Talk:Title=bicycle trailers 4564&action=submit

From Cellbe

Revision as of 18:03, 25 June 2012 by (Talk)

When corporations start to codisner seriously how to build their cloud enabled model, it happens like with other IT trends it doesn't all have to be black or white.When IT providers land in a client to explain their cloud strategy, they need to be smart enough to understand that many of the existing pieces of the virtualization layers in customer's infrastructure all already there to stay, whether they belong to the open source world or to any de facto-standard virtualization provider.Some of these IT providers do not bring pure solutions based in architectural cloud delivery models, so the key for the customer to succeed in the future, is to be able to balance marketed solutions with open source cloud components. And you cannot do this, you cannot complete your whole cloud architecture map if those two trends do not meet with integration technologies which drives us to .talk about standards. So the questions that remains is: which of these trends, open source or commercial out of-the-box solutions is incorporating cloud standards faster, at the time customers demand them at with the neccesary support?

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