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Extracted From: The Tao of Badass Review

This program is called The Tao of Badass by Josh Pellicer and the question is, can this program work for you? After reviewing the course, I would most certainly say yes. If you are struggling with women or not happy with the quality or quantity of women you have in your life you owe it to yourself to do something.

This will be a quick Tao of Badass Review and after you're done reading, you'll know whether this will be something you'll want to peruse further. On with the show.

Firstly, this book is super easy to read. It's not convoluted, confusing and laced with jargon. It's simple and straight to the point. As you know, most books are one or two chapters with the remainder being filler - this is not the case. All 10 chapters are meaningful and play an important role in helping you become good with women.

It's funny because The Tao of Badass not only relates to being successful with women, but being successful in other areas of life as well. If you are able to boost your confidence and improve your outlook on life, you will see more benefits than just waking up to a hot girl a couple times a week. I mean, having more women in your bed is great... I am just saying you'll get more than you bargain for.

Chapter 2 is absolutely awesome. Josh talks about gender roles and to me this was one of the most informative and eye-opening chapters. After I finished reading it, I re-read it. From there I started thinking about all my experiences and how the masculine and feminine roles and energy play such a crucial role. A role I never paid any attention to until now. If you decide to invest in this book and improving yourself, read chapter 2 a couple times - it's well worth it.

Too many dating gurus and people that claim they know what they're doing sit back and say "just be confident. " Nobody ever takes the time to explain what confidence is, how it's formed, and how we become a more confident person. Pellicer breaks down confidence in such a simple way you'll be left with nothing in your mind except "that makes sense. " And that's good, that's exactly what the book is going for. The difference between having and not having confidence is night and day. Pay attention here.

Now unlike the "be yourself" approach, The Tao of Badass provides a system for you. Each phase of the system has several steps. There's no getting lost here. Each piece has it's purpose and there are great explanations as to why people have trouble in each spot. For example , why she has not really being qualified himself although you believe she has directly into you. You are going to possess a large amount of "A-Ha" events... that's good.

Together with confidence, appealing to women includes a good deal related to body gestures. Basically, the way you task yourself. You will rapidly learn how to location yourself for highest charm. Which is not a ruse. Drawing near in the confident way with great position, gradual activity plus a effective tone of voice can deliver you drastically much better outcomes compared to drawing near in the closed-off and peaceful way.

Really the only issue with Josh Pellicers The Tao of Badass is the fact they does not feel upon sense of humor. Sense of humor is definitely an essential bit of the challenge with regards to dating and conference brand new women. That is ok although, sense of humor is just 5% from it. The rest of the 95% is provided to you. That is ample to become extremely productive with ladies.

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