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Name: Sumomo
Aka: Plum (if you go by the English version)
Journal: tambourinetwirl
Origin: Chobits
Image Color: Pink
Designation: Persocon
PB: Ive Lai Wei Ru
Player: Shiro

History (manga)

Sumomo was one of many laptop-model Persocons created for the masses - small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, literally. She was customized by her owner, a college student named Shinbo, and served primarily to help him perform internet searches, maintain a daily schedule, and do other such computery things while looking insanely cute in the process. Anyway. Shinbo's friend Hideki stumbles on a Persocon named Chii in a trashheap one day, and Shinbo winds up helping the poor guy deal with his newfound Persocon. His main way of doing this? Loan Sumomo to Hideki for a while. This resulted in much hilarity around the apartment, blah blah persocon prototype, blah blah Chii's special person, blah blah Chii acting like a lesbian with her dead persocon sister that only she can see... Sumomo helped out around the apartment, and since the entire story revolved around Chii and her lesbian sister persocon, Sumomo technically didn't serve a role of great importance. But at least she kept Hideki and Chii in shape by waking them up at ungodly hours to exercise :D? I swear, that's about the extent of the supposed plot of Chobits. Lesbian computers and books with strange little rabbit things.

In Purgatory

Sumomo appeared on a random rooftop in Purgatory and proceeded to get everyone within earshot to start exercising. After a decent amount of searching, during which she was nearly squished by more animals/people/cars than you can count, her current Master, Hideki Motosuwa appeared in Purgatory, as well as fellow persocon Chii. Since then, Sumomo's been staying with the two of them, like usual, while randomly popping up in various places across the island.

More recently, she joined Billy Numerous, Terashima Nobuo and Yamato Ishida to form an as-yet-unnamed band. Sumomo plays drums, thanks to downloading and installing some (pirated) software from the 'net.

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