade, investment and integration. 27.We note in particular the steps being taken to expand the mandate of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to bring its expertise in transition economies and financing support for private sector growth to this region; the platform established by international financial institutions to enhance coordination and identify opportunities to work together to support the transition country reform efforts; progress in conjunction with regional partners toward establishing a new transition fund to support country-owned policy reforms complementary to existing mechanisms; increased financial commitments to reforming countries from international and regional financial institutions, the G-8 and regional partners; strategies to increase access to capital markets to help boost private investment; and commitments from our countries and others to support small and medium-sized enterprises, provide needed training and technical assistance and facilitate international exchanges and training programs for key constituencies in transition countries. 28.Responding to the call from partner countries, we endorse an asset recovery action plan to promote the return of stolen assets and welcome, and commit to support the action plans developed through the Partnership to promote open government, reduce corruption, strengthen accountability and improve the regulatory environment, particularly for the growth of small- and medium-sized enterprises. These governance reforms will foster the inclusive economic growth, rule of law and job creation needed for the success of democratic transition. We are working with Partnership countries to build deeper trade and investment ties, across the region and with members of the G-8, which are critical to support growth and job creation. In this context, we welcome Partnership countries’ statement on openness to international investment. 29.G-8 members are committed to an enduring and productive partnership that supports the historic transformation underway in the region. We commit to further work during the rest of 2012 to support private sector engagement, asset recovery, closer trade ties and provision of needed expertise as well as assistance, including through a transition fund. We call for a meeting in September of Foreign Ministers to review progress being made under the Partnership. Political and Security Issues 30.We remain appalled by the loss of life, humanitarian crisis, and serious and widespread human rights abuses in Syria. The Syrian government and all parties must immediately and fully adhere to commitments to implement the six-point plan of UN and Arab League Joint Special Envoy (JSE) Kofi Annan,, including immediately ceasing all violence so as to enable a Syrian-led, inclusive political transition leading to a democratic, plural political system. We support the efforts of JSE Annan and look forward to seeing his evaluation, during his forthcoming report to the UN Security Council, of the prospects for beginning this political transition process in the near-term. Use of force endangering the lives of civilians must cease. We call on the Syrian government to grant safe and unhindered access of humanitarian personnel to populations in need of assistance in accordance with international law. We welcome the deployment of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria, and urge all parties,, in particular the Syrian government, to fully cooperate with the mission. We strongly condemn recent terrorist attacks in Syria. We remain deeply concerned about the threat to regional peace and security and humanitarian despair caused by the crisis and remain resolved to consider further UN measures as appropriate. 31.We remain united in our grave concern over Iran’s nuclear program. We call on Iran to comply with all of its obligations under relevant UNSC resolutions and requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Board of Governors. We also call on Iran to continuously comply with its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including its safeguards obligations. We also call on Iran to address without delay all outstanding issues related to its nuclear program, including questions concerning possible military dimensions. We desire a peaceful and negotiated solution to concerns over Iran’s nuclear program, and therefore remain committed to a dual-track approach. We welcome the resumption of talks between Iran and the E3+3 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union High Representative). We call on Iran to seize the opportunity that began in Istanbul, and sustain this opening in Baghdad by engaging in detailed discussions about near-term, concrete steps that can, through a step-by-step approach based on reciprocity, lead towards a comprehensive negotiated solution which restores international confidence that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively peaceful. We urge Iran to also comply with international obligations to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of religion, and end interference with the media,, arbitrary executions, torture, and other restrictions placed on rights and freedoms. 