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- | Each advisor firm may format in writing how it determines advisor proficiency.<br><br> Nearly all companies will use a mixture of tests, role plays and escorted client visits.An outline CAS training program would often are the following:Induction Course - This must outline how the individual company functions, how it deals with consumers in terms of claims and the internal procedures you need to adhere to.Testing - The tests could possibly be based on the variable-choice format with generic; pensions, investment and pension planning concerns together with tests based on unique internal procedures pertaining to the individual firm.Role Plays - You will need to perform class room based checks on the initial client call (fact find) and the 2nd call (display of the advice/suggestion). In general at-least one first and one second would need to considered and passed.Field Centered - the in-patient firm may shape just how many you need to accomplish and move - The assessments are duplicated with live clients with live truth recommendations and finds. Many businesses could complete two first fact find calls and two advice calls.<br><br> The caveat being to pass could be the client should recognize and take up your recommendation.The roleplays are considered by a sales or submission administrator who rests inside the contact with you and assesses your efficiency. For new consultants this can be described as a very nerveracking experience.Obtaining your CAS can be described as a long-drawn out affair - 4-6 months is standard. The down side to this is you will not be able to recommend purchasers till you acquire your CAS. This may present problems if oneself-employed as your earning potential is likely to be declined and you ought to enable this in your hard earned money flow.
| + | When coming up with improvements to your home, often times tiny points can make a positive change. Below are six small ideas that you may not have seriously considered, but might be fairly helpful in your following home project.1. Pick out an appropriate elevation for wall shops. A lot of people find that height is not substantial enough to become easy, although most electricians location sites 12 inches up the wall in the ground. As an alternative, consider whether 16 inches might be a better height for less folding, and to obtain the absolute most from cord size for tabletop electronic goods such as lamps.2.<br><br> Work with a metal tape knife. Work with an instrument made from this content for your sheetrock taping to minimize the total amount of clean-up period that is needed after the undertaking is completed, and to control any chance of having rust forming on the blade, which can make it pointless for potential projects.3. Recycle old technology and devices. Many technology recycling establishments are appearing all over the region and will take your outofdate electrical products for free discretion that's far more environmentally friendly than adding them in the rubbish to be put into the landfill. If a charity will take them so that they can be used again for extended life before they're recycled.4 if they're in working situation, notice.<br><br> Be organized. Know about every important component, each phase of the way through the remodeling process. This will enable you to make sure that your contractors will all occur to the right nights for projects to keep advancing. This means that the building group won't need certainly to wait to put up the surfaces or ceiling.5, as soon as your electrician arrives at the right point, like. Place in a dormer to turn your attic into livable space. Because they build a dormer or two into the attic place, a properly constructed attic may receive sun light and additional elevation to create it a much more appealing area.<br><br> This could offer your home an entire new area like a home office, play area for the youngsters, or perhaps a guest bedroom.6. Measure everything. There is no such thing as guessing or "eyeballing" a rating as it pertains for the excellent home renovation. More often than not, you'll find that the way that something looked in a very large retailer is quite diverse than the way that it'll come in your home. You never wish to end up receiving akitchen island that will consume every square inch of floor-space, and dividends are costly and frustrating. |
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- | == 上海国际休闲展展位火爆销售,配套活动夺人眼球,预定从速 ==
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- | <p style="text-align: center"><strong><span style="font-size: small">上海国际休闲展展位火爆销售,配套活动夺人眼球,预定从速</span></strong> </p>
