Raito Yagami

From Canonwars

Yagami Raito (28 February 1986) is a character from the Death Note manga. In the manga, Raito serves as both the protagonist and antagonist. The majority of the story is written from his perspective and displays his thought process as he goes through the creation of a God—himself—and manages to take over a world wrought with violence and unhappiness. Raito believes in the dream of a utopia and honestly believes he can achieve if it he puts in as much effort as he can possibly manage.

In terms of personality, the twenty-two year old (he comes from the future) is a sociopath. He does not care about others and they are all tools for his dream. He’s probably convinced that he does, in fact, have a heart, but that’s not the truth.




Perhaps Raito was meant to pick up the Death Note that one day when he was leaving from school, but unlike a multitude of other individuals, he was bored with the world—and he already had a superiority complex. The son of the chief of the Japanese police, he was involved with a number of investigtions prior to acquiring the Death Note, and thus, a well-known genius and problem-solver. He was praised and he knew who he was—he had the ability to take the world in his hands and he had every inclination to do so.

And then he found the note.

It was this Note that inevitably changed Raito’s life. Within a few days of having it, he decided he had the ability to create a new world. Without hesitation, he moved with his plans to create his new world, but these plans were put at a standstill when an individual by the name of L tried to bring him down.

In the end, it wasn’t L who brought down Raito, but Mello and Near, L’s followers.

In Purgatory

Raito arrived received his journal from L. He arrived soon after his death, but quickly put plans into motion about his recovery of his Death Note, as well as his relationship with L. He currently works as L’s “Watari”—meaning, he works as his messenger, acquiring him food and other useful information.

Aside from this role, Raito has decided to demonstrate how easily chaos can be executed in order to weaken the state of the government. Raito is slowly acquiring allies to help him in this, including Touka/Boogiepop as one of his allies. He is also making L think that he's trying to manipulate him in this process to throw him off the scent. If it appears that Raito needs control over L, he believes he can pursue other things. For the most part, he's ignoring the existence of Near and Mello. That's much easier, after all.

Player Information

Raito is played by Alison at forutopia.

External Information

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