Talk:Title=Metaburn 3012&action=submit

From Cellbe

Revision as of 21:07, 25 June 2012 by (Talk)
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Afshin, thanks for the proargm. Is not it ironic that exactly in the week that you talked about cloud computing and wished our computations to be cloudy, we got a thunderstorm on our radio's site and our site was down? Maybe we should listen to your advice and consider using cloud services for radio's site. This way the chances of it going down may decrease.Thanks Hadi for your proargm, I enjoyed it. There was some background noise in your audio though. I suggest you work on making your proargms shorter in time duration. Also, I suggest not giving away too much of the story of the movies, especially their endings (in the case of Social Network movie), if you want people to watch them and experience the same excitement as you did.

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