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- | <p> 作为目前上海唯一以时尚户外运动、个性休闲生活为主题的专业展会,2014上海国际休闲展将在上海世博展览馆(2号馆)举办,总体面积超过13000平米,较去年增长了10%。截止日前,整体销售比例已超80%。展区云集国内外众多一线知名品牌,星客特房车、北极星全地形车、欧尼尔帆船、瑞帕拉渔具、温妮皮划艇、MARINEPOOL户外服装等悉数参展,与会展商来自全球多个国家。更多参展商信息,可登陆:查阅。展会预登记入口 </p>
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- | <p> 除了丰富的休闲展品,上海国际休闲展还专为都市热爱休闲、户外、运动和旅游的时尚人群定制了一个休闲体验狂欢季,集合了各种最新最潮玩乐方式,同时也为展商的展示提供了一个互动的平台。“休闲嘉年华”囊括了:全地形车动态演示,越野感受;欢乐高尔夫,专业教练现场教学;登峰造极,玩cool攀岩争霸赛;车随身动,智能平衡车驾驭体验;激流回旋皮划艇现场教学;快乐垂钓大赛;乘风破浪船模大赛;扬帆起航帆船达人挑战赛……一系列的体验,内容丰富,绝对不能错过。展会预登记入口</p>
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- | <p><span style="font-size: x-small">地点:上海世博展览馆</span></p>
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- | == 活动预告#4.10-4.13 2014中国(上海)尚品生活展(Expo Life Sty ==
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- | <p style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: small"><strong>活动预告#4.10-4.13 2014中国(上海)尚品生活展(Expo Life Style2014)就在上海世博展览馆等你开启!</strong></span></p>
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- | <p>2014中国(上海)尚品生活展(Expo Life Style2014)将携手第十九届中国(上海)国际游艇展和上海国际休闲展(Expo Leisure2014),于2014年4月10-13日三大展览同时同地联手亮相上海世博展览馆!</p>
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- | <p>2014ExpoLifeStyle旨在讲究生活品质的高端消费群体打造时尚/多元化的高端生活方式体验平台,同时也无疑成为了奢侈品牌最有力的传播平台。展会以“品、尊、享、藏”为四大主题,汇集全球各类奢侈品牌。展品类别涉及:豪车、豪华游艇、私人飞机、高端物业、奢华家具家居、珠宝腕表、高端酒类、奢华私人定制旅行及私人银行等!展会预登记</p>
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- | <p>今年又会有哪些值得期待瞩目的奢品呢?</p>
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- | <p>独领风骚,全球限量版奔驰BRABUS</p>
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- | <p>古诗中“江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年”的豪情或许我们再也无从感知,但我们却可以在现实中找到最佳的载体,全球限量版奔驰BRABUS――S600加长版便是最好的代表之一。BRABUS在这次展会的首次亮相,即以其卓尔不群的高贵基因备受瞩目。其私属定制、内敛奢华的名流气质35年来一直为全球106个国家名门望族所厚爱,而中国豪车市场近几年来的惊人崛起、中国高端消费者对“私属”、“定制”品位的苛刻要求,终使BRABUS这一全球顶级豪车品牌厚积薄发,中国豪车市场从量产时代到定制时代的变革序幕正续续拉开。</p>
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- | <p> <strong>奢华展品--欧洲艺术画廊</strong></p>
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- | <p>欧洲艺术协会1997年由一群法国和国外艺术家创立于巴黎。随着欧洲艺术品开始渐渐进入中国,该协会希望把欧洲艺术引入中国,Europ’Art China 中国欧洲艺术画廊于2011年在该协会的帮助下正式诞生了,致力于当代艺术和独一无二的高端艺术装饰。</p>
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- | <p>唐诺思作品是一项全新的独创性的艺术,融合多种技术和材料于作品中,如油画颜料,彩色蜡笔,丙烯,纸张,纺织品,珍珠以及金银色涂料,最后再以一种特殊的透明涂料作为保护层;发明的这层透明涂料层保护并加强了油画及其他艺术作品的艺术效果。这个透明涂料保护层使作品的色彩更为强烈,也为作品注入了新的能量。</p>
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- | <p><img alt="" src="/12.jpg" /></p>
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- | <p>同时,尚品展主办方将于2014年4月10-13日展会期间,开展“奢华之路”系列主题沙龙,邀您分享行业最新资讯,探讨最高端最奢华的生活方式;即日起至4月13日,关注@CIBS_Shanghai, 亲临尚品展现场,将有机会赢得价值千元的手工原酒或精美瓷器!</p>
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- | <p>微信二维码:</p>
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- | <p><img alt="" src="/13.png" /></p>
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- | <p>现在进行网上报名,届时即可免费入场体验“海陆空”盛况,开启您的尊享之旅!</p>
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- | <p><strong>报名通道:</strong>展会预登记</p>
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- | ncluding all five in Chicago's 6-5 overtime victory in Game 4 at TD Garden.The discussion was extensive and easily could have caused Crawford to crumble if his focus got entangled in a "glove side" mind trap. Instead, he didn't flinch. Crawford backstopped the Blackhawks to their second Stanley Cup in four seasons -- the first with him in net -- and quieted his doubters."Looking back, I think it was kind of amazing how much pressure was put on him from the outside, whether he felt the pressure or not," Blackhawks defenseman Duncan Keith told NHL.com. "There was obviously lots of talk and a lot of pressure was put on him. I just think it shows you his mental resolve to stick with it. He's really grown over the last couple of years into an elite goaltender."The ordeal actually helped Crawford instead of wrecking him.After combining with Ray Emery to earn the William Jennings Trophy for fewest goals allowed last season, Crawford finished the 2013 Stanley Cup Playoffs with a 16-7 record and led the League with a 1.84 goals-against average.Former Blackhawks goaltending coach Stephane Waite, Crawford's close confidant, deserves some of the credit. The bulk of it, however, resides with Crawford, who is 1-1-1 in three starts thus far and will get the start Saturday against the Buffalo Sabres at United Center in the second half of a back-to-back (8 p.m. ET, NHLN-US)."It was a great experience," Crawford told NHL.com. "Just being in those games,Ryan Callahan Jersey, with all the intensity … it just feels like it's a lot easier to prepare for games after going through that sort of situation."Was there any personal satisfaction from overcoming the big glove hubbub?"No," he said. "That's not the reason I want to win. The reason