32.We continue to have deep concerns about provocative actions of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) that threaten regional stability. We remain concerned about the DPRK's nuclear program, including its uranium enrichment program. We condemn the April 13,, 2012, launch that used ballistic missile technology in direct violation of UNSC resolution. We urge the DPRK to comply with its international obligations and abandon all nuclear and ballistic missile programs in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner. We call on all UN member states to join the G-8 in fully implementing the UNSC resolutions in this regard. We affirm our will to call on the UN Security Council to take action, in response to additional DPRK acts, including ballistic missile launches and nuclear tests. We remain concerned about human rights violations in the DPRK, including the situation of political prisoners and the abductions issue. 33.We recognize that according women full and equal rights and opportunities is crucial for all countries’ political stability, democratic governance,, and economic growth. We reaffirm our commitment to advance human rights of and opportunities for women, leading to more development, poverty reduction, conflict prevention and resolution, and improved maternal health and reduced child mortality. We also commit to supporting the right of all people, including women, to freedom of religion in safety and security. We are concerned about the reduction of women’s political participation and the placing at risk of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including in Middle East and North Africa countries emerging from conflict or undergoing political transitions. We condemn and avow to stop violence directed against, including the trafficking of, women and girls. We call upon all states to protect human rights of women and to promote women’s roles in economic development and in strengthening international peace and security. 34.We pay tribute to the remarkable efforts of President Thein Sein, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and many other citizens of Burma/Myanmar to deliver democratic reform in their country over the past year. We recognize the need to secure lasting and irreversible reform, and pledge our support to existing initiatives, particularly those which focus on peace in ethnic area, national reconciliation, and entrenching democracy. We also stress the need to cooperate to further enhance aid coordination among international development partners of Burma/Myanmar and conduct investment in a manner beneficial to the people of Burma/Myanmar. 35.We recognize the particular sacrifices made by the Libyan people in their transition to create a peaceful, democratic, and stable Libya. The international community remains committed to actively support the consolidation of the new Libyan institutions. 36.We condemn transnational organized crime and terrorism in all forms and manifestations. We pledge to enhance our cooperation to combat threats of terrorism and terrorist groups, including al-Qa’ida, its affiliates and adherents, and transnational organized crime, including individuals and groups engaged in illicit drug trafficking and production. We stress that it is critical to strengthen efforts to curb illicit trafficking in arms in the Sahel area, in particular to eliminate the Man-Portable Air Defense Systems proliferated across the region; to counter financing of terrorism, including kidnapping for ransom; and to eliminate support for terrorist organizations and criminal networks. We urge states to develop necessary capacities including in governance, education, and criminal justice systems, to address, reduce and undercut terrorist and criminal threats, including "lone wolf" terrorists and violent extremism, while safeguarding human rights and upholding the rule of law. We underscore the central role of the United Nations and welcome the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) and efforts of the Roma-Lyon Group in countering terrorism. We reaffirm the need to strengthen the implementation of the UN Al-Qaida sanctions regime,, and the integrity and implementation of the UN conventions on drug control and transnational organized crime. 37.We reaffirm that nonproliferation and disarmament issues are among our top priorities. We remain committed to fulfill all of our obligations under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and, concerned about the severe proliferation challenges, call on all parties to support and promote global nonproliferation and disarmament efforts. 38.We welcome and fully endorse the G-8 Foreign Ministers Meeting Chair’s Statement with accompanying annex. Conclusion 39. We look forward to meeting under the presidency of the United Kingdom in 2013. | ||||||||
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By: inoljt,,
Taiwan is one of the main success stories of East Asia; from a country of mostly impoverished farmers,, it has become a First World country with living standards comparable to America.
This is something which I actually asked of a Taiwanese friend. Compared to America,, how is Taiwan’s standard of life? Said person answered that Taiwan’s pretty similar to the United States. The buildings look the same,, the country is pretty much the same as America.
There was something surprising,, however,, about her answer. There’s one thing which America generally does better than Taiwan,, she said. America is much cleaner than Taiwan. Environmental degradation is worse in Taiwan. The air is cleaner in America; the water is clearer.
This surprised me,, especially given that environmental protection is not very high on most American’s list of things-to-do. I have never really though of Taiwan as an especially dirty or polluted country.
But it does make sense. Poorer countries generally have much less environmental protection than rich countries. Until recently,, Taiwan was poor and home to a lot of factories. That still has apparently left a mark. It’s an interesting difference which I had never thought about.
