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== but also let you  blundering  .&rdquo ==
In the sale ofthe  total equity of  more than 3 years after  Chen Ping,,  do poineering work the two times  once again encountered the  situation  test  .Established by the  first targeted  e-commerce  express company  Star morning is urgent  ,overnight  was passed  national  dissolution  .<br>relationresultAs of press time yesterdaymorning  is urgent  ,a number of executive  mobile phone  no one answered  ,also  has not  released  any  official response  .  Daily economic news    reporter yesterday visited  (  micro-blog  )  star morning is urgent  in Beijing company  ,has already  gone  .<br>relationresultYesterdaymorning  ,sharp  was  joined to the    daily economic news    reporter said,  star morning is urgent  in November last year,  M & a  courier company  in  failure  ,may become  the  important  reason of  change  .<br>While frequent  finance fail  ,is  the direct cause of  the  change  .relationresultBeijing companyleft , relationresultOnline spread ofa  mobile phone  number  message  screenshots of  Chen Ping himself  ,the  star morning is urgent  &ldquo  ;&rdquo  overnight  collapse  ;the news quickly  spread  .<br>relationresultScreenshots oftext display:  &ldquo  ;the company  disbanded  ,Ali,  70000000  ,my 50000000  lost  all  .Now  about 20000000 customer  payment  franchisee  illegally  ,also cannot  return  .<br>More than 1400 employees , relationresult(more than two months without  pay  ,abercrombie france,I have  dissipate one  ) , relationresult&hellip;&hellip  ;&rdquo  ;short message receiving  time for the March 4th  17:37  .<br>relationresultIn this regard,  daily economic news    reporter yesterday  repeated telephone calls  ,SMS  Chen Ping and  the stars  will be anxious  President Chen Huixin  ,were not  answered  .On  the above situation,  Alibaba  announced  no comment  .<br>relationresultDaily economic news    reporter yesterday arrives  in Beijing City,  Changping District  pearl of the North Building  1 Building  5 Beijing  star morning is urgent  Day Day Express Ltd  ,according to the industrial and commercial  registration  information display  ,here for the  Beijing  star morning is urgent  the Changping  branch of the Advisory  ,legal representative of the  star morning is urgent  now  president  Chen Huixin  .<br>relationresultThecompany  closed the door  was locked  ,separated by a  glass door  ,the reporter saw  two  office has been  emptied  ,hall  ,tea table  ,sofa  ,desk  file  messy  ,glass  door  the door  even  scattered  recycling  scrap  business card  ,the scene  is a mess  .<br>relationresultInthe  glass door  is locked  while  posting  eye-catching  rent  arrears  notice  ,dated  January 18, 2012  .Visible  prior to this  ,Beijing  star morning is urgent  already  left  the company  .<br>relationresultAndfailure  in  running , relationresultYesterday,a  February just  quit  to join  in  to the    daily economic news    reporter said,  star morning is urgent  since last October  and  in  later  ,from second months  since the  hair does not give salary  ,so far  in  his  various amounts  to  ten yuan  .<br>Allegedly  ,hollister france,similar to  default to  join  a few  ,Gonzales has a strong historyThe treasury secretary earlier this week presented a proposal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" to congressional leaders by boosting revenues by 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars over the next decade.
The proposal included about 400 billion dollars in spending cuts on entitlement programs as well as new stimulus spending, which were brushed off by Republicans as "not serious.".relationresult&ldquo;star morning is urgent  came in and  everything went wrong  ,changes  in  management  ,blow  network  ,mandatory fees  .&rdquo  ;the  franchisee  openly  complained to reporters  his  reasons for leaving  ,although  has joined  in  5  ,6 years  ,but  in his opinion  ,it  could not keep up  ,he  is  to hold on to the last  to leave  .<br>He said  ,&ldquo  ;work inside  very uncomfortable  .&rdquo  ;relationresultIn his view,leading to the current  poor  situation  is an important reason why  the stars  will be anxious  in the  Bureau  ,and  in  between &ldquo  ;&rdquo  running  failure  ,especially  in financial matters  .<br>Disclose according to him  ,have the Spring Festival  period  and even happened  at dead of night  sneaking  up  from  &ldquo  ;&rdquo  ;things  ,this  money is  star morning is urgent  forced  each node  must  pay the money  in  ,after the merger of  all financial  return  star morning is urgent  management  .<br>relationresultThefranchisee  said  ,doudoune moncler,his  company  has been  in March 3rd  forced  out of business  ,he is every day  in the  morning  and  urgent  contact  ,abercrombie,no results  .While his company  most can only  support  a  week  ,if  there is no money coming in  ,can only wait for the government to  subsidize wages  ,then disbanded  staff  .<br>relationresultYesterday,a  star morning is urgent  now  departures  very  reluctantly told    daily economic news    reporter said  ,According to foreign reportsThe treasury secretary earlier this week presented a proposal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" to congressional leaders by boosting revenues by 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars over the next decade.