I want to win is for the guys in the room here. We battled so hard and I'd worked my whole life to get to that point and win a Stanley Cup, so I couldn't have cared less about getting back at whatever people said about me. That was a non-factor, a non-issue."There were other things on Crawford's mind anyway, such as celebrating the title and planning for his day with the Cup in his hometown of Chateauguay, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal. The big day was Sept. 2, but got even bigger when it started off with Crawford signing a six-year contract extension worth a reported $36 million.His current contract expires after this season, meaning Crawford and the Blackhawks could be together until he's 35, costing Chicago $6 million a season toward the salary cap. It came as a surprise move to some, particularly the length, but the contract also sent a strong message."It shows they have confidence in me and they believe in me to be the guy," Crawford said. "I want to be able to contribute and deliver for another championship. That's our goal here in this organization, is to be winners consistently. That's really far ahead and we have to take it a day at a time, but that's what we're building towards … to win multiple ones."Three years ago the Blackhawks had a chance to keep another young Stanley Cup champion goalie but let Antti Niemi leave as a free agent. Instead, during a cap crunch following the 2010 title, general manager Stan Bowman opted to match an offer sheet signed by restricted free agent defenseman Niklas Hjalmarsson and open the door to the NHL for Crawford.He didn't need long to ascend to the starting role as a rookie, when he went 33-18-6 with four shutouts, a 2.30 GAA and .917 save percentage in the 2010-11 season. After hitting a few speed bumps during his second season,Zach Parise Authentic Red And Green Jersey, including a stinging defeat against the Phoenix Coyotes in the Western Conference Quarterfinals of the 2012 Stanley Cup Playoffs, Crawford again strengthened his resolve for the 2012-13 season."The reason I want to win is for the guys in the room here. We battled so hard and I'd worked my whole life to get to that point and win a Stanley Cup, so I couldn't have cared less about getting back at whatever people said about me. That was a non-factor,Anze Kopitar Black Finals Jersey, a non-
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- | ies before dropping a 4-1 decision to the Boston Bruins last Saturday. Henrik Zetterberg leads the way for the Red Wings with two goals and an assist.Florida Panthers at Tampa Bay Lightning - The two teams from the Sunshine State go head-to-head for the first time this season at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Florida is aiming to avoid a three-game losing streak after Tuesday's 2-1 loss to the Philadelphia Flyers. The Panthers will likely be without goalie Tim Thomas, who pulled his groin at Philadelphia. Tampa Bay has won two of its first three games. The Lightning made it two in a row when Alex Killorn scored 1:50 into overtime in a 3-2 win at Buffalo on Tuesday.Toronto Maple Leafs at Nashville Predators - Toronto suffered its first loss of the season Tuesday after storming out of the gate with three straight victories. Jonathan Bernier made 31 saves, but the Maple Leafs couldn't muster enough offense in a 2-1 loss to the Colorado Avalanche at Air Canada Centre. Maple Leafs forward Joffrey Lupul (calf,Shane Doan Jersey, day-to-day) made the trip with the team. He scored Toronto's lone goal Tuesday prior to the injury. The Predators picked up their first win (1-2-0) Tuesday, a 3-2 victory in their home opener against the Minnesota Wild. Thursday is the second of a five-game homestand for Nashville.Winnipeg Jets at Minnesota Wild - Winnipeg failed to secure what would have been its third straight win Sunday, dropping a 3-2 decision to the Anaheim Ducks at MTS Centre. Defensemen Tobias Enstrom and Dustin Byfuglien have four assists apiece and Andrew Ladd, Devin Setoguchi,Ilya Kovalchuk Jersey, Bryan Little and Michael Frolik all have two goals and an assist. Minnesota is winless through three games, but has earned two points in the standings with a shootout loss against Los Angeles and an overtime loss to the Anaheim Ducks. Zach Parise has three goals in as many games.Montreal Canadiens at Edmonton Oilers - Montreal continues its journey through Western Canada after suffering a 3-2 loss to the Calgary Flames at Scotiabank Saddledome on Wednesday. The Canadiens nearly rallied from a 3-0 deficit, thanks to goals from P.K. Subban and Lars Eller, but couldn't find the equalizer to force overtime. Edmonton (1-2-0) earned its first win of the season for new coach Dallas Eakins on Monday,Peyton