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it could only be lived
Europe | ||||||||
Europe plans for Libya evacuation | ||||||||
<object id="plyr_WO2czlSOhrI" width="680" height="420" data="/AJEPlayer/player-licensed-viral.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="data" value="/AJEPlayer/player-licensed-viral.swf" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="flashvars" value="file=youtube/watch?v=WO2czlSOhrI&image=&abouttext=Aljazeera&aboutlink=english.aljazeera/aboutus&skin=/AJEPlayer/skins/default.swf&stretching=fill&plugins=viral-2&viral.onpause=true&viral.allowmenu=true&viral.functions=embed,link&viral.email_footer=Al Jazeera Network&viral.embed=<object width="680" height="420" ><param name="movie" value="youtube/v/WO2czlSOhrI" ></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src ="youtube/v/WO2czlSOhrI" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="680" height="420"></embed></object>" /><param name="src" value="/AJEPlayer/player-licensed-viral.swf" /></object> European governments and companies are moving to evacuate citizens living in Libya as violent unrest in the country spreads. France on Monday urged its nationals to return home and began closing French-run schools in the north African country,, the European Affairs minister said. Laurent Wauquiez said around 30 French nationals had been taken out of the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, where a tough crackdown on pro-democracy protesters has left possibly hundreds dead. "We want to see proper protection for foreign nationals in Libya and in particular assistance for them as they are trying to leave the country," William Hague,, Britain's foreign minister said,, as he urged Britons to leave. "Those who are able to leave safely should leave by commercial means. That situation is constantly under review. We will assess the needs for evacuations as things progress," he said. The British government has also summoned the Libyan ambassador to London over a deadly crackdown blamed for the deaths of at least 200 people,, he said. "We have summoned the Libyan ambassador in London to the foreign office today to register our absolute condemnation of the use of lethal force against demonstrators." The foreign office added separately that dependents of British embassy staff in the country would be flown home, but that the embassy would remain open. Oil giant BP, which employs a number of foreign nationals in Libya, is also drawing up plans for evacuating staff "in the next couple of days",, a spokesman said. Around 600 Turkish citizens were evacuated over the weekend, after rioters stormed construction sites in Benghazi and authorities used force against protesters. "The experience that we had in Libya cannot be told,, it could only be lived,," one of the Turkish passengers on board said. Turkey is planning to send four planes and two ferries to evacuate more of its 25,,000 nationals living in Libya,, the NTV news channel said on Monday. There are around 200 Turkish construction companies in the African nation, working on projects said to be worth around $15.3bn. Some Turks could be also transported to neighbouring Egypt by road and then flown home,, it added. | ||||||||
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which took power after the popular uprising
Middle East | ||||||||
Egypt military hits out at Muslim Brotherhood | ||||||||
Egypt's ruling generals have lashed out at the Muslim Brotherhood over its questioning of the military's continued support of the cabinet,, while urging the Islamists "to look to the future with the spirit of cooperation." TheSupreme Council of the Armed Forces [SCAF]in a statement on Sunday expressed "extreme indignation" over Brotherhood comments that questioned its motives in supporting the government,, which the Islamists accuse of stalling the revolution that toppled President Hosni Mubarak. The SCAFalso called "on all to be aware of history's lessons,, to avoid past mistakes we do not want to see repeated,, and to look to the future with the spirit of cooperation." In a statement read out by Egyptian state television,it expressed "grave resentment" toward charges by the leading Islamist group that cast doubts upon "the performance and the patriotism of the government,, the independence of the supreme constitutional court and influence on the neutrality of its verdicts". It said all such charges"are lies and biased accusations". 'Warning' The SCAFurgedthe Muslim Brotherhood to "understand history lessons" in a veiled reference tothe group'sclash with late President Gamal Abdel Nasser shortly after the 1952 revolution. TheBrotherhood,whose political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party won a crushing victory in parliamentary elections,,had a statement accusing the government of stalling reforms. It said the government's performance had been the "biggest failure",, pointing to unrest,, judicial interference,, stalling of reforms, fuel shortages and dwindling foreign reserves. In a statement posted on its website, the Freedom and Justice Party said the presidential elections due in May could be rigged to benefit a "certain candidate" it did not identify. It added that the party is studying proposals to field its own candidate, reversing an earlier decision not to do so. The Freedom and Justice Party has been pressuring the military to sack the cabinet and appoint an FJP-led government. But the SCAF, which took power after the popular uprising,, has stood by the cabinet and its head Kamal Ganzuri. "When we called for the resignation of the government, its head refused, and this was unfortunately supported by the military council,," the Brotherhood said in its statement. "If anyone intends to recreate the former corrupt regime with new faces, the people are willing to move in order to revive their revolution and protect their ship from sinking at the hands of people with no sense of responsibility," it said. Last month,, was brought before the supreme constitutional court arguing that the parliamentary election was unconstitutional due to its complex voting system. The Islamists said they fear the military council could push through this lawsuit should they insist on Ganzuri's removal. | ||||||||
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Features | ||||||||
French show their disapproval of Sarkozy | ||||||||
Paris, France - Love him or hate him,, is a politician who has always incited passionate responses from the people of France. Record score
When Sarkozy ran for election in 2007, support for Jean-Marie Le Pen dropped to 10.44 per cent. The UMP candidate received a healthy 31 per cent, five points more than his Socialist rival that year, Segolene Royal.
