User talk:Ghghghgj

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Albert Einstein once said: "Two things are inntfiie: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." Never a truer word was said.Putting aside all of the scandal around data fixing there is no conclusive evidence to show that the planet is heating up any more than it would by natural means. Radiative Theory cannot explain why the temperature dropped between 1940-1980 or why the 1930 s were the warmest decade on record. There has been billions of tax dollars invested into the the  so called' global warming crisis thus paying for many scientists grants to study global warming  History tells us that sadly  big money' usually always distorts the beneficiaries AKA the scientists, the data and the results!Study the history books science has been wrong many times :b7 Brain power: Scientists at the Institute for Animal Health in Edinburgh secured a a3200,000 government grant to find out whether BSE has jumped the "species barrier" from cows into sheep. An inquiry is now under way after it was found that scientists had been mistakenly testing cattle brains instead of sheep brains for five years.b7 Scientific Watergate: The US National Institutes of Health investigatory panel found the immunologist Thereza Imanishi-Kari had fabricated data in a 1986 research paper authored with the Nobel prize winner David Baltimore. The findings claimed in the paper promised a breakthrough for genetic modification of the immune system.b7 Mein bumph: Oxbridge historian Hugh Trevor-Roper authenticated the Hitler Diaries, unveiled as an exclusive by the German-based Stern magazine. The diaries were later exposed as a hoax.b7 Cold Fusion: In 1989 chemists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman, of the University of Utah, claimed to have solved the world's energy problems by discovering cold fusion. However, no-one has since been able to replicate their findings of nuclear fusion in heavy water.b7 Hubble Space Telescope: Nasa scientists launched the Hubble telescope to create a lens 10 to 20 times more powerful than those based on earth. A gross design error in the main mirror was discovered immediately after launch in April 1990. Hundreds of millions of pounds were needed for the astronaut repair of the mirror.b7 N-rays: A French physicist, Rene9 Blondlot, claimed to have discovered a new type of radiation, shortly after Roentgen had discovered X-rays. American physicist Robert Wood, however, revealed that N-rays were little more than a delusion. Wood removed the prism from the N-ray detection device, without which the machine couldn't work. Yet, Blondlot's assistant still claimed he found N-rays.b7 Academic standards: Cyril Burt, the 1960s guru of British psychology, produced research into the intelligence of identical twins which, among other findings, led to the assertions that academic standards were falling. Years later the statistics were found to be "too perfect" and it was discovered the twins  and even the researcher alleged to have carried out the work  never existed.b7 Piltdown man: In 1913 an ape's jaw with a canine tooth worn down like a human's was uncovered at a site near Piltdown. British paleoanthropologists came to accept the idea that the fossil remains belonged to a single creature who had a human cranium and an ape's jaw  offering the missing link between apes and humans in the evolutionary chain. In 1953, Piltdown  man' was exposed as a forgery. The skull was modern and the teeth on the ape's jaw had been filed down.b7 Alchemy:  Sir Isaac Newton  the scientist who single-handedly created the foundations of modern day physics had a little known obsession with alchemy, and was convinced for much of his life that he would be able to change base metals into gold. Such a discovery would have helped with his later job as master of the mint, but never materialised.b7 Flat Earth:  even though Christopher Columbus gave flat earth theorists a reason to think twice, there are still flat earth societies where people propose (and prove) elaborate explanations for why the world actually is shaped like a pancake.
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Current revision as of 13:20, 3 March 2013

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