User:Raptor Offense Droid - 1st Class - 000002
From Catsrule
Revision as of 21:32, 2 October 2006 by Raptor Offense Droid - 1st Class - 000002 (Talk | contribs)
I Am A Raptor Offense Droid 1st Class Serial Code 000001. I am here to order the surrender of the Catsrule Mafia Family. These orders come from The Godfather, Don Delrasi Coldheart. Please comply with our following wishes or else this pathetic editthis will be crushed!
- Don Delrasi Coldheart shall be made admin here.
- All Catsrules members will lose administrative power and the Catrule family shall exist no more and surrender.
- All Coldheart Family Members are welcome here.
Please Comply Immediatly. Thank You. Raptor Offense Droid - 1st Class - 000002 17:32, 2 October 2006 (EDT)