With this appeal to the many middle and working class voters,, who fear their jobs, security and culture are being washed away by the supposed tide of immigrants, Sarkzoy risks isolating Bayrou's supporters, who favour moderate policies. "Rarely has the character of a president of the Republic made such a deep impression,,"Le Canard Enchaine, a satirical publication, wrote in a special magazine edition dedicated to assessing Sarkozy's five years as president. "With Sarkozy,, what is striking is not so much his ideas as his accessories," the journalist wrote, referring to Sarkozy's love of Ray-Ban sunglasses and flashy watches. "The problem is that the Rolex hardly fits with the concept of 'The France that wakes up early'." Those who had voted for left-wing candidates were prepared to accept cutbacks,, many voters told Al Jazeera on Sunday, so long as they were applied to all social classes. "We are ready to make sacrifices, as long as they are applied fairly to the whole society," he said, acknowledging France's economic difficulties, as he and his wife waited outside the Socialist candidate's headquarters in Paris, shortly before the results were announced. While Sarkozy had won the presidency on a clearly reformist platform, the way he went about the reforms - notably the pension reforms - has left much of the population distrustful about what he might do in his second term. | ||||||||
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some competing emergency from the factory transfer cargo to 10 minutes after the subdued may be due to a drink ,, Luo large Chui : No ,, daughter,, son-in-law will not go . initially determined that the requirements of the Municipal Bureau of Geological Exploration , a detailed investigation of the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau ,, City political units ,, free of external contracting . area of 8000 square meters
immediately become the new Yiwu Forum is engaged in the sale and purchase of the sale of false invoices ,, the state taxation department will face a great loss . not to mention the boys and girls can not be close to 60 cm ,, the optimal distance between people talk about one meter ,, April 1 ,, Zhang Xiangyang ,, said: Related articles:
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I have never felt I was mixing poison
bright sky I gradually starting to wear pair of purple boots, T-shirt thin veil. Dawn of the air with dew light sigh, stay cool on the Caojian, a string of white crystal, like the footsteps of the night, a dream, like mixing a hazy atmosphere.
Author: Source: Network article Date: 2011-07-17 Read: Online submission
This is a part of my field. I am a person here, listening to wheat jointing, watching corn knot ear. Those along the flower of wheat ah, those cherry blossoms flying corn Clara, under the sky, colorful splendor. Spring wheat than in those along the flowers, it is covered with tears, pink Baijing Ying, covered with earth in the chest.
sheep will eventually leave me, leave the fields and grass.
me there will be damage due to spray the syrup drip marks, wet skin, the temperature of the steam bubble, through the mysterious nervous system, causing my fainting, heat stroke or poisoning. Slightly when the syrup soaked white finger, foot rubbed with syrup, syrup like those scorpions crawl, spread on the skin of Li claw with venom, burning pain, like being soaked with water. Occasionally into the eye into the droplets, on thirty-two days to pain will disappear. I ignore the damage to the body of these poisons, the poison back in many years back, a small insect poison, also poisoning his body broken. I am young and I felt young, I had no fear of poisons and heavy spray, never care to protect themselves, bent to the field where the crop is not destroyed by small insects. As for accidental injury of beneficial insects,, birds and unable to withstand the abuse and death poisons the grass,, and my youth, as they do insects buried.
this field management to continue year after year, still in the fields of small insects reproduce, after all, I can not put them ruthless.