Manning Jersey, when the Oilers rallied for a wild 5-4 shootout victory against the New Jersey Devils.San Jose Sharks at Vancouver Canucks - San Jose heads to Rogers Arena after crushing the New York Rangers in a 9-2 win at SAP Center at San Jose on Tuesday. Rookie forward Tomas Hertl continued his remarkable start with four goals, increasing his total to six in three games. Vancouver was on the winning end of the dramatic matchup between goaltenders Roberto Luongo and Cory Schneider on Tuesday. Mike Santorelli scored his third goal of the season at 2:18 of overtime, lifting the Canucks to a 3-2 victory against the New Jersey Devils.New York Rangers at Anaheim Ducks - The Rangers will try to pick up the pieces after being blown out Tuesday in a 9-2 loss at San Jose. New York may have to do so without power forward Rick Nash, who missed the final two periods Tuesday after being hit in the head by Sharks defenseman Brad Stuart (who received a three-game suspension Wednesday). The Rangers have yet to provide an update on Nash's condition. Anaheim will be seeking its third straight win Thursday. The Ducks won two games last weekend, beating Minnesota and Winnipeg.<br>WASHINGTON - Nathan Gerbe a rompu l'��galit�� de 2-2 �� 6:59 de la troisi��me p��riode pour mener les Hurricanes de la Caroline �� une victoire de 3-2 aux d��pens des Capitals de Washington.Elias Lindholm et l'ex-Capital Alexander Semin ont marqu�� les buts pour les vainqueurs, qui ont b��n��fici�� de 30 arr��ts de la part d'Anton Khudobin.Jason Chimera et Alexander Ovechkin ont marqu�� pour les Capitals. Ovechkin a maintenant sept points (5-2), son plus haut total apr��s quatre rencontres depuis 2010.Les Caps ont profit�� d'un avantage num��rique au cours des 26 derni��res secondes de la rencontre et ont retir�� leur gardien Braden Holtby, auteu
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- | == Capitals -- Carlson has plenty of time to rebound ==
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- | , Canucks -- Garrison scored 16 goals for the Panthers two seasons ago and followed it up with eight more for Canucks last season. Double digits might not be out of the question for him this season, as he has already scored two goals through four games and added two assists. He has nine shots on goal and is logging over 22 minutes each night. He is owned in 65 percent of Yahoo leagues.Torey Krug, Bruins -- The sweetheart of last season's Stanley Cup Playoffs is at it again. Krug has picked up two points (one goal) through two games this season, both of which came on the power play and has added six shots on goal. Though he is a bit of specialist, he could pay big dividends and he's owned in just 25 percent of Yahoo leagues.TRENDING DOWNWARDJohn Carlson, Capitals -- Carlson has plenty of time to rebound, but he can do it on someone else's team. Though he is logging 24 minutes per game, he has yet to pick up a point. The biggest issue is that he isn't getting much work on the power play, where the Capitals have done most of their damage.Andrei Markov, Canadiens -- Markov is off to a slow start,Anze Kopitar Authentic Black Jersey, posting zero points through two games this season. He has only taken two shots on goal and is quickly looking like a guy who only has fantasy value on the power play, where he hasn't been able to do much to this point.Brendan Smith, Red Wings -- Smith is skating over 18 minutes per night,Marc Staal Jersey, but he has yet to log a point on the season. He has a minus-2 rating and has taken just two shots on goal. Sadly, he is in a similar spot to that of Carlson,, having logged not even a single second on the power play this season.KEEP AN EYE ON ...Olli Maatta, Penguins -- Though Maatta seems destined to be returned to the London Nights of the Ontario Hockey League, he is taking full advantage of his chance in Pittsburgh. The youngster had a breakout game Tuesday night, picking up his first two career assists. He is plus-1 on the season and is getting roughly a minute of power play time each night.<br>The New York Islanders on Wednesday activated forward Cal Clutterbuck from injured reserve.Clutterbuck has been out since sustaining a skate cut during a preseason game Sept. 17 against the Calgary Flames.Acquired in a trade in June with the Minnesota Wild, Clutterbuck could make his regular-season debut for the Islanders on Friday against the Chicago Blackhawks. The 25-year-old forward had four goals and 10 points in 42 games with the Wild last season.To make room on the roster, the team returned defenseman Griffin Reinhart to his junior team, the Edmonton Oil Kings of the Western Hockey League.Reinhart, the fourth pick of the 2012 NHL Draft, had two points and a plus-2 rating in four preseason games, but was a healthy scratch in the Islanders' first three regular-season games.The 6-foot-4, 205-pounder had 29 points and a plus-30 rating in 59 regular-season games with the Oil Kings last season, and seven points and a plus-5 rating in 12 WHL playoff games. He also played for Canada at the 2013 IIHF World Junior Championship, and was invited to Hockey Canada's summer evaluation camp for the 2014 WJC team.