
From Canonwars

In the World

Ax is an Andalite, an alien of a vaguely centaurish design with four eyes and a long, bladed tail. Apparently he's assimilated by the One and subsequently destroyed by his leader, Prince Jake--he's surprised by this, as his last memory is of nearly dying from the yamphut and having a Yeerk in his brain. An unpleasant experience, to be sure.

In This World

On the island, his default form is human. "Default" as he has the ability to change it to any creature he touches ("acquires") for up to two hours at a time. Any longer and he'll be trapped. He can morph back into his Andalite form, but must return to human if he wants to maintain his ability to morph and to not scare the everloving crap out of people. He works at the Radio Shack in the mall, and occasionally frightens people in the foodcourt. (Andalites have no natural sense of taste; as a human, he tends to go a bit overboard).

Ax is played by Jack Ichijouji and can be found at cincincinnamon.

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