The proposal included about 400 billion dollars in spending cuts on entitlement programs as well as new stimulus spending, which were brushed off by Republicans as "not serious.",hollister,Chen Ping in the  implementation of the strategy  is a  problem  ,especially in  the use of personnel  ,to join the  confidence  has a negative effect on  .<br>&ldquo  ;this and Chen Ping  character  ,a decision  may be  adjusted 8 times  a year  .&rdquo  ;the former  executives say  .relationresultYesterday there werenews  ,a  decent man  to  present  in  assessment  ,considering whether  to buy  .<br>However  ,taking into account the  star morning is urgent  and  the  presence of  many  local  similarities  ,home delivery  does not intend to  M & a  star morning is urgent  .relationresultTheydefeated  investment  investment , relationresultExpress delivery industryin recent years  by  capital coveted  ,mainly because of  the rapid growth of  electronic  commerce market  .<br>Star morning is urgent  as the first  specifically for  electronic commerce  express company  ,capital  and pursued  by  .However  ,in many  industry insiders,  caused the  change  of  is investment  ,called &ldquo  ;also into  investment  ,,defeated  investment  .<br>&rdquo  ;relationresultTheseare joined to the    daily economic news    reporter said  ,&ldquo  ;no  investment  better,  investment talks  too frequently  ,the network  to  spread,  people  do  not  .<br>&rdquo  ;relationresultAccording to thefranchisee  description  ,since  star morning is urgent  in  white  later  ,got  a gang of  investor  ,but  keep looking  .Lead  daily  operation  cost to increase ceaselessly  ,got to the last  sent  this  breath  without  asthma to come over  ,management  is a  mess  .<br>relationresult&ldquo;capital  is the logistics of the  lover  ,make you happy,  but also let you  blundering  .&rdquo  ;China  chain management  union  yellow  Gangru  is evaluated  .relationresultHowever,even so  ,in the    daily economic news    reporter  multiple interviews  ,Chen Ping  &ldquo  ;cloud  express &rdquo  ;development thinking  has been  highly recognized  outside  .<br>Including the above  have  the  joined  very definitely  indicated to reporter  ,&ldquo  ,;Chen Ping  strategy is not the  problem  .&rdquo  ;relationresultReportedly,abercrombie france,Chen Ping  created &ldquo  ;cloud  &rdquo Express  ;logistics  model was born in  2010  January,  specializing in  e-commerce services  ,to achieve the  COD  (  total  net  payment collection  )  service  became the first domestic  ,in order to solve the  electronic commerce  open  payment service  demand caused by  industry to shake  .<br>Before this,  Jingdong  Mall  self-built  logistics  companies also have  this service  ,but  did not achieve the  national collection  .relationresultHowever,hollister,yesterday  news,  morning star  will be anxious  is not completely  closed  ,but the choice of  transition  ,only the air force aircraft round tripThe treasury secretary earlier this week presented a proposal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" to congressional leaders by boosting revenues by 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars over the next decade.
The proposal included about 400 billion dollars in spending cuts on entitlement programs as well as new stimulus spending, which were brushed off by Republicans as "not serious.".<br>From  the collection of  goods  for  regional  land  distribution business  .relationresult&ldquo;cloud  drift  may  express  ,must  fall to the ground  .&rdquo  ;Huang Gang  unscrambles &ldquo  ;star  of  &rdquo  ,franklin marshall;that,abercrombie,  in his opinion  ,joined the  type  has become history  ,to be unable to ensure the  operation and  brand  .<br>The analysis thinks  ,if  star morning is urgent  choice in transition  ,the main reason may lie in the  franchise  mode  management  difficult,  service standards  it is difficult reunification  ,as a result of  mismanagement  may  will  leave  .<br>relationresultDisclaimer: This articlerepresents  author individual viewpoint  ,and  the  network has nothing to do  .As well as its original  text  presentation and content of the text without  the site confirmed  ,to this article as well as  all or part of the contents of  the text  ,the authenticity  ,integrity  ,timeliness of this  station  does not make any  guarantee or promise,  please  the reader is only  for reference  ,and please to verify the content  .<br>

Revision as of 17:56, 3 December 2012

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