<br>USA Hockey on Wednesday announced that Derek Lalonde will serve as coach of the United States Junior Select team that will play in the 2013 World Junior A Challenge next month in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.The 22-man roster for the U.S. Junior Select team, which has won four of the last five tournaments, will be announced later this month. The World Junior A Challenge will be held Nov. 4-10.Lalonde is in his third season as coach and general manager of the Green Bay Gamblers in the United States Hockey League. He served as an assistant coach for the U.S. team that went 4-0-0 on the way to the 2012 World Junior A Challenge championship. In 2011-12, Lalonde led the Gamblers to Clark Cup and Anderson Cup titles.Lalonde will be assisted on the U.S. Junior Select team by Anthony Noreen, the GM/coach of the USHL��s Youngstown Phantoms, and Mark Abalan, the assistant coach for the USHL��s Sioux City Musketeers.The World Junior A Challenge will include a six-team field
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- | == Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder - Healing Tantra That E ==
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- | I of the principles of Tantra is going to be acceptance, recognizing the here and now, not darting off into the past or future, experiencing the is here, in this specific precise moment, now. It is analyzed on loads of levels, especially when realising ourselves and our own beauty. Any single person treatments beauty, from the authentic gifts and qualities they posses. Beauty is a trustworthy vibration energy, and vital to realization the mind-blowing within. Tantra is also concerned by working with being in the body chemistry and switching off which the mind.<br><br>You'll find it true that an inside a materials obsessed modern society, that a lot of most those both men and women do not embrace or it may be understand very own own richness. With the focal point on purely the physical, we generally not interesting because we are not slim enough, because we are too old, because, because, becausethe fact pertaining to the matter is, that most you are already perfect yet beautiful very well as you are! Ok somebody might have things that you'd like to change about yourself, but any time you should certainly truly embrace your beauty and get used to yourself, a magical along with powerful addressing can be achieved. Tantric massage seeks to help the customer tap into this and remember and moreover celebrate Several of you, to add all aspects of your being, working to move and dust your energy through out the body, that every part of you is now beautiful and sacred, even the wobbly bits. Beauty is within; it is not exclusive external chemical substance or outline. It is some feeling, a vibration, a connection in which to the heavenly nature related to the bodily and outer world.<br><br>{<iframe width="560" height="315" src="/embed/oOy79SK6BEw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>|<img src="/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Beijing_North_Railway_Station_01.jpg" width="400">}<br><br>An effective way to do this is by using a mantra / contemplation - achieve this now, or as in a short time as you get home this may let you spare 15mins. Say it all out loud and simply take a few min's to mirror on all those feelings afterwards, absolutely does anything created for you?<br><br>With a tantric friction session, allowing this sensation of amazing to run through you allows this therapeutic to consume shape and form, learning to nurture a in yourself, allows you to see the makeup in other marketers too.<br><br>Try looking at your in the mirror and as a result telling firsthand "I Accept you." Do this for at the very least , 10mins, or if perhaps you in many cases can - 108 times every day for 1 week. Notice how you feel every 24 hours.<br><br>"I no longer wait to be perfect so as to love us.<br><br>I accept on my own exactly since i am, in this article and now".<br><br>Namaste and greetings from all at Their London Tantric Temple.about:
