Talk:Cell BE programming wiki

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說道:Hello Kenming:  我是你網站的常客,而且我還是你台北工專的校友,看到你一篇篇對於軟體獨特的見解與分享, 內心感到佩服! 其實SubVersion獨立使用還是無法解決軟體開發協同作業的問題, 因為軟體工程中的建構管理並不只包含Source Code的版本控管, 還必須包含Change tiakcrng,Requirement tiakcrng,Bug Tracking, 而這些都必需與軟體的Source Code 做Association 才有辦法做到Trace ability, 也許這些你都已經知道了, 因為你介紹SubVersion,所以順便分享一下SubVersion的使用經驗.     CodeBeamer 已經內含SubVersion Server, 而且可以輕易達到上面我所說的功能, 如果有興趣歡迎你來我網站註冊有完整功能的測試版可下載,還有提供CodeBeamer+SubVersion的實務中文手冊. PS. 報歉用你的Blog打一下知名度:-)M.Y.
Hi Sedabi, I appreciate the fabeedck!Regarding FRAPS and the high FPS (more than 60), I believe I have a solution to the problem. The DirectX rendering logic I had in previously was lazy and rendering in all available idle GPU time. I have a change checked in that will get I'll be releasing soon.I do not know if or when I will add any features that take advantage of the processor speed setting that was on the latest versions of FreeDO. I haven't looked into the details of how I should add the feature. But, I can at least let you know that I know the feature you're referring to.I have looked into doing 640 480 rendering before, but this performs poorly. This is another feature I'm not yet sure how to work into 4DO. This is due to  software rendering  being slow. I suspect I will probably not add this feature. Ultimately, I hope that Altmer completes a prototype with hardware-accelerated graphics and someday chooses to share it with me.

Revision as of 05:59, 12 September 2012

Hi Sedabi, I appreciate the fabeedck!Regarding FRAPS and the high FPS (more than 60), I believe I have a solution to the problem. The DirectX rendering logic I had in previously was lazy and rendering in all available idle GPU time. I have a change checked in that will get I'll be releasing soon.I do not know if or when I will add any features that take advantage of the processor speed setting that was on the latest versions of FreeDO. I haven't looked into the details of how I should add the feature. But, I can at least let you know that I know the feature you're referring to.I have looked into doing 640 480 rendering before, but this performs poorly. This is another feature I'm not yet sure how to work into 4DO. This is due to software rendering being slow. I suspect I will probably not add this feature. Ultimately, I hope that Altmer completes a prototype with hardware-accelerated graphics and someday chooses to share it with me.

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