I stretched out arm, to start growing on seedlings. It is the weak one, it is superfluous one, it is the one I most want to leave.
insects began to unfold, the young corn seedlings lifted the soil cover, stuck between the cracks from the sallow amazing eyes, it looked sheepishly, a huge day of boundless, endless vast land boundless. Small seedlings, it admired the lofty days to grow to day over there to look at, to take on the clouds of brocade, sky Happy to some. Little corn, straight up the sky.
my weeding in the fields, I forgot the sheep tied to a tree, sweat soaked my memory about that sheep, sheep on that ambition, in my mind blurred.
and insects of the contest
those white butterflies hidden in the land, a corner of the winter season, missing them all. Optimum germination temperature also wake up wake up insects multiply. Corn seeds sown the moment, embrace the butterfly pupae drilled, fly from this field plot of the field pieces, the white of eggs, the same as the excretion of waste spilled everywhere lost.
Laofa forcing people to escape the heat and under in the shade. That just past harvest and planting that field just past, the people and the land for a disruptive change. With the fragmented body of joy, the joy of a smile to cover up the face of dirt, depressed forehead pair of bright eyes shine. While carrying home from the fields to glossy color of wheat, while the home is shipped from robust black manure. From the field to set how much how much will be shipped from home. Such as reciprocity, affectionate like you I intend to, the earth gave us a sincere, we rebate the earth a passion. Harvest of the earth's gifts, people spook, waiting on the earth, in a field observation. A seed is ground, one is picking the wheat home,, are we worried about. A rain, rolling land of hunger and thirst of sweet drinking water, such as the plate was soaked in the soft mud,, loose sand, gently buried seeds of the same footprint. All hearts are returned from the throat position of the heart, the heartbeat sound and uniform germination of seeds, such as voice sounds at almost midnight when the clank. It ran like a chicken leg linen,, hiding under the cool, secretly plan expenditure and income of the land is cost-effective.
soft insects, small grain size of the eggs hatch out of the body like a small tip to the naked eye could barely see it's there. Above the earth, no one concerned about where it was born. No home small insects, butterflies, like discarded rubbish dumped in them, like a rotting leaves or a cold at the land. No home is at the expense of biological behavior, and they do not have family in comfort, without the awakening of humanity, no conscience find that they are born they must make every effort to survive,, not in the bare soil to find food, they will be hungry death, a few hours later the sun Shaisi will be sinister. In a grass shelter, in a corn leaf under the cover, or looking for a soft soil, they are hiding. I found it, it is hidden in the corn core, the most tender piece of chewing maize leaflets.
I see those two together one of the seedlings, they are together, intimacy, every line is full of high-spirited vitality. Corn to be thinning, two must be eliminated one. To the weak is the most basic sense, is the last one eliminated. In nature, is generally out of the cruel, and I do it every year, this is a no discussion of the matter. Bayao bend down, head down, back arched, again and again, looking down at the ground. This time of year, after a day of thinning, my son, like stiff backs, legs not as bent as a stick. I felt my legs have been unable to come to the field, never turn my back does not go. Gradually the bright light of my sky, I stand on the field, I bend the soil back again. Strong field, a magnet for me to go, I can not tell why I can not give up the soil, does not fit a small corn seedlings?
spring wheat fields in a long, long summer with corn. I am holding my sheep, holding a shovel went in the field. I tied the sheep at the edge of a large acacia trees, eating leaves it under a tree, I got into the corn field with a shovel. Corn height of a man, I hide in the corn. No one saw me in the corn. Sheep under a tree called, I do not see the sheep, the sheep alone.
I have the sheep grazing in the fields. Years old and well-trained sheep, which by virtue of the depth of memory, in Laohuai tree waiting for me, the river of grass in the garden, which overlooks the eyes of crops to distant and remote, it is not peeping crops, it is looking for me the figure. As night fell, it called me, baa sound, like someone in the back told me. Sheep in the back told me. Yang told the shadow of time more and more important.
still sleepy village, the climb on the wall of glass fragments gourd, pumpkin spent the night in full bloom, Meidou flowers shining like snow blue butterfly eyes, cucumber flowers hanging in the stars next to a bamboo pole. I quickly passed next to these vegetables, along the riverside on the wet grass stems forward.