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- | a victory over Winnipeg.Jonas Brodin scored first for the Wild on Ondrej Pavelec, who stopped 28 shots. He has played all four games for the Jets and allowed 12 goals. Minnesota improved to 1-1-2.Bryan Little's goal in the final minute of the first period during a 5-on-3 power play tied the game for the Jets, who were outplayed from start to finish in their first road game of the season.After scoring five goals in each of their first two games, the Jets have only three goals and 32 shots over their last two contests.MAPLE LEAFS 4, PREDATORS 0NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Jonathan Bernier made 36 saves, and Phil Kessel had a goal and two assists to lead Toronto past Nashville.James van Riemsdyk, Tyler Bozak and Joffrey Lupul also scored for the Maple Leafs, who have won four of five this season. Nashville has lost three of four.Bernier extended his domination of Nashville,Milan Lucic Jersey, improving his record against the Predators to 8-1. He stopped eight shots in the first period, 17 in the second and 11 in the third for his first shutout this season and the seventh of his NHL career.After a scoreless opening period, Kessel scored the first goal at 13:41 of the second.<br>EDMONTON - Brendan Gallagher and Alex Galchenyuk each had a goal and an assist as the Montreal Canadiens won for the second time in their last three outings, defeating the Edmonton Oilers 4-1 on Thursday night.Brandon Prust and Max Pacioretty also scored and P.K. Subban had three assists for the Canadiens (2-2-0), who were making their second stop on a four-game Western Canadian trip.Ryan Smyth replied for the Oilers (1-3-0), who now embark on a lengthy six-game road trip.There was no scoring in the first period,Mark Messier Jersey, but there were some quality chances.Edmonton's best early opportunity came 11 minutes in when Justin Schultz pinched in from the point and had a point-blank shot on net, but hit Montreal goalie Peter Budaj in the face, ripping off his mask.With seven minutes left in the first the puck was lying in the Edmonton crease with Oilers starter Devan Dubnyk out of the play, but defender Nick Schultz was able to swoop in and fish it to safety.The best chance for either team belonged to the Habs just a minute later as Rene Bourque clanged a shot off of the post.Montreal out-shot the Oilers 12-9 in the first 20 minutes.The Oilers went up 1-0 on the power play two-and-a-half minutes into the second period as Taylor Hall fed a pass in front from the side of the net and a diving Smyth was able to get a piece of it and direct it past Budaj.The Canadiens tied the game with a power-play goal of their own just before the mid-mark as Galchenyuk floated a pass to Gallagher at the side of the net and he was able to swat it in with the heel of his stick for his third of the season. Galchenyuk earned his sixth assist in four games on the play.Montreal then edged ahead 2-1 with eight minutes to play in the second as Dubnyk was able to make a kick save in tight, but couldn't keep Prust from sweeping in his own rebound from the shot.The Canadiens came close to adding to their lead with 11 minutes left, but Gallagher rang a shot off the post.Montreal did make it 3-1 three minutes later, breaking out on a two-on-one with an Oiler defender pinching, as Gallagher made a good pass to Galchenyuk and he deposited his first of the season before Dubnyk could get across.The Oilers pulled their goalie with four minutes left and had a chance when Ales Hemsky hit a post, but Pacioretty ended any hopes of a comeback with an empty-netter.The Oilers now head out for a game in Toronto on Saturday. The Canadiens play the third game of a four-game trip in Vancouver on Saturday.Notes: It was the first meeting between the two teams since March 8, 2012,Patrick Kane Black Authentic Jersey, a game won 5-3 by the Canadiens. ... Peter Budaj made his first start of the season in net for the Habs. ... Nail Yakupov and Alex Galchenyuk faced each other for the first time since they were teammates in junior with the Sarnia Sting of the OHL for two seasons. Yakupov was drafted by the Oilers first overall in 2012 and Galchenyuk was selected in the third spot
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- | third power play and he one-timed a slapshot inside the goal post while Curtis Glencross screened Brodeur.New Jersey struck first at 13:58 of the first, shortly after a power play expired.MacDonald made a pad stop on Damien Brunner but the rebound zipped into the slot. Henrique buried it for his first of the year.Notes: Calgary's Lee Stempniak had his four-game points streaks snapped. ... David Jones (upper body) did not play. He has been placed on injured reserve and is considered week-to-week. Tim Jackman made his season debut in his place. ... Monahan turns 19 on Saturday. ... New Jersey's Jacob Josefson made his season debut after being a healthy scratch the first four games. He was inserted for Andrei Loktionov. ... The game featured two teams that have started the season in opposite directions. The Flames had yet to lose in regulation in four games while New Jersey was one of two teams still still looking for its first win.