Hideki Motosuwa

From Canonwars

Revision as of 04:00, 16 November 2006 by Jack Ichijouji (Talk | contribs)
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The East

Hideki found a beautiful naked sentient girl-shaped computer in the garbage. He had no idea that he would name the computer Chii, fall in love with her, and through his love initialize a program forever changing the world in which he lived. He probably would have done it anyway, though.

The West

Hideki currently lives with Chii in a small apartment overlooking nothing. Come January he'll be enrolled at the college in Purgatory; right now he's doing the best he can with the government stipend and his job as a waiter at the Fourth Wall. He owns a slightly out-of-date computer (which isn't very difficult, as the average age from prototype to obsolescence is about two and a half weeks). Though Chii is, in theory, a computer, it hardly occurs to him to use her as one. And though he has another persocom in the form of Sumomo, attempting to use her to get anything done would be utterly laughable.

Jack Ichijouji plays Hideki. weirdfarmboy is where he lays his head. So to speak.

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