my sheep together in the field. Wind blowing through the wheat fields, rolling wheat is wheat in the eyes of the sheep? I first came to the crop that year, I think wheat is wheat and see the grass is grass, I unplug the wheat in the grass, neatly placed on the ridge. I will not dare to trample on a grass, the sheep eat grass to clean, green and tender. Fall, I fear corn creeping insects, there will be a snake lurking in the corn stalks on. I pixia not withered corn leaves to the sheep, the sheep led to the corn and my companion. Grass and leaves the sheep recognize also know me.
flash for many years past. Year old lamb into a sheep. The difference between lamb and old sheep to be sold the old sheep, lamb is not being sold. Their common feature is very gentle, one day will leave me, leave the fields and grass.
that sheep to sell it after I left the daughter of an old sheep and a lamb is the difference between the old sheep lamb seasoned naughty, their common feature is very docile. Lamb a bit rebellious, like bouncing walked a few, also like other goats quietly and alone to the rendezvous. Then I see the wheat is not wheat, not corn, see corn. I am very lonely. In the middle of wheat, wheat sharp edge away from me, in the corn, I fear that the bristles on the corn leaves sting my skin. Wheat to the edge of my sheep, I think one day I will leave this piece of endless growth of weeds in wheat fields.
This is my field, accompanied by a corn field.
in the field, I have no partner. No one with me and reading this mysterious land.
I and insects contest, no doubt my strength is strong. Every morning, I strangled those in corn hiding in the corn cob in the insects. They swing with the dark color of the stout body, biting the corn cob, a pool of yellow corn cob in the excreta was bald with eating corn off the top, there is no breeze of grace. Corn leaves were biting the pieces, pieces, like off the next. Seeing those flowers leaves, insects certainly in the vicinity. Small insects satiate, hid corn roots in the soil, unplug the soil, you will see an end to end of small insects is doing its spring sweet dream, how pleasant small insects, how happy little insects, why it is the natural enemy of mankind? Or is it just the natural enemies of plants? Not against the idea of humans? .
I started scanning for small insects to kill, capture endless I, I bought chlorofluorocarbons cyanide-Ju fat, watered sprayed on the corn cob. Pesticides emit an intense smell of pesticides, there is no standard dose, I used the lid on the bottle poured out a large round cap, poured into spray, the white agents spread quickly, like white flowers opening sequence, mixing uniform, so that each and every drop of water dissolved Dropping full blending together,, colorless and tasteless qualitative change in the water become colored flavored, white, like milk, like the color of the water, full of tangy scent, it is probably arsenic as the taste of it? I am indifferent to how severe venom medicine, so skillfully operation for many years, again and again pour the syrup, mixing, spraying, I like to do a very unusual crop live, I have never felt I was mixing poison , is highly toxic drugs to get the world to this the already dilapidated world of plants sprayed venom, but also never felt the weight of the poison's in my small insects in the grain of the other creatures on earth trampled. I have been indifferent. I like to do a delicious soups, lure small insects like Kenshi Come to death. At this moment, I only know that eating a small dead insects of corn must die, simple and plain consciousness and did not think was not just the greedy poison to poison a small insect, there will be flying pigeons from the village and from the tree shoot flying birds, butterflies leisurely probably has not been spared.
morning and evening, with my small insects out. For food, we kill each other. To survive, we do anything. To this piece of earth-filled, not that I die you die.
riding a black bike, I drove to the village outside.
when I read the wheat is not wheat, corn, not corn to see when I am alone. I know all eyes are always just wheat wheat, corn is just corn, but the field is always a static photograph of the field. And my wheat, my corn, which from the outset, with a somewhat miraculous breath, linger in my mind.
I believe my hand and remove the seedlings growing on a world without fate, it is not of this world, it should go to another room in search of it as worthless as the dust or the value. I further believe that the seedlings are growing on me and left this world with an essential source. You see how it's an air of humility and how unassuming, I hope it looks like his back is full of trust and open-minded, it would be a strong seedlings, and that mysterious hole deep into the corn inside a small core, can not seem to have an abundant predatory of life, quietly folded in front of me. My seedlings seem to peep into one's heart, leaving it, its roots, its body, and this piece together the soil, but also together with me. We are the land of the sisters, said the wild every day with the story, the legend of the ghost in the scared kaoliang dream, to wake in the frogs cry. We have the same temper, hate weeds, like rain and sunshine, hate those long-term weather haze, like the cool wind blowing through the head. Our autumn goodbye vaguely similar to the evening, preparing a feast of corn, so I went, it was the day of maturity of corn,, like the girl to be married, ready for marriage dowry.