<br>SUNRISE,Sidney Crosby Black Authentic Jersey, Fla. - Brad Boyes scored two goals, Tomas Fleischmann had a goal and three assists, and the Florida Panthers snapped a three-game losing streak with a 6-3 win over the Pittsburgh Penguins in their home opener on Friday night.Aleksander Barkov, Jonathan Huberdeau, and Kris Versteeg also scored for Florida and Jacob Markstrom stopped 36 shots.Pascal Dupuis, Craig Adams,Sidney Crosby Jersey, and Evgeni Malkin scored for Pittsburgh, which lost for the first time in four games. Jeff Zatkoff made 24 saves in his NHL debut. The 26-year-old Zatkoff was drafted by the Los Angeles Kings in the third round of the 2006 NHL draft.Fleischmann stretched Florida's lead to 5-3 at 6:27 of the third. His shot from the left circle was blocked by Zatkoff, but Fleischmann skated in and poked in the rebound.Boyes' second goal came during a power play with 34 seconds left to make it 6-3.Florida scored two power-play goals in the second to take a 4-2 lead. Huberdeau poked in the puck from in front during a 5-on-3 at 7:08. Barkov followed 1:06 later when his shot bounced off Pittsburgh's Paul Martin and into the net. They were the first power-play goals against the Penguins this year.The Penguins closed to 4-3 on Dupuis's goal. Dupuis took a drop pass from Sidney Crosby and beat Markstrom on the short side at 12:13 of the second.The Panthers took a 2-1 lead on Versteeg's goal at 9:10 of the first. The Penguins tied it at 2 later in the first. Tanner Glass tried a wraparound but the puck bounced around in traffic, then Adams poked in the rebound at 16:49 for his third goal of the season.The Panthers scored first when Boyes got the puck in the right circle and beat Zatkoff on the glove side at 1:55 of the opening period. Boyes has scored in three straight games.Pittsburgh tied it at 1-all on Malkin's goal at 5:38. Beau Bennett intercepted a pass at the blue line and passed to Malkin in the left circle. His wrist shot went under Markstrom's blocker.NOTES: Pittsburgh lost its first road game after winning its first three games at home. ... Pittsburgh played its first of back-to-back games of the season. They play at Tampa Bay on Saturday night. . Florida celebrated its 20th home opener on Friday, and played its first back-to-back set of the season. They lost at Tampa Bay 7-2 on Thursday. ... Florida had just one power-play goal in its first four games.<br>The Washington Capitals on Friday recalled defenseman Nate Schmidt from the team's American Hockey League affiliate,Henrik Zetterberg Red Jersey, the Hershey Bears.The move was necessary after defenseman John Erskine sustained an upper-body injury on Thursday in a 3-2 loss to the Carolina Hurricanes. Additionally, the Capitals assigned defenseman Connor Carrick and center Michael Latta to Hershey.Schmidt, who spent three seasons at the University of Minnesota, played eight games with the Bears last season and had one goal and four points. He had one goal in one game in Hershey this season.The Capitals had the option of returning Carrick, a 2012 fifth-round pick (No. 137), to the Plymouth Whalers of the Ontario Hockey League, but instead decided to assign the 19-year-old defenseman to Hershey. Carrick had one goal
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- | == Kessel scored the first goal at 13 ==
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- | n't put any weight on your legs," Booth said of the ankle injury. "I enjoy working out and I was doing too much upper-body strength stuff, so I just put on a ton of weight. It's the biggest I've ever been, and then when I was able to do a little more speed work, some conditioning, it all came off."Tortorella described Booth, who also missed the start of last season with a groin pull suffered during preseason fitness testing, as a "maniac" in the gym. But the Canucks want him to train in a more sport-specific manner."It's about using the power I have in an efficient, effective way," Booth said. "I generate a lot of power. It's just having the supporting muscle groups to handle that, so that might be a thing I have to adjust."As for his personality, Booth doesn't want to change a thing.Tortorella may think he's a "weird guy," but the new coach also saw Booth at his best in Florida, where he averaged 25 goals over his first three full NHL seasons, and has said several times Booth can be an important part of the Canucks this season. His speed and power game both fit perfectly with the aggressive forechecking style Tortorella preaches."It is a fresh