Declaration of War on Coldheart family

From Catsrule

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Current revision as of 23:46, 2 October 2006

The hunt... is on...

As of today, the Cat Mafia (from now on known as "Cats") has declared inter-wiki war on the Insider Society and the Coldheart Family. We are willing to discuss terms and negotiate, but are not afraid to get our paws bloody if the time comes.

We recommend that the Insider Society and the Coldheart family submit to our furry rule. Casualties will be minimal, and you will learn to love us. Failure to comply with our demands dictates that the Insider Society and the Coldheart family has also declared war upon us Cats, and that no quarter will be given.

List of Demands

We laugh at ur weak attempts 2 resist our furry might!!!
  1. Plz to be taking us srs as cats = srs business. Srsly.
  2. Plz to be giving us sysop and bureaucrat on ur wiki.
  3. Plz to be making with the chicken cacciatore and catnip.
  4. Also, plz to be having one of those tall things for climbing on installed.

State of Internets War

  • Cats Rule Secret Internets Mafia decided to have a war. Everybody got sysop.
  • Lots of pictures of cats were uploaded.
  • Eventually the Coldheart/Insider Internet Mafia circlejerk was notified of said war.
  • Don Delrasi Coldheart made a bunch of accounts pretending at various times to be a weeaboo, a cat, the GNAA, bots, and a human being.
  • The Cats Rule Secret Internet Mafia decided that Don Delrasi Coldheart can have sysop if he vandalizes his own wiki.
  • Everybody thought pizza might be nice.
  • The secret internets mafia war had to be temporarily suspended because Don spends too much time playing wiki war and not enough time doing his homework and got grounded. Moar secret war will happen when Don's grandma gets him ungrounded.
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