Anna Kyoyama

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Revision as of 16:13, 18 January 2007 by Meg (Talk | contribs)
Anna Kyoyama is a character in Hiroyuki Takei's anime/manga series Shaman King. She is widely known for being the tough, dominating fiance of one Yoh Asakura--the main character of the series. Anna is an itako, and won't let anyone walk all over her. Ever. Despite being only thirteen years old.




Anna is the thirteen-year-old dominatrix of the Shaman King series. No, seriously. She pwns each and every character (minus Hao sometimes, but he's a godplayer so WHATEVER) at some point in the series and everyone is scared shitless of her, except later because Yoh thinks she isn't scary and so they're all LOLALRIGHT!!! She is not entirely pleased by the loss of some of the fear and the new LOLWELOVEYOUANNA that sometimes pops up. It's weird and freaky and irritating!

She was abandoned when she was very young because of her spiritual abilities, but was adopted by Yoh's grandmother (Kino Asakura) and trained to be an Itako.

Before meeting Yoh, Anna's mind reading power known as reishi (soul sight) was one that she could not fully control. She couldn't help but pick up the negative emotions of others every time she was around other people; because of this, she began to hate others, and this hatred would involuntarily manifest itself as an Oni (demonic ogres, akin to boogeyman in Western cultures). Thus she tried to avoid going out as much as possible, usually confining herself to her room.

Yoh & Anna met when they were ten at Mt. Osore. Anna proceeded to scare the living hell out of Yoh (she's just a naturally frightening person)--on the way home, however, he ran in an Oni, which would have killed him, had Matamune not intervened.

Yoh eventually learned that Anna doesn't release the Oni intentionally; it comes out of its own will. Anna seems to have gotten used to the Oni, saying that it won't return unless it destroys something. The second time that the oni came out in front of Yoh, it was an Oni which was bigger than the pervious oni, it was now called the Naka-Oni. Yoh tried to fight the Naka-Oni just to protect the people from destruction; Anna, seeing Yoh's determination, was able to sub-consciously call back the oni. Yoh's like that--he can get people to do things. :D

The worst arrives then when they were at the temple. When Matamune arrived to check up on Yoh and Anna, he sees the Naka-Oni out once again. He knocked it down and went to Yoh who was supporting Anna who seemed to have a hard time breathing because of the Oni using too much power. Since they were at the temple, a lot of people visited, therefore, Anna couldn't control her power to read other peoples thoughts *especially* during the new year, when they speak their thoughts out loudly to make a new year's wish. The demon eventually grew into an Oh-Oni by absorbing the power of the near by Onis.

This Oni could now talk and it was unique since Oni's can't talk and they know only destruction. In order to have more power, the Oh-Oni kidnapped Anna and took her to Mount Osore to help it absorb the power of the lurking spirits. Yoh and Matamune realized that there are a lot of spirits in Mount Osorezan, if the Oh-Oni used Anna's power there, she would die of exhaustion or absence of Furyoku.

Upon arriving at Mount Osore, the Oh-Oni grew into a Powered Up Oh-Oni; he seemed to have Anna go under a trance after using her to absorb power. Yoh decided that this had to end once and for all, so using Matamune's necklace as a medium, Matamune was sacrificed and he became a sword (slightly similar to the final form of the merged Harusame and Futsonomitama). Yoh was able to beat the Oh-Oni easier when Anna was able to overcome it.

They were able to beat the Oni and Anna was free from the curse; unfortunately, Matamune was gone and the only thing remaining was a necklace with three black claws. Anna then grew to love Yoh because he was able to free her from the darkness that haunted her everyday. From there on, she constantly trained him to become a better and stronger shaman as a gratitude, and almost never gave him any reprieve. From the corpse of the Oh-Oni, Anna's main weapon the 1080 beads was forged by Asakura Kino.

Anna first shows up in the series after Yoh is pwned by Ren, and she comes to train him (and scares everyone he knows, including ghosts, in the process). While she does this, she lets it be known she's been stalking him through the spirits he talks to (to make certain he's on track) because...SHE'S HIS FIANCE. MUWAHAHA. Through an arranged marriage, but his fiance all the same--and she uses her position and nature to scare everyone shitless and gets them all working for her...while she sits there watching soaps.

She supported Yoh throughout the series (though her techniques of support made others think she wanted to kill him, basically) and does love him. In her own special way.

Anna is a very talented Itako--like all Shamans, she can see and talk to the dead. Her own powers are: to summon a spirit anytime, anywhere, so long as she knows a little about the person, to integrate the spirit into the body of a willing shaman, to control shikigami (she even controlled Hao's at one point in time), Reishi--to read into the hearts and minds of others (although she never does this).

Anna is also physically very strong, something that most people do not suspect from her appearance. She has demonstrated several times that she is not afraid to use her fists to subdue anyone, making her "right hand slap" and "phantom left hand slap (or "legendary left", so called when someone is foolish enough to think they have subdued Anna by stopping her right hand and the person is completely caught off guard by the left hand's unusually strong slap {That is what Anna did to Asakura Hao} ) somewhat infamous among Anna's group of friends, especially Manta (Morty) and Tamao (Tamara).

In Purgatory

So far, Anna has popped up, scared a salesman into giving her a haunted house at a very, very reasonable price (only not so much because it was super cheap) and begun 'research' into her fandom. This mostly means complaining about what perverts this world has ( and studying her anime so she can see where Yoh needs to improve and increase his training accordingly. She's hiring herself out as an exorcist atm, and will most likely stop working the instant someone from her world pops up. Because forcing other people to take care of her? One of Anna's strong points.

She's more or less not freaked out by the imaginary girl thing, and is mostly just irritated Yoh isn't around to do everything for her. Although she did buy herself a miniture-Yoh keychain. Idiot.

Important People

From Home

Faust VIII

At Purgatory

Player Information

Anna is played by Meg at reishiblonde.

External Information

Anna's PB Kadsuki at Anna Kyoyama at

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