Trisana Chandler

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In Emelan

In her home world, Tris is possibly one of the most respected and/or feared mages who deal with the weather. Her magic is different from the "traditional" academic magic, where one points and says a few words and gets results. Instead, it works itself through the weather, and that includes quakes, tides, and even lava. She is one of a group of four mages who all but rewrote the rules of magic, each having a different form of magic and all four being connected.

In This World

In Purgatory, Tris retains roughly the same appearance she had in Emelan- red hair, grey eyes, pale skin, heavy build- but she has somehow managed to lose her glasses. She is always accompanied by Chime, a small, cat-sized dragon that is made out of glass.

Tris is played by Masheli and can be found at wilderthanwind

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