From Canonwars
Meg is short for Megan, although Meg will answer to almost anything shouted in her general direction. She's one of the newest additions to the band of players, and currently obsessively playing about with the purgapedia. She's easily amused, though, so it's not all that surprising.
Personality-wise, Meg is told she's cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and too nice for her own good. She's also sugar high 94% of the time, so...yeah. She's currently on the one-week probation until she's able to grab another character (which she gleefully anticipates!).
Er. She was born on the ides of March, is mostly Italian, terribly nearsighted (hello there glasses!) and currently in her senior year of high school. She enjoys kitties, pillows, naps, ice cream, and skirts. Also, going barefoot. Because shoes suck and take too much time to put on.
Poke her and she'd be more than happy to play with you sometime!
Email: forever3330[at]
AIM: reishiblonde.
YIM: kasumichan21.
MSN: etheshi[at]
Livejournal: forever3330.
Meg is the player for:
Anna Kyoyama (Shaman King) Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)