Lucifer McGee

From Canonwars


Lucifer McGee is a constructed clone of all the angelic aspects of the devil. "McGee" is the name of his adoptive family, not the surname chosen by those who created him. For some reason, they weren't fond of the name "Lucifer Godsbane." Crazy. Lucifer trained as a chef at Clone University in Bethlehem, Florida, despite being "angelic." Lucifer has various abilities that have nothing to do with chefery; it's why he chose it as a career. Instilled in his very essence (he hesitates to use the word soul, for obvious reasons) is a tendency towards rebellion. He's aware of this, and tries to remain good because of it. He's not about to let his DNA tell him who he is. Thus, while he could do something relating to his control of light, his ability to persuade (tempt), his impressive wingspan, he instead cooks.

Lesser known "abilities" include his inability to consciously break a contract (in word, if not in spirit) and the fact that he has the alcohol tolerance of someone an eighth his size.

Fall From Grace

He's opened a restaurant since arriving: the Fourth Wall. Its main claim to fame is that, provided it's possible (that is, not requiring ingredients that are illegal or don't exist on this world) Lucifer is willing to make any dish from anyone's native realm.

Lucifer's girlfriend Justice is marked by her tolerance of his various insanities. She's about the only person in his life still around; he hasn't seen Mary or Maggie in quite some time. Apparently it's somewhat common, though it does concern him somewhat.

Lucifer McGee is played by Jack Ichijouji and is copyright Jack Ichijouji and God, 4004 BC, All Rights Reserved. He can be found at morningbringer.

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