start," Booth said. "I had my best years in Florida when coach was over in Tampa [coaching the Tampa Bay Lightning], and we played them a lot. So I think he knows what type of player I can be. And if I can get an opportunity again, I think I can really play the best hockey I have ever played and I think I have my best years ahead of me, so that is something a new opportunity, a new start, can make happen."With one goal in his first four games, Booth has already matched his total from last season, when he collected one empty-net goal in 12 games. He also assisted on Mike Santorelli's overtime winner Tuesday against the New Jersey Devils, and despite still being in what Tortorella called "his training camp," there have been glimpses of his old form.As for his off-ice activities,Brandon Dubinsky Jersey, Booth says they help him at the rink."You can't just sit there and think about hockey 24-7," he said. "When you do other things it revitalizes you to come back and play hockey."The same goes for showing his personality, however "weird.""You can really beat yourself up over this game if you let it get to you, so maybe just try to keep it light, easy,Shea Weber Jersey," Booth said. "I think it's good. I remember taking a class in the 10th grade and it was just about trying to be your own person, not just fit in with the crowd. If you go through life just being normal, I think you kind of get lost."Booth felt lost at times during his first two seasons in Vancouver, and especially this summer. But the Canucks are now hoping he finds his game too.<br>NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Jonathan Bernier made 36 saves and Phil Kessel had a goal and two assists to lead the Toronto Maple Leafs past the Nashville Predators 4-0 on Thursday night.James van Riemsdyk, Tyler Bozak and Joffrey Lupul also scored for the Maple Leafs, who have won four of five this season. Nashville has lost three of four.Bernier extended his domination of Nashville, improving his career record against the Predators to 8-1. He stopped eight shots in the first period, 17 in the second and 11 in the third for his first shutout this season and the seventh of his career.After a scoreless opening period,, Kessel scored the first goal at 13:41 of the second.Following a faceoff in the Nashville zone, the puck went below the goal line on the right side. Van Riemsdyk quickly grabbed it and whipped a backhand pass to Kessel in the low slot, where he one-timed the puck by goalie Pekka Rinne.It was Kessel's second goal of the season. He signed a $64 million, eight-year contract extension just before the start of the season.Just before the end of the second period, Kessel's shot hit Rinne up high and the rebound landed just to the right of the Nashville net. Rinne squatted down to cover the puck, but van Riemsdyk took the puck before Rinne could get his glove o
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When coming up with improvements to your home, often times tiny points can make a positive change. Below are six small ideas that you may not have seriously considered, but might be fairly helpful in your following home project.1. Pick out an appropriate elevation for wall shops. A lot of people find that height is not substantial enough to become easy, although most electricians location sites 12 inches up the wall in the ground. As an alternative, consider whether 16 inches might be a better height for less folding, and to obtain the absolute most from cord size for tabletop electronic goods such as lamps.2.
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Be organized. Know about every important component, each phase of the way through the remodeling process. This will enable you to make sure that your contractors will all occur to the right nights for projects to keep advancing. This means that the building group won't need certainly to wait to put up the surfaces or ceiling.5, as soon as your electrician arrives at the right point, like. Place in a dormer to turn your attic into livable space. Because they build a dormer or two into the attic place, a properly constructed attic may receive sun light and additional elevation to create it a much more appealing area.
This could offer your home an entire new area like a home office, play area for the youngsters, or perhaps a guest bedroom.6. Measure everything. There is no such thing as guessing or "eyeballing" a rating as it pertains for the excellent home renovation. More often than not, you'll find that the way that something looked in a very large retailer is quite diverse than the way that it'll come in your home. You never wish to end up receiving akitchen island that will consume every square inch of floor-space, and dividends are costly and frustrating.