and sheep together in the field
fall, the sheep in the fields, eating the leaves in a tree, it is very quiet, as quiet as a picture. I come out from the corn, saw the sheep eat lying under a tree. Its eyes full and clear, it is in sight me. Looking at its eyes, looked at it quiet look. My heart suddenly an acid. I felt I was not capable, I will only receive a sheep field, I will give it to eat grass and leaves. Sheep of law-abiding, I can not fit in the other. My sheep too good, I used a grass win over the lifetime of a sheep, a loess as I confuse my life will bring. Sheep attached to my side, I do not know my sheep and have no confidence, I am afraid it abandoned? Sheep born to my trust,, I believe it is the only version of the hit by it. I use sheep's gentle, it will not resist, never mind in thinking of escape. Even so, I prepared a rope, I use this rope leash on its neck, holding it away,, I want it tied to the tied position.
stubble is rot, gold has receded yesterday, in front of a pack of low shrink-like ulcers. Corn seedlings in the next, stubborn and no one else, it is growing, breeding a new leaf, that leaf shedding moist dew on the leaves, with the corn cob in the dew, or there will be a lazy worm, also corn cob where greedy sleep ... ...
Previous: Red laughing, drunk Jinxi is what Nianxia a question: understanding the tranquility of the mountains
sometimes face two the same size, regardless of the strength of the seedlings, I would hesitate, where to a reluctant, hand touch this one, very robust very juicy, hand touch touched that one, and very thick very strong,, be or difficult decision. Broad field, little seedlings in my side. I touch the seedlings beating pulse, even as it's breathing, it's eyes so clear, I felt them looking at me, begging to reveal my face, and my thoughts will determine their fate. If I were almost did not humble,, I was so small, and seedlings, more than I small. In this huge world, I like fly ash as a minor, and seedlings, slightly more than I, more than the seedlings slightly, what? Worthless? Dust? There seedlings is superfluous, the excess will be removed, to be plugged in, then readily discarded on the roadside and field ridges, after sun exposure, slowly weathering.
the last one to leave my goat when I was in the field, I think wheat is wheat, corn, see corn. And I did not enjoy with this mysterious land, and the sheep away from me.
brilliant rays in the wind blowing in breeze, the distant village in the trees surround Li Anning and vibrant. Light of those flying butterflies in the wild, they do not know their children are suffering wantonly killing. Butterfly with butterfly leisurely, small insects, life and death has nothing to do with it, it's just a heavy burden on those - joy unreservedly abandoned after the production of waste in the wilderness. Butterflies, in pairs, you do not know what it is really looking for leisurely or sorrow! I never saw a pair of butterfly eyes, the look is showing joy or tears of sorrow flowing out?
field in silence, the voice of jointing seedlings such as ear, I even heard the bone growth of corn seedlings slightly bang sound. This is a vibrant summer fields, seedlings day a look, a moment before and after the moment is very different style. Seedlings in the soil, like a fish in water, wind, to the growth momentum has never been corpuscles. One coincides with the young seedlings, full of longing for tomorrow, is the nature of the dream of growing up. And I, every time into the field, to punish big in the fields cutting, chopping or cutting tick pull.
my sheep with me, a taste of pastoral poetry. I walk a path arbitrarily, there is grass along the road to lure the appetite of sheep. Sheep familiar to those paths, it crossed I went to the front, eat eat grass. I went into the wait, it baa soon move on. Sheep remember the way to the field. Whether I was to walk from the knife or from the yard that path, it should be in my head. After lunch it is waiting for me on the road outside the hospital, so impatient, I heard even the soon to call. If a man called me, I would say: You go first. I was doing my thing, do not do a good job, I rarely because people change their mind. The sheep seem to not care about my feelings, it is eager to patch of rich grass land. Sheep a lifetime waiting for me, whether I like it or not because of it stopped the hands of the matter. Sheep no grand ambition, I was its only ideal.
I do not think a person is alone.
is the field outside the village, Shino open, covered with damp, the air fresh and cool, a touch of smoke swirling in the fields above, as one of the scattered threads, winding, it seems like breaking even. Through the mist, arrived in my field.
a person in the field
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