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Kairi is one of the main characters in Kingdom Hearts 1&2. Her best friends include Sora and Riku. She'd do just about anything for these two boys. THIS PAGE IS IN THE WORKS.




Kairi loves boys. =3

In Purgatory

When Kairi first arrived at Purgatory, she was confused, scared, and alone once again. The two people who she'd always turn to for her problems were no where to be found. Infact, nobody familiar was around. It seemed, however, that many people were in the same place she was.

Kairi never used the journals much. Goofy was around but the two never communicated much. Finally, when Kairi decided to trim her hair short again and posted and entry about it, two comments were made on her entry. It was enough to make her cry from excitement. Sora and Riku had finally made it to Purgatory. They made a race to see who could find Kairi first.

They gathered together at a local Denny's, because that seemed to be the cool place where everyone who arrived on the island had met up, and upon entering Kairi found Roxas, Sora's nobody. Immediately Riku and Roxas bumped heads-- she never knew why and still doesn't, but tries her best to keep the two of them from fighting. Naturally, Sora and Riku came to move in with her, who at the time, was working at a little cafe. Sora insisted on having tons of plants and hammocks everywhere.

For awhile, Roxas lived with them, but soon after he went to go live with Axel down the hall.

After an "earthquake" by Fuuma, a lot of things were damaged in the city. That didn't matter to Kairi, though. Sora wasn't anywhere to be found. She really hated when he tried to play hero, but hated even more when Riku was over protective of her. He refused to let her help find him. With a little persuading from Roxas, the trio were off to find Sora, who was collapsed under some building pieces.

A few months went by while Sora healed up and nothing seemed to happen. It wasn't until the three decided to have a truth or dare party when things began to really happen. A lot of people Kairi didn't even know were invited-- one of which was Rock Howard. The punch was spiked, sparks flew, and Rock and Kairi began dating.

Player Information

Kairi is portrayed by Aya Ueto Her journal is alwayswait. She's played by Brit

External Information


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